ISL Player 4.0.0 for Windows, Mac & Linux (2015-12-18)


General Information

On 18th of December 2015 the following was released:

  • ISL Player 4.0.0 for Windows (release_date=2015-12-18, revision=43848, platform=win32, os_version=0x06010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Player 4.0.0 for MacOSX (release_date=2015-12-18, revision=43848, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0800-0x0affff)
  • ISL Player 4.0.0 for Linux 64bit (release_date=2015-12-18, revision=43848, platform=linux64)

ISL Player 4.0.0 uses Libs 43223

Update availability

All updates have release date set to 2015-12-18. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


New features

ISL Player - Desktop - Rename ISL Recording Player to ISL Player (SPECIAL) [ISLPLAYER-29] More


ISL Recording Player was renamed to ISL Player.

ISL Player - Desktop - Raise minimum required OSX version to 10.8 (SPECIAL) [ISLPLAYER-127] More


Dropped support for older version of Mac OS X operating systems 10.6 and 10.7. New minimum supported Mac OS X operating system is 10.8.

ISL Player - Desktop - drop support for linux 32 bit platform (SPECIAL) [ISLPLAYER-147] More


ISL Player now longer supports 32-bit linux distributions. Latest version of ISL Player still supporting 32-bit Linux platform is ISL Player 3.0.1

ISL Player - Desktop - Raise minimum required Windows version to Windows 7 (SPECIAL) [ISLPLAYER-196] More


Dropped support for older versions of Windows operating system. New minimum supported version of Windows operating system is Windows 7.

ISL Player - Desktop - All link should go through r301 (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-45] More


Application now uses r301 links when opening external http links. This enables users to always use get the latest content available for ISL Player.

ISL Player - Desktop -  fix zip generator to include better date and netstart naming support (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-51] More


Users who use Linux computers are offered with ZIP package when running ISL Online products. ZIP package now includes correct date of files and support for netstart naming.

ISL Player - Desktop - Implement zoom controls for timeline (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-52] More


ISL Player timeline slider control was updated which allows better control over playback. Users can also zoom in on the timeline for finer control and quickly zoom out with the "Zoom to fit" option.

ISL Player - Desktop - Add support for markers (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-54] More


Added support for markers. Users can drop markers to mark important events during playback. They can then quickly jump between markers using the "Next" and "Previous" buttons.

ISL Player - Desktop - implement new graphical user interface look and feel (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-55] More


Application graphical user interface has been updated with new look and feel. Graphical user interface is now more consistent with ISL Online brandstyle guide.

ISL Player - Desktop - Update slider handling for timeline [ISLPLAYER-57] More


Users are now able to also move the timeline slider by scrolling the mouse wheel. To scroll one minute at a time, SHIFT key must be hold down while scrolling the mouse wheel.

If users hold down the SHIFT key, they can also view playback updates instantly while dragging the timeline slider.

ISL Player - Desktop - Add support for trim before export (In and Out Point) [ISLPLAYER-63] More


Added support for video trimming. Users can choose the starting and ending point of the videos before exporting them. The points can be set from either the export menu or from the main GUI using the "Set in point" and "Set out point" buttons.

ISL Player - Desktop - Add support for 1.3 recordings [ISLPLAYER-64] More


Added support for viewing recordings recorded by ISL Light Module which records in 1.3 format.

ISL Player - Desktop - add support for handling multiple recording headers v1.3 (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-72] More


Users who had recording files with multiple recording headers, couldn't play the recordings. Support was added for handling multiple recording headers in same recording file.

ISL Player - Desktop - deploy as DMG and style for Mac OS X platforms (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-74] More


Previous versions of ISL Player offered unsigned ZIP file to Mac users when downloading it. Users are now offered with signed DMG package when downloading ISL Player on Mac computers.

ISL Player - Desktop - Replace xaudio library with qChapsa (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-80] More


Audio module used in ISL Player was replaced with ISL Chapsa library.

ISL Player - Desktop - change bundle identifier to "com.islonline.islplayer.islplayer" (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-103] More


Bundle identifier for Mac OS X application was changed to com.islonline.islplayer.islplayer.

ISL Player - Desktop - Player doesn't open a recording if you double click the recording on OS X (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-105] More


Support for opening ISL Player recording files by clicking on recording in Finder application was added to installed versions of application. This enables users easier opening of recording files. This was achieved by registering ISL Player application to  isl recording files uniform type identifier.

ISL Player - Desktop - implement ISSC reconstruction algorithm to view desktop streams in recordings which were not shown due to incomplete init procedure (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-112] More


Added support for reconstructing desktop streams in ISL Light recordings if desktop stream starts with any of these states: INIT_STATE_BEGIN, INIT_STATE_AUTH_LIST, INIT_STATE_AUTH_RESULT or INIT_STATE_WAIT_SERVER_INIT. Reconstruction will fail if desktop stream does not start with any of these states.

