The following settings are available in this menu:
ISL Pronto
- ISL Pronto enabled (Disabling this option will prevent the user(s) from logging into ISL Pronto. This means the user(s) will be unable to answer client chats. The user(s) will also be unable to view "Live Chat" tab on webpages)
- ISL Pronto valid after (use a time stamp value in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
- ISL Pronto valid before (use a time stamp value in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
File Transfer
- Send files in chat (If this setting is disabled, the operator won't be able to send any files to the client. The operator will still be able to receive files (if the "Receive Files in chat" setting is enabled).)
- Receive files in chat (If this setting is disabled, the operator won't be able to receive any files from the client. The operator will still be able to send files (if the "Send Files in chat" setting is enabled).)
- Public global concurrent request limit (allows you to set a global request limit)
- Public domain concurrent request limit (allows you to set a per-domain request limit)
- Stop compressing responses when CPU reaches % (Stop compressing responses, to save bandwidth, once the CPU reaches a certain load)
- Obtain domain after web requests in 10s (Set a number of web requests in 10 seconds that has to be exceeded in order that server obtains a domain)
- Chat window title (use this option to set the chat window title)
- Link to template chat images (use this option to specify the location of the required images for ISL Pronto)
- Link to logo image (use this option to specify the location of the logo image for ISL Pronto)
- Chat background (use this option to set the chat window's background color)
- Open link when client closes chat (use this option to open a link at the client side after closing the chat)
- Open link for leave a message (use this option to open a link at the client side if there are no available supporters, e.g. a leave a message form)
- Leave a message transcript e-mail (use this option to specify an email address for receiving email notifications whenever a user submits a leave a message form)
- Chat finished transcript e-mail (use this option to specify an email address for receiving a chat transcript as soon as a chat is finished)
- Limit referer regex(e.g. https?://({^/}+\.)?example\.com(/.*)?) (it is possible to use this setting to provide a regex for locations which should be allowed to start a chat, e.g. your website - everyone else will get an error 403 [forbidden])
- Show ISL Light chat messages (use this option to enable/disable automatic sending of ISL Light messages to live chat as comments)
- User public information (use this setting to configure which fields are exposed in the response to ISL Pronto supporter info webapi2 request, available options are user, name, nickname, email, image)
- User can change link to photo (use this option to specify whether users can change the link to the photo)
- See client's text as they type (use this option to specify if users can see what a client is typing before actually sending it)
- See supporter's text as they type (use this option to specify if users can see what a supporter is typing before actually sending it)
- Allow to view a list of other supporter's public chats (Use this option to specify whether the users can see other supporter's public chats. When enabled, operator will be able to view all public chats.)
- Allow to view other supporter's public chats content (Use this option to specify whether the users can see the content of other supporter's public chats. When enabled, operator will be able to view all public chats and their content - even when he is not in the chat.)
- View other filter's public chats (When enabled, chats from filters from which operator is not a member of, will be displayed in the client list in ISL Pronto application.)
- Allow to join other supporter's public chats without asking (If set to yes, operator will be able to join public chats without confirmation of the operators who are already in chat.)
- Allow to view a list of other supporter's private chats (Use this option to specify whether the users can see other supporter's private chats. When enabled, operator will be able to see a list of private chats under Users in ISL Pronto application.)
- Allow to view content and join other supporter's private chats without asking(If set to yes, operator will be able to view all private chats and their content, as well as join any private chat without confirmation of the operators who are already in chat.)
- Delete chat content (use this option to specify if users can delete chat content - chat will still exist, however it will have no content)
- Delete chat content (use this option to specify if users can delete chat session - chat will not exist anymore)
- Close client chats (use this option to specify if users can close client chats)
- Edit canned responses (allow users to edit the canned responses)
- Reports custom field list (add custom report fields by id, each id separated by comma will create a new custom field in pronto report module, e.g. field1, field2, f3)
- Reports custom field titles (Assign titles to custom report fields, by default the title for custom field will be its id, you can change that by by assigning titles to ids separated by & sign e.g. field1=First Custom Field&field2=Second Field)
- Reports message field list (Add custom poll fields by id, each id separated by comma will create a new poll field in reports, e.g. satisfied, comment. Refer to this topic for more information.)
- Reports message field titles (Assign titles to poll fields from the previous point, e.g. satisfied=Satisfied&comment=Comments. Refer to this topic for more information.)
- Show e-mail to clients (allow users to see the email address of the supporter during chat)
- Start sound effects after(in seconds) (use this option to set the delayed start of chat notification sound effects)
- Disable sound effects after (in seconds) (use this option to set the delay when to stop chat notification sound effects)
- Scheduled hours (like 1-4=09:00-15:00;5=09:00-13:00) (use this option to set scheduled hours per day or per a group of days. The first number "1" = Monday, "2"= Tuesday, etc.)
- Close chat automatically when client leaves (enable this to close the chat when client leaves the chat session)
- Close chat automatically when only the user is left (enable this to close the chat when client leaves the chat session and a supporter is the only one left in the chat)
- End chat automatically when operator closes chat (enable this to end the chat when supporter closes the chat tab)
- End chat automatically when client leaves (enable this to end the chat when client leaves the chat session)
- Delete chat automatically when client leaves (Set whether the chat is deleted once the client leaves)
- Show clients not matching the supporter'sfilter (Set whether ISL Pronto clients (operator programs) should show all chats in Clients widget or just the chats matching filters they are members of)
- Show warning when closing chat with client still present (If you close the chat, as a supporter, with the client still in the chat, you will be prompted to confirm the action.)
