HTTP Events


ISL Online products send notifications when certain events occur. You can use these events for various purposes, e.g. save certain data to your database, respond to certain events through the XMLMSG interface etc.

ISL Pronto module on ISL Conference Proxy reports the following events through HTTP notifications:

  • START (triggered at the start of ISL Pronto chat session)
  • JOIN (triggered when a supporter or a customer joins the chat)
  • LEAVE (triggered when a supporter or a customer leaves the chat)
  • STOP (triggered when the last chat participant leaves)
  • MESSAGE (triggered when a chat message is submitted)

Each HTTP event notification consists of the following parameters:

  • TIMESTAMP (event creation timestamp in unix timestamp format)
  • MODULE (module name which created event - for ISL Pronto events it will be ISL_PRONTO)
  • EVENT (event name)
  • SERVERID (GRID ID number of server who created and sent event)
  • DOMAIN_ID (id of ISL domain where event originated)

ISL Pronto module provides the following additional fields, ordered by each event:


  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)
  • chatsid (this is an internal parameter)
  • email (e-mail address that was provided by the customer)
  • location (URL where the customer joined the chat)
  • nick (name that was provided by the customer)
  • start-time (timestamp when the customer started the chat)
  • template (this is an internal parameter)

JOIN (supporter)

  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)
  • email (supporter's e-mail address)
  • face (URL for the supporter's logo)
  • nick (supporter's name)
  • start-time (timestamp when the supporter logged in)
  • status (supporter's status)
  • supporter (this is set to 1 and it indicates that it is a supporter event)
  • OPERATOR (ISL Conference Proxy database id of user that represents the supporter)
  • OPERATOR_EID (external id set for the user from ISL Conference Proxy administration or through XMLMSG calls)
  • OPERATOR_DOMAIN (domain part of supporter's username)
  • OPERATOR_USERNAME (supporter's username)

JOIN (customer)

  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)
  • chatsid (this is an internal parameter)
  • email (e-mail address that was provided by the customer)
  • location (URL where the customer joined the chat)
  • nick (name that was provided by the customer)
  • start-time (timestamp when the customer started the chat)
  • template (this is an internal parameter)

LEAVE (customer)

  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)
  • chatsid (this is an internal parameter)
  • email (e-mail address that was provided by the client)
  • location (URL where the customer joined the chat)
  • nick (name that was provided by the client)
  • start-time (timestamp when the customer started the chat)
  • template (this is an internal parameter)

LEAVE (supporter)

  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)
  • email (supporter's e-mail address)
  • face (URL for the supporter's logo)
  • nick (supporter's name)
  • start-time (timestamp when the supporter logged in)
  • status (supporter's status)
  • supporter (this is set to 1 and it indicates that it is a supporter event)
  • OPERATOR (ISL Conference Proxy database id of user that represents the supporter)
  • OPERATOR_EID (external id set for the user from ISL Conference Proxy administration or through XMLMSG calls)
  • OPERATOR_DOMAIN (domain part of supporter's username)
  • OPERATOR_USERNAME (supporter's username)


  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)


  • CHATID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Pronto session)
  • CHAT_HTTP_ID (http id of ISL Pronto session)
  • createdTime (timestamp when ISL Pronto session was created)
  • transcriptKey (unique key used for retrieving chat transcript)
  • sent (timestamp when the message was sent)
  • type (origin of the message - "web" for messages submitted from client chats)
  • MSGDATA_XXX (custom message data, replace XXX for each key)

Chat transcript may be download with URL: http://server/live/islpronto/chat_transcript.html?chatId=<CHAT_HTTP_IP>&transcriptKey=<transcriptKey>&timezone=Europe/Berlin (chat transcript with transcriptKey is available in ISL Pronto server module 2.1.1 and newer).

For an advanced example with step-by-step instructions, please refer to the following topic: PHP script writes to a database

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