

This menu entry includes two options: "Create new customization" and "Show deleted" together with a list of existing customization (if any) with the following columns:

  • Name (name that was assigned to this customization)
  • Default for domains (indicates whether this customization is set as a default customization for one or more domains)
  • Default for users (indicates whether this customization is set as a default customization for one or more users)

Please refer to the appropriate section for your use case:

Show deleted (Restore deleted customization)

Clicking on the "Show deleted" option will show the list of deleted customizations which have not yet been permanently removed. Such customizations were marked for deletion, for all intents and purposes they are treated as deleted, however there is a grace period during which they can be restored. Select the customization you wish to restore and click the "Undelete selected" button to undelete them.

Setting "Keep deleted data available for undelete" controls the length of the grace period and is located under the Deleted data settings section.

Create new customization

When you click Create new customization or you click on an existing customization's name, you are presented with a new page.

Note: The amount of options depends on versions of programs that are installed on your ISL Conference Proxy. Your list of options may differ from the list in this manual. Use this list as a general reference and refer to the right column (Applies to) to see which programs are affected by which setting.

The following options are available, once you click the Create new customization button, or when you decide to edit an existing customization:

  • Show expert settings (if you select this checkbox, you are presented with more settings - see below for a list of expert settings)
  • Customization name (allows you to change a name that was assigned to this customization - a random string is a starting value for a new customization)
  • Use customization by default (if enabled, this customization will be set as default on the server)

ISL Light/Client/Desk

  • Logo image (upload a logo image that will be shown in ISL Light, ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client)
  • Client custom command line (specify simple or complex command line arguments for ISL Light Client)
  • Client dialog INI file (upload a file for session dialogs that applies to ISL Light Client)
  • Icon for ISL Light Client (PNG) (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL Light Client icon)
  • Desk custom command line (allows you to set a custom command line for when running ISL Light Desk)
  • Desk dialog INI file (upload a file for session dialogs that applies to ISL Light Desk, ISL Light and ISL Light Client)
  • Icon for ISL Light Desk (PNG) (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL Light Desk icon)
  • ISL Light custom command line (specify simple or complex command line arguments for ISL Light)
  • Icon for ISL Light (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL Light and ISL Light Client icon)
  • ISL Light customization (INI) (upload ISL Light and ISL Light Client customization .INI file, where you have defined colors used in ISL Light action buttons, notifications and URL link)
  • ISL Light Mac DMG Background image (upload a background image for ISL Light/Client Mac DMG package)
  • ISL Light Mac DMG DS_Store file (upload a custom DS_store file for ISL Light/Client DMG package)
  • ISL Light Mac DMG Volume icon (upload a custom Volume icon for ISL Light/Client DMG package)
  • ISL Light Client Mac DMG Background Image (upload a background image for ISL Light Client Mac DMG package)
  • ISL Light Client Mac DMG DS_Store file (upload a custom DS_store file for ISL Light Client DMG package)
  • ISL Light Client Mac DMG Volume Icon (upload a custom Volume icon for ISL Light Client DMG package)

ISL Pronto

  • Icon for ISL Pronto (PNG) (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL Pronto icon)
  • ISL Pronto Mac DMG Background Image (upload a background image for ISL Pronto Mac DMG package)
  • ISL Pronto Mac DMG DS_Store file (upload a custom DS_store file for ISL Pronto DMG package)
  • ISL Pronto Mac DMG Volume Icon (upload a custom Volume icon for ISL Pronto DMG package)

ISL Groop

  • ISL Groop customizations (allows you to add your own ISL Groop customizations. For more information on customizations please click here)
  • ISL Groop program Icon (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL Light Groop icon)
  • ISL Groop Mac DMG Background Image (upload a background image for ISL Groop Mac DMG package)
  • ISL Groop Mac DMG DS_Store file (upload a custom DS_store file for ISL Groop DMG package)
  • ISL Groop Mac DMG Volume Icon (upload a custom Volume icon for ISL Light Groop DMG package)


