ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2120.112 with modules for Windows and Linux (2022-03-03)


On 3rd of March the following was released:

  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2120.112 for for Windows 64bit (Platform=win64, Revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01, req_os_version=0x06011db1-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2120.112 for for Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01, req_os_version=0x0206200000-0xffffffffff)


  • Administration 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • Backup 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • Core Login 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • DNS 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • Integrator 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • ISL Groop 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • ISL Light 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)
  • NTP 4.4.2120.112 (revision=f35efdfa88d21b5391dcd4bb40cd2c7f2dfc3f29, release_date=2022-03-01)


  • administration_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • backup_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • core_login_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • integrator_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • isl_alwayson_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • isl_conference_proxy_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • isl_groop_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • isl_light_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • isl_pronto_20220301_20220301_071948.translation
  • reports_20220301_20220301_071948.translation

Update availability

All updates, except translations, have release date set to 2022-03-01. Your ESS will need to be  same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Enforce localhost IP checks on all HTTP frontend connections (SECURITY) [ISLCONFPROXY-2081] More


Localhost IP checks are now enforced on all HTTP frontend connections.

ISL Light - Module - Fix invalid argument check (SECURITY) [ISLCONFPROXY-2768] More


In previous versions of ISL Light module argument check was not performed correctly and was now redesigned.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Local non-replicated DT tables (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-1625] More


ISL Conference Proxy now supports local non-replicated DT tables.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Remove obsolete web address and CDN settings from /conf (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2080] More


Settings in Security have been removed:

  • "Do not use service public addresses for web pages"
  • "Alternate (for CDN) address for web pages"
  • "Alternate (for CDN) address for other services"
  • "Allow X-Forwarded-For header (for CDN) for IP ranges"

ISL Groop - Module - Store session history (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2404] More


Two new tables were added for storing ISL Groop session info required for reports: "islgroop_session_history", "islgroop_participant_history".
New setting "Update session history interval in seconds" was added to /conf -> Configuration -> ISL Groop, which can be used to modify update interval of end session time (default 300 seconds).

ISL Groop - Module - Expose session history in reports (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2416] More


Groop session history is now exposed through existing reports api: "reports/products/usage/get/1".

Reports - Module - Add ISL Groop reports pages (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2424] More


Reports page for ISL Groop module was added, accessible at Reports -> Web Conference. Report shows:

  • graph of daily usage for given span
  • aggregated stats (total sessions, durations, participants...)
  • list of sessions with details

Sessions can be exported to CSV.

Reports - Module - Add ISL Groop session details page (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2440] More


New page was added to ISL Groop reports, where user is able to see details of one session and its participants (how long were they in session, what country are they from and what platform they use).

Participants can be exported to CSV.

ISL Light - Module - Expose computer alias in reports (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2508] More


New field "Client Description" was added to ISL Light reports. This field is only set for ISL AlwaysOn sessions and contains description of the AON connection used to connect to remote computer.

ISL Groop - Module - Add support for breakout rooms (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2558] More


Support for breakout rooms functionality was added to ISL Groop module:

  • Implemented support for persistent breakout room data storage in "islgroop_sessions" table
  • Implemented support for storing breakout room status data
  • Implemented support for changed data notifications
  • Implemented support for breakout room related RPCs (create, modify, delete, assign, start)

ISL Groop - Module - Add support for breakout room chat (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2576] More


Added support for dedicated chat channel for breakout room functionality.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add GRID health checks (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2664] More


New settings:

  • /conf -> Configuration -> Security
    • Enable GRID health api in /health/grid exposes health status with HTTP API on /health/grid
    • GRID health api secret can be used to protect API with secret (if not empty, HTTP API requests need to have secret set in query string)
  • /conf -> Configuration -> GRID ->Settings
    • GRID server tags was added where tag for each server can be provided. This tags are then used when checking for number of servers and services per tag. Server can have multiple tags(format: $TAG1$, $TAG2$, $TAG3$)
    • Delay before first GRID health check (secs) can be used to set the delay before first GRID health check is performed after restart of server (before this delay any GRID health issues are not detected or exposed through HTTP API)
    • Minimum number of connected servers in GRID can be used to specify minimum number of connected servers in GRID with enabled load.
    • Minimum number of connected servers per tags is used to provide tag based limits for number of connected servers with load in GRID (format: $TAG$=$MIN_SERVERS$)
  • /conf -> Configuration -> GRID -> Load balancing -> Service settings (each service has own settings)
    • Minimum number of servers providing service in GRID specifies minimum number of connected servers that provide given service in GRID
    • Minimum number of servers providing service per tags specifies minimum number of connected servers that provide given service per tag (format: $TAG$=$MIN_SERVERS$)