- Chat info link (advanced option for binding a link to the "Chat info" button in the ISL Pronto toolbar, useful for integration purposes)
- Open chat info using operating system default browser (enable this if you prefer to open the chat info link in supporter's default browser instead of ISL Pronto's internal browser)
- Open chat info when chat with client is closed (enable this to open the link specified above when the supporter closes the chat with a client)
- Custom client info columns (tag1:title1;tag2:title2) (use this option to specify additional client info columns - tag1:title1, tag2:title2 etc.)
- Custom client info data file (Users can add JSON file with description of modifiable fileds and their values and type in Configuration -> ISL Pronto.)
- Hide URL field (enable this to hide URL in client data, both in current chat sessions and in the chat history)
- Notify user, when client sees no available supporters (enable this to show a notification window if a supporter is a member of a certain filter and a client requests a supporter from another filter, but there are currently no supporters for that filter available)
- Do not change to busy status when running ISL Light (By default supporter's status changes to busy after initiating a remote support session by clicking the "Remote desktop" toolbar icon. Change this setting to yes if you want the status to stay unchanged in such cases.)
- ISL Light Desk custom parameters (use this option to specify custom parameters for ISL Light Desk that can be started within ISL Pronto)
- ISL Light Desk command line (use this option to specify the command line for ISL Light Desk that can be started within ISL Pronto)
- ISL Light Desk username (use this option to specify the username for ISL Light Desk that can be started within ISL Pronto)
- ISL Light Desk password (use this option to specify the password for ISL Light Desk that can be started within ISL Pronto)
- ISL Light Client custom parameters (use this option to specify custom parameters for ISL Light Client that can be started through a link within ISL Pronto)
- ISL Light Client command line (use this option to specify the command line for ISL Light Client that can be started through a link within ISL Pronto)
- Use installed ISL Light for remote desktop (When enabled, ISL Pronto will attempt to use installed ISL Light first when clicking the "Remote desktop" toolbar icon, then fallback to downloading ISL Light and running it if installed version is not available. When disabled, it will not check for installed ISL Light, but download and run it each time.)
- ISL Light installation schema (use this option to specify custom ISL Light installation schema. If the setting is not set, the setting ISL Light installation schema from default server or account customization is used.)
- Report status with HTTP events (use this option to enable/disable supporters' status reporting through HTTP events)
- Status HTTP event interval in seconds (use this option to set the desired status reporting interval)
- Report javascript errors in log (use this option to enable/disable the reporting of javascript errors)
- Report received messages in log (use this option to enable/disable the reporting of received messages)
- External command for processing chat lines (Advanced option allowing you to run an external script on certain events, useful for integration purposes.)
- External chat message parameters (Use this option in case you need to pass some parameters to the script from the previous setting.)
- External chat message timeout (in ms) (Timeout for waiting on response from external script.)
- Limit external chat message commands (Set which which of the following events: chat_create, chat_init, chat_end, filter should be sent to external scripts for further processing.)
- Restart external command after requests (Set the number of request before external script is killed. 0 - killing is off)
- Maximum number of chats (Set maximum amount of ongoing chats per supporter)
- Maximum chat query range(in days) (Use this setting to limit the maximum range when querying chat history, default value is 31.)
- Treat chats inactive after seconds of inactivity (Set interval (in seconds) after which the chat will be treated as inactive)
- Reopen chats not older than (in minutes) (When operator reconects open the chats that are not older than x minutes)
- Show chat member offline/online status (Set if chat member status is shown)
- Add join/left messages for operator to operator chats (If two operators chat with one another set whether or not a message is displayed in chat when operator joins and leaves the chat.)
- Open chat with client automatically (If this setting is enabled, all chats will be automatically assigned based on client assignment scheme)
- Force open chat with client automatically (works with auto open)
- Client assignment scheme (Set how the client chats are assigned: Ring All - operator will be selected randomly, Least busy - least busy operator will be selected, based on number of chats and last client chat time)
- Assignment override when no operator available (You can use this setting to specify a special filter (usually a filter which does not exist) so that in case there are no available operators, the customer will wait for that filter and any supporter can pick it up manually, instead of getting the message that there are no available supporters.)
- Use deprecated APIs for link generation (This is a legacy option for private cloud setups running older versions of ISL Pronto module, it should be left at its default value for all new deployments.)
- Automatically reconnect operator on change of settings that need reconnect to take effect (Some settings require a supporter reconnect in order to apply them. By default changing such settings will trigger an automatic reconnect. You can set this option to no if you prefer to do the manual reconnect of supporters at a different time.)
- Show duration timer in support chat (When this setting is enabled, ISL Pronto will display a timer in the upper right-hand corner of the support chat window, indicating the elapsed time since the client first joined.)
Allow operator to end chat (Allow or deny the operator to use the End chat function)
- Enable new ISL Pronto in-page chat webapi2 (By default webapi2 calls needed for the in-page chat are enabled. If you do not intend to use the in-page chat, you can set this to no.)
- Track web page visitors (Enable the operator to see additional information about online visitor once he/she is selected. By clicking on the visitor the supporter can invite him directly to the chat)
- Clear client's assigned supporter on filter change (This setting should be kept at its default value (yes), otherwise it is possible that a customer who selected one filter (e.g. support) in a chat and later on starts another chat and selects another filter (e.g. sales), actually ends up waiting for the incorrect filter.)