  • Icon for executable (PNG) (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL AlwaysOn Connect icon)
  • Icon for ISL Pronto (large PNG) (upload an icon image that will be shown as ISL Pronto icon on Mac)
  • Chat window title (set custom title for ISL Pronto chat window)
  • Link to template chat images (use this option to specify the location of the required images for ISL Pronto)
  • Link to logo image (use this option to specify the location of the logo image for ISL Pronto)
  • Chat background (use this option to set the chat window's background color in ISL Pronto)
  • Open link when client closes chat (use this option to open a link at the client side after closing the chat in ISL Pronto)
  • Open link for leave a message (use this option to open a link at the client side if there are no available supporters, e.g. a leave a message form in ISL Pronto)
  • Leave a message transcript e-mail (use this option to specify an email address for receiving email notifications whenever a user submits a leave a message form in ISL Pronto)
  • Chat finished transcript e-mail (use this option to specify an email address for receiving a chat transcript as soon as a chat is finished in ISL Pronto)
  • Custom messages (allows you to specify custom messages for default ISL Pronto messages. Available for different product translations)

Customization - Expert Settings

Important: Please note that "expert settings" should only be used in specific situations. Unless having a good reason in general we advise against changing settings like "Server installation name", "Server installation ID", "Service address", "Connection port", "tcp_ports", "public_link", "Customization", "Use HTTP", "Use HTTPS" etc. If you experience any problems, please come to our live chat or write an e-mail to for assistance.

When you check Show expert settings, you are presented with the following additional settings (default values are set to use system settings):

  • Extra query parameters (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for all software); Example:
"changebase=Support&__ISL Network Start__title=Support" 

