Microsoft Entra ID (SSO)


Step 1

Sign in to the Microsoft Entra ID portal using your Microsoft Entra ID administrator account and navigate to "Microsoft Entra ID" -> "Enterprise Applications" -> "New Application" -> "Create your own application", enter the name of your Application (e.g. ISL Online Cloud), select Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery) option and click Create.


Step 2

Select Set up single sign on option.


Step 3

Select SAML Single Sign-On method.


Step 4

Click on Edit in the Basic SAML Configuration section.


Step 5

Set the following fields:

Identifier (Entity ID):<domain>/metadata.xml
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL):<domain>/acspost
Sign on URL (Optional):
Log out URL (Optional):<domain>/slopost

Use the SAML 2.0 endpoint URLs that we have provided to you over email, those will contain your actual domain name instead of <domain>. Mark your Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL entries as default. Review the information and click Save.


Step 6

Click Edit under the Attributes & Claims section.


Step 7

When a user authenticates, Microsoft Entra ID will issue a SAML token to ISL Online Cloud, that contains unique information about the user. A unique User Identifier (Name ID) specifies the claim, which will uniquely identify the user on the ISL Online Cloud (username). Unique user identifier and email are mandatory user claims.
You can add additional claims, which will send the full name and list of user groups of the user. 

Username (mandatory): Unique User Identifier (Name ID) 
E-mail (mandatory):
Full name (optional):
User groups (optional):

Store the SAML claim names you have set up,  you will need to include them to the email sent to ISL Online support team later.

Important: In larger organizations the number of groups a user is a member of may exceed the ISL Online Cloud limit, that is 100 groups per user. If your user's group membership count exceeds this limit, we recommend restricting the groups emitted in claims only to the relevant groups for the application.


Step 8

Users must first be assigned to the application before being able to access it. Select User and groups from the Enterprise application panel and add users or user groups, who will have access to your ISL Online Cloud application. 

Important: If you have set user group claim in Step 7 and assigned user group to your SAML application, store Name and Object Id of all user groups assigned to the application, you will need to include them to the email sent to ISL Online support team later.


Step 9

You are now finished with basic EntraID configuration, copy the Microsoft Entra ID metadata XML URL link by clicking on the Copy to clipboard button beside App Federation Metadata Url. Store the App federation metadata XML URL as you will need to include it to the email sent to ISL Online support team later.

Proceed with the Step 6 of the Basic SSO configuration.

Tags: microsoft, entraid, saml 2.0, sso

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