ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.2116.69 for Windows, macOS and Linux (2022-05-09)


General Information

On 9th of May the following was released:

  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.2116.69 for Windows (release_date=2022-04-28, build=5548d91f569b941490baa5a75bb58e7d62935620, platform=win32, os_version=0x06010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.2116.69 for macOS (release_date=2022-04-28,  build=5548d91f569b941490baa5a75bb58e7d62935620, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0900-0x1bffff)
  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.2116.69 for Linux (release_date=2022-04-28, build=5548d91f569b941490baa5a75bb58e7d62935620, platform=linux64, os_version=0x0206200000020c00-0xffffffffffffffff)

All updates have release date set to 2022-04-28. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Remove libjpeg-turbo references from qt build (SPECIAL) [ISLALWAYSON-1729] More


In previous version system libjpeg-turbo library was used to display the logo instead of qt, which caused crashes on macOS when a custom logo was used. The functionality was redesigned, using of custom logo does not crash the application anymore.

ISL AlwasyOn - Desktop - Raise Security and Privacy when granting access on macOS (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1522] More


Added status panel for MacOS macOS "Transparency, Consent and Control (TCC) to ISL AlwaysOn settings. Users can now check in ISL AlwaysOn settings if enough permissions are enabled to remotely control macOS computer.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Simplify connect procedure (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1643] More


The connection procedure which connects the ISL AlwaysOn service to the server was simplified.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Add possibility to disable session recording (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1731] More


New functionality was added which allows users to disable session recording with usage of command line arguments.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Prepare accessibility check API (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1733] More


New feature was added to ISL AlwaysOn, where ISSC now implements function to check for accessibility on macOS.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Implement API for obtaining system information (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1734] More


New API call was added to ISL AlwaysOn which retrieves system information of a computer.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Implement constant computer uid (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1715] More


ISL AlwaysOn now supports constant Computer Unique Identifier (UID). This means that generation of UID is no longer a random string but is generated based on computer properties (motherboard serial/UUID, disk serial/id, hostname, etc.). The entropy of those computer properties is used to calculate a score that determines whether the UID should be recalculated. By default, only the generated UID, entropy score, virtual machine type, and computer model are sent to ISL Conference Proxy. To send and store all computer data to ISL Conference Proxy the "cuid_dump" customization should be set to "raw".

The constant UID feature is disabled by default and it can be enabled in the registry ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ISL Online\ISL AlwaysOn\constant_uid" set to "true") or via customization (set the "ISL AlwaysOn constant uid generation" field to either "always" or "virtual"). It can be set up in a way so that a constant UID is generated either for all machines, or virtual machines only (Hyper-V, VMWare, Virtualbox, and Citrix Xen only, at the moment).

With the constant UID feature enabled, ISL AlwaysOn will switch to a different RPC for removing the connections - a list of connections that needs to be deleted is sent to ISL Conference Proxy. With the previous implementation, all valid connections are sent to the server that deletes the connections that are no longer valid.

The feature is especially useful in VDI environments where the virtual machine is always started from a master image. To prepare a master image the existing procedure should be followed (the "Master Computer Preparation" manual on the help pages) with the addition of the "constant_uid" field in the registry or customization as mentioned above.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Fix crash during setup on Windows (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1720] More


Users experienced an issue where ISL AlwaysOn would crash during setup on Windows machines. Installation was redesigned, users no longer experience this issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Cleanup stale processes before install on macOS (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1722] More


The installation process functionality on MacOSX was updated, stale issc_stream and ISLLightFast processes under loginwindow are now terminated.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Handle command on unknown connection (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1723] More


Users experienced an issue where they could not remove unknown connections from Remote users in ISL AlwaysOn. The functionality was redesigned, users no longer experience the issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Add watchdog to issc proxy streaming process (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1724] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where streaming start process would result in a white ISL Light window being displayed. A watchdog process was added which detects this state and offers the user to restart the streaming.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Simple crash dump can run into endless loop (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1727] More


Users experienced an issue where crash of ISL AlwaysOn would run into an endless loop. The crash functionality was redesigned, users no longer experience this issue.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Impersonate current user for file commands executor (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1730] More


Users experienced a defect where they were able to create, rename and delete folders in administration folder. The File Manager functionality was redesigned and now user is not able to modify folders in administration folder.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Detect creds_always UAC case (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1732] More


Users experienced an issue when elevating to admin mode would not behave correctly. The admin elevation functionality was redesigned and the issue is not reproducible.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Remove TCC checking log on macOS (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1736] More


In aon_gui.log there were entries about status of TCC. This log lines were repeated every 30 seconds regardless if there were changes. The unneeded log lines were removed and are no longer present in aon_gui.log file.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Use older api for timers on macOS (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1737] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where streaming start process would result in a white ISL Light window being displayed when connecting to macOS computers. The functionality was redesigned, now older api for timers is used on macOS.

The defect was fixed.

Tags: os compatibility, isl alwayson

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