Session Recording


Note: Server-side session recording requires ISL Conference Proxy 4.2 or higher.

Note: Server-side session recording requires ISL Light 4.0.2 or higher, any lower versions than this will show an error.

Note: If you are updating the ICP from version older than 4.4.2044 to a version 4.4.2044 and newer you will have to change ownership of the recording folder to a new islcp user.
Please see "Release Info" for more information: ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2210.45 for Windows and Linux (2022-06-07)

Important note

It is crucial that the full path of the storage location where you placed the recording files is accessible and readable by ISL Conference Proxy which is running as user islcp (and not as administrator or local system account). Based on this we suggest using a directory on top level (such as C:\icp-recordings) and adjusting its permissions appropriately.

Important note

It is not advisable to use ISL Conference Proxy installation directories for storing server-side session recordings, as that may cause disruptions in server functionality (e.g., automatic updates). We advise using a separate volume for storing session recordings.

How to set up server-side session recording

  1. Navigate to your ISL Conference Proxy configuration page
  2. Select "Storage" -> "Areas"
  3. Create a new storage area
  4. Define the name of the area and the path to the location where you want the recordings to be saved - Ensure that ISL Conference Proxy has write permissions for that folder (user islcp )
  5. Save the storage area
  6. Select "Configuration" -> "ISL Light" (You can choose to select a specific user for the session recording by going to "User Management" -> User -> "ISL Light")
  7. Uncheck the setting "Recording session template"
  8. Define the template as how you would like your recordings to be named. (e.g. storage://light/ISLLight-{{timestamp}}.isr)
  9. Click "Save" in the bottom right-hand corner.

Server-side session recording is now set up!

Open up ISL Light (4.0.2 or higher) and start a session. Session recording is made locally by the Operator and the recording is continuously uploaded to the server to the path defined within the storage area. This means that even if the connection gets disrupted, the recording file on the server might be missing only the last few seconds.

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, advanced examples

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