In this section you will learn how to locate ISL Light Client log files on your MAC OS operating system. 

  1. First you need to navigate to ISL Light Client current working directory. You can find it on the following path:
    /Users/isl/.islonline/Cache/ISL Light Client/

    Note: If you are running more than one instance of ISL Light Client, you might see more than one folder. In this case, look for the most recent folder.

    Note: If you are having problems fining folders such as .islonline, you probably need to enable show hidden files and folders option in your Finder file explorer. You can find the instructions on how to do it here.
  2. Open the application package bundle by right clicking on it and selecting Show Package Content option.  
  3. Navigate to MacOS folder. Log file is the file named trace.out located on this path:  
    /Users/isl/.islonline/Cache/ISL Light Client/1/  


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