The following settings are available in this menu:
ISL Light
- ISL Light (Disabling this option will prevent the user(s) from starting any remote support sessions or connecting to unattended computers. The user(s) will also be unable to view the "Remote Support" tab on webpages)
- ISL Light valid after (use a time stamp value in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
- ISL Light valid before (use a time stamp value in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
- Show operator's information to remote user (This setting exposes the operator's information to the remote side while joining a session. The following values can be set: "username", "fullname", "email" or "none")
- Send combined HTTP events interval (in seconds) (Set the interval (in seconds) for sending combined queued HTTP events. Setting this value to 0 will disable combining HTTP events and they will be sent without queuing. The maximum value is 300 seconds)
- Aggregated session statistics interval (in seconds) (Set the minimum interval (in seconds) for generating logs that include aggregated session connection statistics, such as usage time and data transfer amounts for each connection type (mux/STUN/TURN). The minimum value is 30 seconds)
Note: If ISL Light Desk is trying to obtain a code outside of the limits specified above or if a session is active and the time limit is reached, an error message is shown.
IP Filtering
- Desk code request IP filter (Limits session code generation based on IP or MAC address. For a detailed guide on how to use filters please see the Using Filters manual)
Session Management
Scheduled sessions (in UTC) (This setting specifies the days of the week and times when the user is allowed to start a session. Outside of the schedule, new sessions will be rejected.
The time schedule can be set for individual days of the week (1=10:00-14:00, 4=15:00-17:00) or for a range of days (5-7=11:00-12:00). Please note that day 1 is Sunday and day 7 is Saturday. For each day, multiple schedules can be specified with different time ranges (00:00-24:00) in UTC time standard.
When the setting is in the wrong format, all new connections to remote computers will be rejected and an error log will be appended to the server log file.
For more details and examples, please refer to the manual.) - End active sessions at the scheduled end time (When this setting is enabled, existing sessions will be ended when the end time for scheduled sessions is reached. When this setting is disabled, the user is allowed to continue with any active sessions when the end time for scheduled sessions is reached.)
Maximum session duration (time limit in seconds) (Set the time limit (in seconds) after which an ISL Light session will be ended. If this setting is left empty, no time limit is set.)
- Timeout to terminate the disconnected session (time limit in seconds) (Set the time limit (in seconds) after which the session is automatically terminated when disconnected from the server (no endpoint is connected to the server). The minimum value is 60 seconds)
ICE Management (direct connection)
- Allow the use of ICE infrastructure (Allow the use of ICE infrastructure to establish direct connection.)
ICE connection factor (Adjust the connection factor to control the prioritization of using direct connections in ISL Light. The ICE connection quality score is calculated using a linear function: f(connection ping time) = -1 * (connection ping time) * (connection factor) + (connection boost)
The quality (connection ping time) is multiplied by this value, and the resulting ICE quality connection score determines how direct connections are prioritized over connection via the GRID. If the calculated ICE connection quality score is higher than the connection quality score via GRID (based on connection factor and connection boost), ISL Light will prioritize direct connections over connection via the GRID for improved performance.) - ICE connection boost (Define the connection boost applied to the connection quality score. The ICE connection quality score is calculated using a linear function: f(connection ping time) = -1 * (connection ping time) * (connection factor) + (connection boost). The connection boost is added to calculate the ICE connection quality score.)
Invite an operator
- Skip login authentication (guest operator) (When this setting is enabled, operators are allowed to invite guest operators (without a user account) into their ISL Light sessions)
Note: This option is only available for sessions that you own.
