

The following settings are available in this menu:


Domain Administration

  • Domain Admin (this setting sets an user as a domain admin, which grants him access to an administration dashboard where they can edit users, computers and settings for their domain)
  • Create, edit and delete users (domain admin only) (this setting allows a domain admin to create, edit and delete users) 
  • Create, edit and delete user groups (domain admin only) (this setting allows a domain admin to created, edit and delete user groups) 
  • Create, edit and delete computer groups (domain admin only) (this setting allows a domain admin to create, edit and delete computer groups) 
  • Edit domain settings (domain admin only) (this setting allows a domain admin to edit domain settings) 

Computer Groups

  • Create computer groups (this setting allows an user to create new computer groups. In order to add computers to group, user will also need "edit computer groups" permission) 
  • Edit computer groups (this setting allows an user to edit computer groups (add or remove computers, rename group, share group with other users)) 
  • Delete computer groups (this setting allows an user to delete computer groups) 

My Profile

  • Edit full name (this setting allows an user to edit his full name in "Profile") 
  • Edit e-mail (this setting allows an user to edit his e-mail in "Profile") 
  • Edit nickname (this setting allows an user to edit his nickname in "Profile") 
  • Change time zone (this setting allows an user to change his time zone in "Profile") 

License Usage

  • Max license usage (hard limit) (this setting limits the combined peak license usage of all users within the domain. It also serves as an upper limit for the "Max license usage" setting (see below).)
  • Max license usage (this setting limits the number of licenses available to a user. This setting is limited (upper bound) by the "Max license usage (hard limit)" setting (see above). )



  • Database secret (the password that needs to be defined if you intend to update the ISL Conference Proxy database or retrieve data through the XMLMSG interface)
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) (Set this to your company's mail server - you might need to open the port 25 in your firewall for the ISL Conference Proxy server. If the administrator mail account is not local to the mail server, you might need to enable mail relaying for the ISL Conference Proxy server.)
  • SMTP Port (specify your SMTP Port number ISL Conference Proxy should use, default is 25)
  • SMTP Connection (specify the type of SMTP connection ISL Conference Proxy should use, choose between STARTTLS, SSL/TLS and Plaintext)
  • SMTP Authentication (specify the SMTP Authentication type ISL Conference Proxy should use. Choose between None and Plain Text)
  • SMTP Username (specify the SMTP Username you wish to use in ISL Conference Proxy)
  • SMTP Password (specify the SMTP Password you wish to use in ISL Conference Proxy)
  • Default e-mail from address (Set this field to the administrator email address or any other system e-mail address. This e-mail address does not need to be valid, but make sure that the domain name of the email address does exist. If it doesn't exist, ISL Conference Proxy might not be able to send e-mail notifications.)
  • System e-mail goes to (Set this to the administrator's e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses - use comma to separate them. The provided e-mail addresses must be valid.)
  • Custom e-mail from for sender domains (DOMAIN=FROM) (Specify custom from name when sending emails to different domains e.g. "" specifies that when sending an email to the domain the from field will say
  • Hide e-mail sender for domains: (Hide the sender when sending an email to a user who is a part of a specified domain e.g. entering means that sender will be hidden when sending emails to domain (e.g.
  • Installation name (Use this setting to set the desired friendly installation name. It will be displayed on top of ISL Conference Proxy configuration pages, as well as in the server selector in client programs and their registry entries. If the installation name is not set, its value will be generated internally based on the addresses specified in the licence.)
  • Bind IP on server 1 (By default ISL Conference Proxy binds all available interfaces. You can use this setting to instruct ISL Conference Proxy to listen only on a specific IP address. Uncheck  the "undefined" and then enter the IP address for specified server. After saving the settings, restart the ISL Conference Proxy.)

Note: If you are running ISL Conference Proxy on a Linux server, you can also use the command confproxyctl bindip to bind a specific IP.

