ISL Recording Player 3.0.1 for Windows, Mac & Linux (2014-03-10)


General Information

On 10th of March 2014 the following was released:

  • ISL Recording Player 3.0.1 for Windows (release_date=2014-03-05, revision=33232, platform=win32, os_version=0x05000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Recording Player 3.0.1 for MacOSX (release_date=2014-03-05, revision=33232, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0600-0x0affff)
  • ISL Recording Player 3.0.1 for Linux 32bit (release_date=2014-03-05, revision=33232, platform=linux)
  • ISL Recording Player 3.0.1 for Linux 64bit (release_date=2014-03-05, revision=33232, platform=linux64)

Update availability

All updates have release date set to 2014-03-05. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


New features

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Some minor updates in audio and video playback of ISL Light recordings [ISLPLAYER-18] More


Audio and Video playback libraries were updated to increase performance of ISL Recording Player.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop Win - Double clicking on different .isr files should open multiple recordings in one instance of program [ISLPLAYER-19] More


Double clicking on different .isr files (ISL Recording files) on Windows will now open multiple recordings in one instance of program. This feature is only supported on installed version of ISL Recording Player.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Replace icon in about screen [ISLPLAYER-20] More


Old logo was used in the about screen of ISL Recording Player. Logo was replaced with a new one according to the internal style guide.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Update application icon  [ISLPLAYER-28] More


Icons of ISL Recording Player were replaced with new ones which are compliant with internal style guide.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - use smoother antialiasing [ISLPLAYER-35] More


ISL Recording Player is now using smooth anti aliasing instead of fast anti aliasing which improves quality of scaled images.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Update skins and icons [ISLPLAYER-39] More


ISL Recording Player skins were replaced with new ones which are compliant with internal style guide.

Defect fixes

ISL Recording Player - Desktop Win - Unable to install on Windows XP (error message) [ISLPLAYER-5] More


Users may have experienced problems when installing ISL Recording Player on Windows XP operating system. The issue was that files needed for installation were locked. The installation procedure was redesigned, files are no longer locked and users should no longer experience any problems when installing ISL Recording Player.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop Win - ExistingMsg is shown when upgrading from previous version [ISLPLAYER-6] More


When upgrading from ISL Recording Player 2.1.0 to 3.0.0 a message box is shown with only ExistingMsg content. The upgrade procedure was redesigned, appropriate message is displayed when upgrading to newer versions.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Video stream of ISL Groop recording was missing in exported .avi file [ISLPLAYER-16] More


Users may have experienced missing video stream after exporting ISL Groop recording to .avi file. The issue was that the parser for video stream was not handling all video streams. Parser was redesigned and uses all video streams. After exporting ISL Groop recording to .avi file all video streams should be displayed correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Number of recorded channels should not be editable  [ISLPLAYER-17] More


Text box for recorded channels was editable. The edit functionality was removed from that text box.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Application crashes when exporting on windows 8 [ISLPLAYER-21] More


Users may have experienced crash of ISL Recording Player when exporting recording on Windows 8 operating system. The issue was that the export functionality tried to export video prior to initialization of data. The data is now correctly initialized and exporting should no longer crash on Windows 8 operating system.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Switching between play and pause of ISL Groop recordings could cause a crash [ISLPLAYER-22] More


Users may have experienced crash of ISL Recording Player when switching between play and pause when viewing recording of ISL Groop session. The issue was in the boundary condition of Video parser. The parser was redesigned to also include that condition and application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop Unix - Avatar not shown in recording and also in export  [ISLPLAYER-23] More


When viewing ISL Groop session recording, avatars of participants were not displayed correctly. The issue was that there was a missing plugin which was added and avatars should be displayed correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop Mac - Button is hidden when start RP ( rise minimum width ) [ISLPLAYER-24] More


When starting ISL Recording Player one icon was hidden due to minimum width being to small. The width was increased, all button are correctly shown.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop - Changes in settings dialog are not saved correctly  [ISLPLAYER-26] More


Changes made in settings of ISL Recording Player application were not correctly saved. The saving settings function was redesigned, the settings are now saved correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Recording Player - Desktop Linux - Desktop (slide) image is hidden with ISL Groop recordings [ISLPLAYER-34] More


Users may have experienced black presentation slide when viewing ISL Groop session on Linux. Drawing slide functionality was redesigned. Users should no longer see black slide in ISL Groop recording.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Untranslated strings [ISLPLAYER-36] More


Users may have seen untranslated strings inside ISL Recording Player application. The missing strings were added.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Extend label size to fit the text [ISLPLAYER-37] More


Users may have noticed that not whole indexing progress text was displayed while the recording was indexing. The text size was extended to display whole text.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - fix fullscreen popup [ISLPLAYER-40] More


Users may have experienced full screen popup not being placed correctly when exiting full screen mode in ISL Recording Player. The exit full screen procedure was redesigned to also include opaque background and to place the popup correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Artefacts visible when jumping in time [ISLPLAYER-41] More


Users may have experienced artefacts when jumping in time while viewing ISL Recording Player recording. The issue was that JPEG library was throwing exception. The exception is now properly handled and artefacts should no longer be visible.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Playback controls backend [ISLPLAYER-42] More


Users may have experienced wrong current playback time when dragging the slider back in time over the left side border. The slider value was set incorrectly. The slider now limits the playback time, users should see the correct playback time.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Blackscreen when pausing and resuming recording  [ISLPLAYER-43] More


Users may have experienced blinking recording image when pressing pause or resume button. The issue was that previous playback was not immediately stopped, which resulted in the blinking. The rendering procedure was redesigned, so the playback is stopped right after user clicks on pause. The recording image should no longer blink.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Program unresponsive while keyframing  [ISLPLAYER-48] More


Users may have experienced unresponsive ISL Recording Player application while keyframing. The keyframing is now limited if data has too many empty image updates. Users should no longer experience program unresponsiveness.

The defect was fixed.

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