This will change the name given for the program to Support.exe and change ISL Network Start dialog title to "Support".
  • Extra query p. for ISL AlwaysOn (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL AlwaysOn. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL AlwaysOn Connect (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL AlwaysOn Connect. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Groop (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Groop. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Light (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Light. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Light Client (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Light Client. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Light Desk (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Light Desk. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Network Start (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Player (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Player. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Pronto (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Pronto. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Extra query p. for ISL Tester (allows you to specify custom executable name and title of Network Start dialog for ISL Tester. Refer to example given in "Extra query parameters" setting)
  • Command line (use system settings or insert ISL AlwaysOn Command Line Arguments)
  • Branch parameters (use this setting to specify one or more ISL AlwaysOn branches: any, beta, development)
  • Server installation name (use this option to specify the server installation name for ISL AlwaysOn and ISL AlwaysOn Connect)
  • Server installation ID (use system settings or specify the server installation ID for ISL AlwaysOn and ISL AlwaysOn Connect)
  • Service address [ISL AlwaysOn] (use system settings or specify an address that is used for connection also for ISL AlwaysOn Connect)
  • Additional addresses [ISL AlwaysOn] (specify additional addresses used for connection also for ISL AlwaysOn Connect)
  • public_link (use system settings or specify a public link for ISL AlwaysOn)
  • ISL AlwaysOn File sharing invitation subject (allows you to specify a custom template to be shown as a mail subject when sending file access email with ISL AlwaysOn)
  • ISL AlwaysOn File sharing invitation body (allows you to specify a custom template to be shown as a mail body when sending file access email with ISL AlwaysOn)
  • ISL AlwaysOn constant uid generation (|always|virtual) (set the "ISL AlwaysOn constant uid generation" field to either "always" or "virtual"). Using "always" will generate constant UID for all machines, while using "virtual" will generate constant UID for virtual machines only (Hyper-V, VMWare, Virtualbox, and Citrix Xen only, for the time being). More details in the description of [ISLALWAYSON-1715])
  • Connection ports (allows you to specify TCP ports which all ISL AlwaysOn will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify TCP port which all ISL AlwaysOn and ISL AlwaysOn Connect will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (specify whether to use the HTTP port for connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (specify whether to use the HTTPS port for connection or not)
  • Custom texts (Quickstart and Overview) (allows you to customize the text for Quickstart and Overview panels in ISL AlwaysOn)
  • Substitute ISL AlwaysOn translations (allows you to substitute in-app strings of ISL AlwaysOn)
  • ISL AlwaysOn installer defaults Windows (this option allows you to adjust installation parameters. If you wish to change the name of installation directory please contact
  • Icon for ISL AlwaysOn (upload the icon for ISL AlwaysOn)
  • Customization (use system settings or insert customization for ISL AlwaysOn)
  • ISL AlwaysOn installer defaults Mac (this option allows you to adjust installation parameters. If you wish to change the name of installation directory please contact
  • ISL AlwaysOn Mac DMG Background Image (upload DMG Background Image for ISL AlwaysOn on Mac)
  • ISL AlwaysOn Mac DMG DS_Store file (upload DMG DS_Store file for ISL AlwaysOn on Mac)
  • ISL AlwaysOn Mac DMG Volume Icon (upload DMG Volume Icon for ISL AlwaysOn on Mac)
  • ISL AlwaysOn installer defaults Linux (this option allows you to adjust installation parameters. If you wish to change the name of installation directory please contact
  • Service address [ISL Light] (specify an address that is used for connection)
  • Additional addresses [ISL Light] (specify additional addresses used for connection also for ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP ports ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (use system settings or specify whether to use the HTTP port for ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (use system settings or specify whether to use the HTTPS port for ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk connection or not)
  • Customization (use system settings or insert Command Line Arguments)
  • Send crash dumps (for ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk)
  • ISL Light Client command line parameters (use system setting or specify command line parameters)
  • Branch parameters (use this setting to specify one or more ISL Light/Client/Desk branches: any, beta, development)
  • Custom Client runtime dialogs (ZIP) (allows you to upload your own runtime dialog customization)
  • Custom skin package (ZIP) (allows you to upload your own customized skin packages to change the layout of the ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk GUI)
  • Substitute ISL Light translation (allows you to substitute in-app strings of ISL Light/Client/Desk); Example:
ISL Light=Remote Support&ISL Light Client=Remote Client
  • Make log file on desktop (specify if log file should be placed on desktop for ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk)
  • ISL Light Desk command line parameters (specify separate ISL Light Desk command line parameters)
  • Enable session transfer menu item (enable or disable in ISL Light Desk)
  • Enable invite operator menu item (enable or disable in ISL Light Desk)
  • Custom Desk runtime dialogs (ZIP) (allows you to upload your own runtime dialogs for ISL Light Desk)
  • Custom 4.1 qml gui (ZIP) (deprecated, use "ISL Light custom images (ZIP)" instead)
  • Custom qml branding (ZIP) (deprecated, use "ISL Light custom images (ZIP)" instead)
  • Command line (use system settings or insert ISL Light Command Line Arguments)
  • Server installation name (use this option to specify the server installation name for ISL Light and ISL Light Client)
  • Server installation ID (use this option to specify the server installation ID for ISL Light and ISL Light Client)
  • tcp_ports (allows you to specify TCP ports ISL Light/Client will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP ports ISL Light and ISL Client will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (specify whether to use the HTTP port for connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (specify whether to use the HTTPS port for connection or not)
