Remote Connection


Note: Server license users: The procedure for server license differs from the procedure for hosted service users - please go to this topic for more information.

When accessing an Unattended computer from a web interface an ISL Light executable is downloaded (please refer to: Connect to Remote Computer) with internal parameter (remote computer identifier - UID) configured to automatically connect to the target machine.

You can Save such executable for later use - e.g. place it on your desktop and rename it to a more friendly name, e.g. John's home computer.exe.

When you wish to access that remote computer, simply double-click the executable on your desktop, enter your ISL Online products username and password when prompted, then the computer access password and you will be connected - there is no need to visit ISL Online web pages every time.

It is possible to use command line arguments for ISL Light, allowing you to skip the password entry form. Available parameters are:

  • connect-uid (you can use this to pass the desired unique id of the target machine, if needed)
  • username (you can use it to provide your ISL Online username, e.g.\\mycompany\user1)
  • password (you can use it to provide your ISL Online password)
  • computer-password (you can use it to provide the computer access password)
  • computer-password-MD5 (you can use it to provide the raw computer access password as written in the registry - check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ISL Online\ISL AlwaysOn\password)
  • stream-options (you can use it to enable the desired checkboxes [separate them with a semicolon] in the list, e.g. small_foot;leave_background;)

If you specify a username, password and a computer password (either in plaintext or as MD5), you will get a single-click solution that connects to a certain ISL AlwaysOn machine without having to enter any credentials or login to your ISL Online account beforehand.

Important: Please keep in mind that if you create a shortcut and set those parameters for it, anyone with access to your machine can do a right-click on that shortcut and read the parameters.

Example (Old Format)

ISLLight.exe "Username=<username>" "Password=<password>" "ComputerUID=<uid>" "ComputerPassword=<passwd>"


Creating a shortcut to a plain ISL Light executable:

ISLLight.exe --username <username> --password <password> --connect-uid <uid> --computer-password <passwd>

Or alternatively, if you saved the executable for accessing a remote machine, you can exclude the --connect-uid parameter:

ISLLight.exe --username <username> --password <password> --computer-password <passwd>

Important: In the previous version, all the parameters were specified as "key=value". Please note that the old format will work, but the new format is preferred.


Mapping from the old format to the new format:

old format
new format
--connect-uid [uid]
"Username=[cp user]"
--username [cp user]
"Password=[cp pwd]"
--password [cp pwd]
"Access=[connection id]"
--connect [connection id]
--computer-password [pwd]
--computer-password-MD5 [pwd]
--stream-options [opts]

Tags: isl alwayson, customization, remote connection, md5, stream options

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