ICE Configuration


The following settings are available in this menu:

ICE Configuration

RPC Settings

  • List of ICE servers for RPC (Define the list of ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) servers used by ISL Light RPC to establish direct connections. You can list explicit TURN servers, define the registered TURN servers by using {{turn_servers}} and/or define Cloudflare's RTC servers by using {{cloudflare}}. For example: stun://, turn://, {{turn_servers}}, {{cloudflare}})

Stun Servers

  • Use Cloudflare Calls STUN address (With this setting enabled, direct connections will use the Cloudflare Calls STUN address when the setting "List of ICE servers for RPC" includes {{cloudflare}}.)
  • Use Google STUN addresses (With this setting enabled, direct connections will use the Google STUN addresses when the setting "List of ICE servers for RPC" includes {{google}}.)

Cloudflare Calls API settings

  • Cloudflare Calls TURN Token ID (Enter the Cloudflare Calls TURN token ID used when resolving {{cloudflare}} RPC Settings.)
  • Cloudflare Calls TURN API Token (Enter the Cloudflare TURN API Token used when resolving {{cloudflare}} RPC Settings.)

Cloudflare Spectrum API settings

  • Cloudflare TURN zone (Enter the Cloudflare TURN zone used when resolving {{cloudflare}} in RPC Settings.)
  • Cloudflare TURN application (Enter the Cloudflare TURN application name used when resolving {{cloudflare}} RPC Settings.)
  • Cloudflare TURN username (Enter the Cloudflare TURN username used when resolving {{cloudflare}} RPC Settings.)
  • Cloudflare TURN password (Enter the Cloudflare TURN password used when resolving {{cloudflare}} RPC Settings.)
Tags: ice customization, ice setup

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