  • ISL Light installer defaults Windows (this option allows you to adjust Windows installation parameters. If you wish to change the name of installation directory please contact
  • ISL Light installation schema (this options allows you to change the name of installation schema)
  • ISL Light custom images (ZIP) (use this setting to upload .zip file with ISL Light/Client customization images)
  • ISL Light installer defaults MAC (this option allows you to adjust MacOS installation parameters. If you wish to change the name of installation directory please contact
  • ISL Light installer defaults Linux (this option allows you to adjust Linux installation parameters. If you wish to change the name of installation directory please contact
  • Icon package for ISL Pronto (ZIP) (upload a zip file that contains the following 4 images, which are used for ISL Pronto customization: appicon.png, appicon_grey.png, copmany_logo.png, company_name.png)
  • Substitute ISL Pronto texts (allows you to substitute in-app strings of ISL Pronto and specify application title); Example:
appName=Live Chat
  • ISL Pronto installer application name (allows you to specify custom ISL Pronto installer application name)
  • ISL Pronto win. installer default path (allows you to specify custom ISL Pronto installation path for Windows platform)
  • Service address [ISL Pronto] (allows you to specify destination service address. This will make ISL Pronto connect to specified destination server)
  • Branch parameters (use this setting to specify one or more ISL Pronto branches: any, beta, development)
  • Customization (use system settings or insert customization for ISL Pronto)
  • Monitor process time ratio (allows you to specify a process time ratio for ISL Pronto)
  • ISL Player command line parameters (allows you to specify setup command line parameters); Example:
  • Substitute ISL Player translations (allows you to substitute in-app strings of ISL Player); Example:
ISL Player=Support Playback
  • Service address [Network Start] (allows you to specify destination service address. This will make ISL Network Start and ISL Player connect to specified destination server)
  • Additional addresses [Network Start] (specify additional addresses used for connection also for ISL Player)
  • tcp_ports (allows you to specify TCP ports ISL Player will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP port ISL Player will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (specify whether to use the HTTP port for connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (specify whether to use the HTTPS port for connection or not)
  • ISL Groop Custom Images (upload custom images for ISL Groop)
  • Service address [ISL Groop] (use system setting or specify service address for ISL Groop)
  • Additional addresses [ISL Groop] (specify additional addresses used for connection)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP port ISL Groop will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (specify whether to use the HTTP port for ISL Groop connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (specify whether to use the HTTPS port for ISL Groop connection or not)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP port ISL Network Start and ISL Player will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Make log file on desktop (specify if ISL Network Start log file should be placed on desktop)
  • Window title (allows you to enter the name of the window title for ISL Network Start)
  • Additional connect options (allows you to enter additional connect options for ISL Network Start on Windows and MacOS)
  • Service address [Connection Tester] (use system setting or specify service address for ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x on all supported PC platforms)
  • Additional addresses [Connection Tester] (specify additional addresses used for connection in ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP port ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Force transport (allows you to specify which transport will be forced with ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (specify whether to use the HTTP port for connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (specify whether to use the HTTPS port for connection or not)
  • MTU (in bytes) (set the maximum transmission unit for ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x)
  • Repeat count (allows you to specify the number of times the ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x runs the test)
  • Transfer bytes (specify number of bytes that should be transferred with ISL Tester 2.0 and 4.x)
  • Run ISL Tester in system local account (use the LocalSystem Account when running ISL Tester)
  • Custom qml gui (ZIP) (deprecated, use "ISL Light custom images (ZIP)" instead)
  • Command line (use system settings or insert ISL AlwaysOn Connect Command Line Arguments)
  • ISL Recording Player command line parameters (specify separate ISL Player command line parameters)
  • Substitute ISL Recording Player translations (allows you to substitute in-app strings of ISL Player)
  • Service address [Connection Tester] (allows you to specify destination service address. This will make ISL Tester 1.x connect to specified destination server)
  • Additional addresses [Connection Tester] (specify additional addresses used for connection in ISL Tester 1.x)
  • Connection port (allows you to specify which TCP port ISL Tester 1.x will use to establish outgoing connection to ISL Conference Proxy server)
  • Force transport (allows you to specify which transport will be forced with ISL Tester 1.x)
  • Use HTTP (port 80) (specify whether ISL Tester 1.x should use the HTTP port for connection or not)
  • Use HTTPS (port 443) (specify whether ISL Tester 1.x should use the HTTPS port for connection or not)
  • MTU (in bytes) (set the maximum transmission unit for ISL Tester 1.x)
  • Repeat count (allows you to specify the number of times the ISL Tester 1.x runs the test)
  • Transfer bytes (specify number of bytes that should be transferred with ISL Tester 1.x)
  • Run connection tester in system local account (allows you to run the ISL Tester 1.x in local system accounts)

Note: There might be some seemingly duplicate entries (e.g. Use HTTP (port 80), service address,...)  listed a few times, but it applies to different programs or different program versions. Please refer to the right column (Applies to) to see which versions of programs are affected by which setting.

Note: You can download applications with different customizations by navigating to the program list and specifying what customization they will be downloaded with in the URL, by adding: ?custom=customization_nameAn example of an URL with a customization specified: 

When you are done with changing settings, you can save this customization by pressing the Save button at the bottom.

If you want to delete the customization, check the checkbox next to the "Delete customization" button, then click the "Delete customization" button.

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, configuration, advanced

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