  • HTTPT ports (Specify one or more ports (separate them with commas) that ISL Conference Proxy should use. Unless you have special requirements, we strongly suggest leaving the ports at their default value for best connectivity.)
  • HTTPT use SSL (Set to Yes to instruct ISL Conference Proxy to use the custom certficate specified through the settings below when serving web pages through SSL.)
  • HTTPT SSL certificate (use this option to specify the SSL certificate file)
  • HTTPT SSL key (use this option to specify the SSL key file)
  • HTTPT SSL key passphrase (use this option to specify the pass phrase for the SSL key if needed)
  • HTTPT SSL certificate chain (set this option to the appropriate value if you need to use SSLCertificateChainFile)
  • HTTPT SSL protocol (Protocol can be specified using HEXCODE or HEXCODE-HEXCODE for a range. TLS 1.0 is specified as 0x0301 and TLS 1.2 as 0x0303. Unbounded version is specified as 0x10000. Please check the setting "Security > Default SSL profile" for a simpler alternative.)
  • HTTPT SSL cipher suite (Cipher suite can be specified using a list of HEXCODE HEXCODE. TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 is specified as 0x1302 and ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 is specified as 0xc02c. Please check the setting "Security > Default SSL profile" for a simpler alternative.)

Note: Important: Before making any permanent changes to protocol or cipher suite settings we strongly suggest testing all your main use cases to make sure these changes will not break backward compatibility where this is not acceptable. Suggested further reading: [] []

  • UDP ports (UDP ports to use, default is port 7615)
  • Software update URL (use this option to specify an address that is used for software update)
  • Use software release policy (When enabled, ISL Conference Proxy will respect the software release policy prepared by ISL Online, controlling which software is available for which region, primarily Japan vs. ROW.)
  • Auto-expand server messages max (In case there are five or more messages, ISL Conference Proxy by default groups them on top of its administration and requires you to click the link to expand them. If you set this setting to No, ISL Conference Proxy will always require you to click the link on top of administration to expand each type of error messages.)
  • Title background color (Specify the color of the header that is displayed on configuration pages of ISL Conference Proxy. Supports only hex values e.g. #d3f. A good suggestion would be to set different colors for staging and production servers to avoid any confusion for  which server you are changing settings.)
  • Show debugging menu (use this option to enable/disable the debugging menu, this also enables you to download installed certificates in ZIP file once you enable debugging menu.)
  • Password expiration interval(1w 2d 3h 4m 5s) (manually set password expiration time)
  • Custom sender for e-mails (If you set this value, it will be used instead of user's email address in the "Reply to" field.)
  • Custom from for e-mails (If you set this value, it will be used instead of system's default email from address.)
  • Use account e-mail for sender (If you set this to No, invitation emails will not include user's email address in the "Reply to" field.)
  • Default domain for user authentication (use this option to set the default domain for user authentication - members of that domain will not need to specify the domain name when logging in, e.g. they will be able to use user1 instead of \\default\user1, while members of non-default domains will need to provide the domain prefix, like this: \\domain\user2)
  • Default program customization (enter the name of an existing customization to set it as the default program customization)
  • Software release policy country (force a specific country for software release policy, e.g. JP)
  • Allow multilicense IDs (control whether multi session option should be enabled or not)
  • Deny XMLMSG updates (Set whether to allow or deny updates using XMLMSG)
  • Limit groups to domain (If set to "Yes" then the computer group query webapi will only return groups that belong to the domain of the user calling the webapi)
  • Maximum number of groups in domain (Limit the number of groups within a domain. The total number of groups within a domain is a sum of computer groups and user groups.)
  • Show GeoIP location  (When this setting is set to "Automatic", the location (country, city) will be shown to the users when a custom GeoIP database is being used. When set to "Yes" or "No", the location information will always or never be shown respectively. If the location information is shown to the user, the appropriate license for the GeoIP database used must be acquired. For more details, please refer to the manual)
Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, configuration, basics

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