Set Unattended Access via Code


Video Tutorial



User Manual

Step 1

Click "Set Unattended Access" from the "+" button dropdown.


Step 2

Click the "Session Code" radio button.


Step 3

Copy the access code - permanent granted access code. 


Step 4 (Remote Computer)

On the remote machine type the code at or and click "Join" button. 


Step 5 (Remote Computer)

Click the "Run" button to run ISL AlwaysOn which was downloaded automatically.

Note: The browser detects the computer's operating system and downloads the corresponding executable.


Step 6 (Remote Computer)

Click the "Next" button.


Step 7 (Remote Computer)

Click the "Finish" button.


Step 8 (Remote Computer)


Review the information and click the "Grant Access" button.

Note: If this is the first time the ISL AlwaysOn is being installed on this computer then you will be asked to come up with the Access Password for the computer as well. Access password has to be entered whenever you want to establish a connection to the unattended computer.


Step 9


The computer is available for connection. 

Note: Consider renaming the new computer so it is easier to find it next time e.g. Jim's Computer.


Related Articles:

Add this Computer

Set Unattended Access via Email

Set Unattended Access via Code

Connect to Unattended Computer

Connect Options

Tags: unattended access, via code, code, add computer

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