

Video Tutorial

User Manual

When managing users the next options are available:

Create User

Step 1

Click "Create User" button.

Step 2

Enter the Full Name, Email and Password".

Click "Create User".

Edit User

Step 1

Click any row to "Edit" the user.

Step 2

Edit the "Full Name, Email or Password".


Click "Edit Settings" to edit per-user settings. Please refer to Settings manual for more information.

Change Password

Step 1

Change Password from the quick view to set a new login password for the user.

Reset Password

Step 1

Select user from the table and click "Reset Password" from the quick view.

Step 2

Click "Send" to send a reset password link to the user's email.

Step 3

The email with "Reset password" link was sent to the user. The user needs to click the link.

Step 4

Type new password and click button "Change and login".

Note: If you're using the same email for multiple users, each user will be listed as a radio button option with a unique username.

Export to CSV/JSON

Step 1

Click "Export CSV" button to export users to CSV or JSON.

Step 2

Click "Export" button.

Step 3

Operation may take a while...

Step 4

Choose the format CSV(comma separated values), CSV(semi-column separated values) or JSON.

Click "Download" button.

Step 5

Open the "CSV/JSON file".

Step 6

This is an example of exported CSV file.

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