Remote Desktop
View Remote Desktop (When this setting is enabled, the operator can view the remote desktop (client). When the setting is disabled, the connection to the remote computer can be established, but the operator won't be able to see the remote desktop)
View Remote Desktop (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows)
- View Remote Desktop (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
View Remote Desktop (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows)
Control Remote Desktop (When this setting is enabled, the operator can control the remote desktop (client). When the setting is disabled, the operator will be able to see the remote desktop, but won't be able to control it)
Control Remote Desktop (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- Control Remote Desktop (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
Control Remote Desktop (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
Share My Screen (When this setting is enabled, the operator can share his screen to the remote computer (client). When the setting is disabled, the connection to the remote computer (client) can still be established, but the operator will be unable to share their screen with the client)
Share my Screen (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- Share my Screen (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
Share my Screen (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
Control My Screen (When this setting is enabled, the remote computer (client) can control the operator's computer. If the setting is disabled, the client will enter the session in whiteboard mode. This will allow them to see your desktop (if the "Share My Screen" setting is enabled), but they won't be able to control it. In order for the client to control your computer, the client will need to request permission and the local (operator) side will have to grant it)
Control My Screen (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- Control My Screen (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
Control My Screen (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
Clipboard (This setting enables clipboard sharing between the local and remote computers. The operator can utilize the Copy (Ctrl-C) command on the remote computer and Paste (Ctrl-V) it on the local computer or vice versa. This eliminates the need to send snippets of text via the text chat, or any other means of communication to the remote desktop (client))
- Clipboard (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- Clipboard (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
Recording (When this setting is enabled the operator is able to record sessions. When this setting is disabled the operator is unable record sessions.)
- Allow operator to record sessions (This setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux).)
Send Files (If this setting is disabled, the operator won't be able to send any files to the remote computer (client). The operator will still be able to receive files (if the "Receive Files" setting is enabled))
- Send Files (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- Send Files (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
Receive Files (If this setting is disabled, the operator won't be able to receive any files from the remote computer (client). The operator will still be able to send files (if the "Send Files" setting is enabled))
- Receive Files (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- Receive Files (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
File Manager (Enabling this setting allows the operator to use the File Manager functionality. Please note that when this setting is disabled, file transfer can still be performed unless the "Send Files" and "Receive Files" settings are also disabled)
- File Manager (v1) (Version 1 of this setting applies to ISL Light Desk 3 (Windows) and ISL Light Client 3 (Windows))
- File Manager (v2) (Version 2 of this setting applies to ISL Light 4 (Windows, macOS, Linux) and ISL Light Client 4 (macOS and Linux))
Enable Jumpbox functionality (This setting enables the possibility to include tunnel endpoints, other than localhost, on either the operator side or the client side. The setting also requires the "Enable operator-side tunnel creation" setting to be enabled (the "Enable client - side tunnel creation" setting should also be enabled if using a reverse Jumpbox tunnel). Read more about Jumpbox functionality here)
Enable client-side tunnel creation (This setting enables the client to create tunnels to the operator side. Please note that when this setting is disabled, tunnels can still be created from the operator to the client unless the "Enable operator-side tunnel creation" setting is also disabled)
Enable operator-side tunnel creation (This setting enables the operator to create tunnels to the client side. Please note that when this setting is disabled, tunnels can still be created from the client to the operator unless the "Enable client - side tunnel creation" setting is also disabled)
Desktop Plugin (This setting controls the desktop plugin. Please note that this setting is deprecated and only affects ISL Light Desk (on Windows) and ISL Light Client (on Windows). Please use ISL Light Permissions instead)
File transfer plugin (This setting controls the file_transfer plugin. Please note that this setting is deprecated and only affects ISL Light Desk (on Windows) and ISL Light Client (on Windows). Please use ISL Light Permissions instead)
Video plugin (This setting controls the video plugin. Please note that this setting is deprecated and only affects ISL Light Desk (on Windows) and ISL Light Client (on Windows))
Audio plugin (This setting controls the audio plugin. Please note that this setting is deprecated and only affects ISL Light Desk (on Windows) and ISL Light Client (on Windows))
