Connection Tester 1.1.0 & Network Start 1.2.0 (2013-06-28)


General Information

On 28th of June 2013 we have released Windows version of :

  • Connection Tester 1.1.0 for Windows  (Platform=win32, Revision=28735, release_date=2013-05-20,os_version=0x5000000-0x7fffffff)
  • Network start 1.2.0 for Windows (Platform=win32, Revision=28689, release_date=2013-05-20, os_version=0x5000000-0x7fffffff)

On 10th of October we have released Linux and Macintosh version of:

  • Connection Tester 1.1.0 for Macintosh (Platform=mac, Revision=29887, release_date=2013-05-20,os_version=0x0a0600-0x0affff)
  • Connection Tester 1.1.0 Linux 32bit (Platform=linux, Revision=29213, release_date=2013-05-20)
  • Connection Tester 1.1.0 Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=29213, release_date=2013-05-20)

All updates have release date set to 2013-05-20. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Connection Tester and Network Start no longer support operating systems that have lower operating system version than Windows 2000.To save connection settings on Linux or Macintosh you need to run ISL Connection Tester with root privileges. 

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


  • New network stack is used in ISL Network Start and ISL Connection Tester  - to improve compatibility with filtering software (desktop antivirus and personal firewalls)

New features

Hefa - Implement XYSSL netmt [HEFA-2] More


New transport protocol has been added to the autotransport functionality. Instead of using openSSL multithreaded option we are now using similar XYSSL netmt who does not use any extra threads for the first connection.

Hefa - implement simple windows tcp/ip [HEFA-3] More


New transport protocol has been added to the autotransport functionality. The new protocol is a simple windows tcp/ip protocol, which has simpler calls and only one thread per socket.

Hefa - implement old httpt tunnels with netmt [HEFA-4] More


Protocol httpt tunnel has been redesigned to use netmt functionality.

Hefa - start using netmt apis for ipv6 and sockets [HEFA-5] More


New transport protocol has been added to the autotransport functionality. The new protocol is a simple windows tcp/ip protocol, which has simpler calls and only one thread per socket.

ISL Network Start - Desktop Win - network start should not bother with UAC [HEFA-11] More


If application is started using ISL Network Start the UAC dialog will not be shown on the start of ISL Network Start when the user launching it is Administrator on the machine.

Defect fixes

Hefa - Bitdefender crashes autotransport code [HEFA-1] More


Users who had Bitdefender antivirus installed on their computers could not use ISL Light as the antivirus caused the ISL Light to crash. The problem was when trying to find a transport to our ISL Conference proxy Bitdefender crashed this part of the code. Function for finding transport has been redesigned and underlying protocols have been changed to find a working transport. Users will no longer experience any problems in ISL Light in connection to Bitdefender antivirus.

The defect was fixed.

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