ISL Player - Desktop - implement installer functionality on Mac OS X and Linux64bit platforms (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-125] More


Added support for installing ISL Player on Mac OS X and Linux 64 bit platforms. ISL Player is installed into following folder:

- mac: /Applications/ISL

- linux 64 bit: /opt/ISLOnline/ISLPlayer

ISL Player - Desktop - Add suport for decoding vpx video format in ISL Light recordings (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-126] More


Added support for playing video from recording files created by new version of ISL Light 4.1.0 which uses Talk plugin.

ISL Player - Desktop - Implement view log file functionality in program interface (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-129] More


ISL Player was missing functionality to display log file to user. This functionality was added in menu: Tools->View Log File.

ISL Player - Desktop - Add ISR file association on Linux64 platform (FEATURE) [ISLPLAYER-191] More


Support for opening ISL Player recording files by clicking on recordings was added to installed versions of application. This enables users easier opening of recording files. This was achieved by registering ISL Player application to isl recording files mime type.


Defect fixes

ISL Player - Desktop - Change about screen according to ISL specifications defined in IOW (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-46] More


About box was not implemented as specified in company policy. About box was redesigned according to internal brand style guide and now includes build information and crash links functionality.

The defect was fixed..

ISL Player - Desktop - Crash while viewing ISL Light session recording (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-56] More


Users may have experienced crashing of ISL Player while viewing recordings created using ISL Light. The Player was redesigned to get rid of the memory leak that caused the crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Channel parsers issues (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-58] More


There was a problem with creating and handling channel parsers of the same type. Some streams of the same type could get ignored or not presented correctly, this could result in empty or blinking image. Handling of channel parsers was redesigned, there should be no empty or blinking image.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - High DPI layout problem with welcome dialog (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-59] More


Users might have experienced cropped texts when using high DPI settings. Application user interface has been redesigned and adjusted for high dpi  settings.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Wrong chunk issues when moving along timeline (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-60] More


When jumping forward/backward in recording timeline, wrong chunk index was sometimes chosen, causing the remote desktop frame to be blank. Jumping functionality was redesigned, correct index should now be chosen.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Cannot replay desktop stream recorded on mac os x platforms (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-65] More


ISSC stream protocol used in ISL Player application had issue with decoding some ISL Light desktop streams using ISSC codec. This was fixed by properly decoding ISSC frame buffer update data using compact mode in protocol.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - String substitution has no effect (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-66] More


Users may have noticed that the "Substitute ISL Player translations" option from ISL Conference proxy had no effect. The issue was that substitutions file was not included in application package.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Incorrect timestamp offset if restart and resume (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-73] More


Some recordings which contained recording of system restart could not be played. There was an issue with the timestamps not beginning with zero. The issue was fixed using offsets.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Missing screenshots in playing desktop stream (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-78] More


Some screenshots were skipped when viewing recordings made with ISL Light iOS. This was fixed by rewriting component for  viewing ISL Light desktop streams.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Quick Start Close button always in English (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-91] More


The "Close" button which closes the quick start Dialog was always shown in English language. This was fixed by recording missing translation. Newest translations file will need to be uploaded to ISL Conference Proxy for this functionality.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - High memory usage after indexing one ISL Light recording caused crash (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-92] More


Users may have experienced ISL Player crashing when playing a recording. The issue was that keyframing of recordings consumed too much system memory, which eventually cause the program to crash. Keyframing functionality was redesigned, application should no longer crash when playing a recording.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Missing Quick Start dialog in unix platforms (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-104] More


Application did not open welcome dialog on computers running Mac OS X and Linux operating systems. This was changed by opening welcome dialog on all operating systems.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Remove unnecessary chat line prefix (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-115] More


Chat section in graphical user interface had additional metadata which could result in misunderstanding chat origin. Chat module in application was redesigned to display chat messages exactly like they are recorded without any additional info.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Wrong or no slide played in ISL Groop recording (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-116] More


Some slides were skipped when viewing recordings made in ISL Groop. Issue was in several slides not being added to desktop stream data. This was fixed by rewriting desktop stream component for viewing ISL Groop recordings.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - ISL Player fails to install if no translations are uploaded on ICP (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-119] More


Application failed to install if ISL Player translations were missing on ISL Conference Proxy. This was fixed by adding additional flag in program to always include translations in program even if they are not present in ISL Conference Proxy.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Incorrect behaviour of sound controls in menu (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-135] More


Sound controls in application menu were not synced with recording player sound controls.  Sound controls in application menu were removed from application.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Pressing enter on recording info dialog will close recording info dialog (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-142] More


Pressing enter after opening the Recording Info dialog will not close the dialog anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Cancelling "load procedure" for recording crashes ISL Player on Linux or OSX (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-170] More


Users might have experienced crash in application when pressing cancel during loading of recording file. Canceling file load was redesigned, application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Using mouse scroll wheel on volume slider does effect application volume (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-171] More


Application did not adjust volume when volume slider was moved using mouse wheel. Support for controlling volume with mouse wheel was removed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Player - Desktop - Unknown publisher shown in ISL Player installer on Windows (DEFECT) [ISLPLAYER-185] More


Unknown publisher was shown in ISL Player installation file. Installer file will now show that it is signed with ISL Online certificate.

The defect was fixed.

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