Implemented GRID health checks:

  • check if number of connected servers with load on is above limit set with Minimum number of connected servers in GRID
  • check if number of connected servers with load on is above limit for each tag set in Minimum number of connected servers per tags
  • check if any disconnected servers that have load on
  • for each available service check if number of servers is above limit set with Minimum number of servers providing service in GRID for this service
  • for each available service check if number of servers in each tags is above limits set with Minimum number of servers providing service per tags for this service

GRID health check is performed periodically (every minute) and all checks are performed. If any check fails logs are created and error is exposed in /conf.
GRID health check is also performed when manipulating with GRID settings so user should get immediate feedback if setup no longer matches given limitations.
Each of the mentioned checks is exposed with simple web page (response code is set to 200 if check OK, otherwise 500, except if "no_err" query argument is set in request, then 200 is returned on error also):

  • /health/grid/overall - Check all
  • /health/grid/servers/connected - Minimum connected servers with load in GRID
  • /health/grid/servers/tags - Minimum connected servers with load per tags
  • /health/grid/servers/disconnected - Disconnected servers with load in GRID
  • /health/grid/services/total - Minimum servers with service in GRID
  • /health/grid/services/tags - Minimum servers with service per tags

ISL Groop - Module - Add breakout rooms screen sharing permission (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2670] More


Added new permission "Guests will continue sharing their screens when breakout rooms are opened" to /conf -> ISL Groop -> ISL Classroom. With this permission disabled, guests will automatically stop sharing their screens when breakout rooms are opened.

ISL Conference proxy - ISL AlwaysOn - Adjust search indexes to be used with fast search (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2713] More


Two new indexes were created for "c_time" column that replace existing simple index. Index is used by "islalwayson/computer/search/2-3" webapi when searching for last used.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Lower severity of connect logs (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2717] More


Severity of "connected to server" logs was changed and will be now logged with following log level:

  • initial connect - notice
  • reconnect - warning

Severity of "disconnected from server" logs was changed and will be now logged with following log level:

  • disconnect - warning
  • disconnect because of duplicate connection - notice

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add setting to escalate health check logs (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2720] More


New setting was added to /conf -> Configuration -> GRID ->Settings: "Health Check when down set log severity Critical after (in minutes)"

Setting can be used to specify the amount of time that individual check needs to be failing for, until the logs are escalated from "warning" to "critical". Setting it to "5" would mean that failing check will be logged with "warning" for 4 minutes and with "critical" from 5th check on (after 5 minutes).

Each successful check will reset delay.

ISL Conference Proxy - Groop Module - Add Support for Custom Breakout Room Labels (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2731] More


Support for custom breakout room labels was added to ISL Groop module.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Implement computer update quota (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-2732] More


ISL AlwaysOn computer update quota was implemented. Maximum 10 updates are allowed, all subsequent updates are skipped.
The counter is reset after 24 hours. New log subsystem "[ISL AlwaysOn] Database Flush" was added.

ISL Light - Module - send END signal when desk and client are not connected for more than 30s (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-4994] More


Added HTTP event message (EVENT=END) for ISL Light sessions. This event is triggered when session has ended.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Update title background color without restarting icp (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-2690] More


In previous versions when changing "Title background color" setting, ICP had to be restarted to apply changes. This was now redesigned and restarting ICP should no longer be necessary.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - ISL Groop - Hide classroom functionality on v440 pages (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-2714] More


In previous versions on v440 pages, when user had setting "User can create Classroom type meetings" disabled, functionality was still shown. This was now redesigned and button to add new Classroom should not be visible anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Administration - Position tooltips above sidebar, hide show more link when creating group and check support for deleting user (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-2733] More


Following fixes were added to Administration pages:

  • Tooltips are now positioned above sidebar so they are not cut by sidebar.
  • "Show More" link is no longer available when creating group (group is not available yet so no info to show).
  • "Delete User" link in user sidebar is not available if required webapis are not available.

ISL Conference proxy - ISL AlwaysOn - Execute window is not shown on v2100 (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-2756] More


In previous version click on "Execute" option did not have effect in computer list (single computer action). This was now redesigned and execute dialog should be opened.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Administration - Register missing translation strings (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-2766] More


In previous versions some of the translation strings in Administration module were not registered in HTML, and strings were not translated. This was now redesigned, translations were registered and strings should now be translated.

The defect was fixed.

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