Accessing the Log File



  1. Quit ISL Pronto if it is open.
  2. Open the ISL Pronto installation directory (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\ISL Online\ISL Pronto).
  3. Open the file debug_options.txt and clear its content.
  4. Write the following command into the opened file: log_on_desktop=TRUE and save it.
  5. Start ISL Pronto, file islpronto_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Pronto.


  1. Quit ISL Pronto if it is open and open the terminal.
  2. Go to Applications folder - cd /Applications/
  3. Enter ISL - cd ISL\
  4. Run ISL Pronto and start logging the output - ./islpronto & > $HOME/Desktop/islpronto_log.txt 
  5.  File islpronto_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Pronto.

Note: Terminal window has to remain open while you are logging the ISL Pronto output, closing it will also close ISL Pronto.


  1. Quit ISL Pronto if it is open and open the terminal.
  2. Change directory to the installation folder - cd /opt/ISLOnline/ISLPronto/
  3. Run ISL Pronto and start logging the output - ./islpronto & > $HOME/Desktop/islpronto_log.txt
  4. File islpronto_log.txt will be placed on your desktop containing the log for ISL Pronto.

Note: Terminal window has to remain open while you are logging the ISL Pronto output, closing it will also close ISL Pronto.

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