Printing plugin (This setting controls the printing plugin. Please note that this setting is deprecated and only affects ISL Light Desk (on Windows) and ISL Light Client (on Windows))
Recording plugin (This setting controls the recording plugin. Please note that this setting is deprecated and only affects ISL Light Desk (on Windows) and ISL Light Client (on Windows))
- Allow termination of sessions from the desk (enable this option to enable ISL Light versions prior to 3.1.1 to terminate a random session when the concurrent limit has been reached)
- Send network interface list (enable this option to send a list of network interfaces upon connecting)
- Send chat transcripts after the session (set this option to Yes if you want chat contents to be saved in the session history)
- Send live chat transcripts (when enabled, chat messages from an ISL Light session started from within ISL Pronto will be added to that ISL Pronto chat as comments)
- Send live audit event level from ISL Light (When set to "Audit level basic" or "Audit level detailed", ISL Conference Proxy will read audit events from ISL Light operator side and log them with "debug" level with "[ISL Light] Audit messages from client" logsubsystem)
- Recording session template (use this to enable server-side session recording and set the naming of the recordings - refer to this topic for more information)
- Global message file (use this option to specify a file that contains a global definition of messages - it will be applied to all ISL Conference Proxy users and cannot be overridden in lower-level settings, e.g. domains or users)
- Message (use this option for specifying an inline definition of messages)
- Message file (use this option to specify a file that contains a definition of messages)
- Desk dialog (use this option for specifying an inline definition of ISL Light Desk's end-of-session dialog - it must be a single line)
- Desk dialog file (use this option for specifying a file that contains a definition of ISL Light Desk's end-of-session dialog)
- Desk runtime dialog packets (advanced option for specifying dialog definitions to be shown while a session is in progress)
- Client dialog (use this option for specifying an inline definition of ISL Light Client's end-of-session dialog - it must be a single line)
- Client dialog file (use this option for specifying a file that contains a definition of ISL Light Client's end-of-session dialog)
Important: Only an end-of-session dialog can be specified using these four dialog options. To use other types of session dialogs, you need to create customization. Please refer to the ISL Light manual for more information on using session dialogs.
- Client runtime dialog packets (advanced option for specifying dialog definitions to be shown while a session is in progress)
- Desk user to Client IP filter (use this option to limit the IPs which are allowed to connect into sessions generated by supporters)
- Program version filter (Use this option to limit usage based on program version)
- Generate short codes (legacy option to enable the generation of short(er) session codes, it should not be used on new production systems)
- Maximum new sessions per IP in 10 seconds (allows you to specify the number of new sessions made per IP address every 10 seconds)
- WebAPI poll minimum interval in ms (define the minimum interval in (ms) for the WebAPI poll)
- WebAPI poll maximum interval in ms (define the maximum interval in (ms) for the WebAPI poll)
- WebAPI poll CPU load exponent in ms (define the CPU load exponent in (ms) for the WebAPI poll)
- Custom join page link (use this option to specify a custom join page link that will be used within instructions on user web pages)
- RPC port for ISL Light 2 (this setting is provided for backward compatibility - use it to set the port that is used by ISL Light version 2)
- Enable search on user web pages (use this option to enable the user to search on user web pages)
- Close session after the session has been half-connected for (1d 2h 3m 4s): (this setting closes the half-connected sessions if the sessions have been half-connected for longer than set time period. Half connected sessions are sessions with only client or desk in session)
- Save transfer information interval (advanced option for specifying the interval for saving ISL Light session statistics such as connection time and transferred bytes to database)
- Save transfer information full flush (advanced option for specifying whether the save should also update the heartbeat and the total connection time in the database)
- Automatically update database (this is an internal parameter and it should not be changed)
- Use TCP no delay (this setting controls TCP packet batching - if set to Yes, the batching is enabled; if set to No, it is disabled)
- Mail template for session code (change the default template for session invitation email)
- Mail template for session end notification (change the default template for the end of session notification box that appears when you end an ISL Light connection)
- Mail template for session transfer (change the default template for session transfer email, when inviting another supporter to take over)
- Mail template to attach to running session (change the default template for invite user (operator) email, when inviting another user to an active session)
- Stop session if features are unknown (Decide if the session should be stopped if older client connect, which does not support all the features)
- Android intent package in join session (Set this setting to specify the ISL Light mobile application ID in the Android intent. This is used if you are using a custom APK of ISL Light to allow the Android to launch the correct application)