ISL Conference Proxy 4.3.8 with modules for Windows and Linux (2017-03-08)


General Information

On 8th of March the following was released: 

  • ISL  Conference Proxy 4.3.8 for Windows 32bit (Platform=win32,  Revision=49200, release_date=2017-03-03,  os_version=0x06000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.3.8 for  Windows 64bit (Platform=win64, Revision=49200, release_date=2017-03-03,  os_version=0x06000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.3.8 for Linux 32bit (Platform=linux, Revision=49200, release_date=2017-03-03)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.3.8 for Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=49200, release_date=2017-03-03)


  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.3.8 (release_date=2017-03-03, revision=49200)
  • ISL Light 4.3.8 (release_date=2017-03-03, revision=49200)

Update availability

All  updates have release date set to 2017-03-03. Your ESS will need to be  same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is  available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Search by tags does not work (DEFECT)[ISLALWAYSON-1177] More


If user selected tag search in ISL AlwaysOn computer search, the search returned all computers instead of only the ones with specified tag. Search functionality was redesigned, searching using tags will now return only computers with the specified tag.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add support for adding custom content rules via software policy (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1186] More


Added support for adding custom content rules ( CSS, Javascript ) in software policy. Based on software policy rules the added custom content rules will be applied if users match the rule.
<webTemplateElement version="430" scope="Japan" name="head" url="/users/main/downloads.html">
li.platforms ol.nav li.linux {display:none;}
In this example Japanese users will not see linux platform as supported one in downloads page of ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - HTTP/1.0 Connection Close does not shutdown TCP write (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-1271] More


Users who used Incapsula HTTP proxy were unable to connect to ISL Conference Proxy. The issue was that parameter Content-Length was not sufficient for notifying the proxy to shutdown the connection after the content was sent. Now after the content is sent ISL Conference Proxy will also send TCP shutdown write in order to notify the proxy to shutdown the connection.

In order to enable ISL Conference Proxy this functionality users have to navigate to ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration - Advanced - Web server:
HTTP/1.0 connection close write [4.3 preview]:
and set the value to Yes.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Transfer session returns webapi2 error "Invalid right specified" (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4466] More


Users who wanted to transfer session using email invitation and entering email received "Invalid right specified" error. The function for sending session transfer invitation email was redesigned, users can now enter valid email and the email will be sent to the entered email.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Cannot send Invite operator email invitations if recipient selected from users list (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4501] More


If Invite operator email invitation recipient is selected from users list, then following warning is displayed to the user "Some recipients have incorrect email addresses. Send anyway?". The issue was present only in version 1 of web template. Selecting users from users list was redesigned, no error should be displayed after clicking on Send.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Missing option for canceling invite operator ( DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4514] More


Users were unable to revoke permission for inviting operator into session. The option was added into drop-down menu for the session named "Revoke invitation".

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Change Cancel transfer to Revoke Transfer (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4517] More


The text of the button Cancel transfer was changed to Revoke transfer on ISL Light web interface.

The defect was fixed.

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