ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2240.81 for Windows and Linux (2023-04-17)


On 17th of April the following was released:

  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2240.81 for for Windows 64bit (Platform=win64, Revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17, req_os_version=0x06011db1-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.4.2240.81 for for Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17, req_os_version=0x0206200000-0xffffffffff)


  • Administration 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • Audit 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • Backup 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • Core Login 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • DNS 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • Integrator 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • ISL Groop 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • ISL Light 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • ISL Pronto 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • Locale 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • Reports 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • SSL 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)
  • System Monitor 4.4.2240.81 (revision=5711d62527166c97cc88ff66c46841ff56b6062e, release_date=2023-04-17)


  • administration_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • backup_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • core_login_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • integrator_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • isl_alwayson_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • isl_conference_proxy_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • isl_groop_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • isl_light_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • isl_pronto_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • reports_20230412_20230412_190854.translation
  • ssl_20230412_20230412_190854.translation

Update availability

All updates, except translations, have release date set to 2023-04-17. Your ESS will need to be  same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Add option to dump online computers (FEATURE) ISLALWAYSON-1183 More


New setting "Store online computers to xml file every X seconds" was added to /conf -> ISL AlwaysOn settings. When set (minimum is 300 seconds), the computers xml dump is appended to "islalwayson_computers.xml" file inside ISL Conference Proxy installation folder. This feature is disabled (set to 0) by default.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Add new webapi islalwayson/computer/history/2 that will also return deskOS and deskLocation (FEATURE) ISLALWAYSON-1475 More


New webapi2 "islalwayson/computer/history/2" was registered that returns os_nice field of operators machine.

ISL Conference proxy - Core - Remove per domain/user program settings (allow program, use branches, order index) (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2701 More


Program settings (Allow program, Use branches for, Order index for) were removed for domain and user level and can now only be set on server level. Previously set settings on domain and user level will now be ignored.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Lower severity of WebAPI2 probes on http (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2849 More


Response code IMPLEMENTATION_ERROR is now reported as severity error (previous severity: critical) with conditions similar to HTTP response 404. Response will now be reported as critical if:

  • WebAPI2 request is not made on HTTP transport (MUX, WS, ...) or:
  • client is in intranet or:
  • hostname in HTTP Referer and Host match and ICP recognizes hostname in HTTP Host

Dev flag "Web log intranet errors are not critical" (web_log_intranet_not_critical) was added, which disables the feature where all unexpected errors on HTTP are reported as critical if the client is in intranet.

ISL Conference Proxy - DNS- Decode IPv6 address in myiz DNS names (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2866 More


IPv6 encoded address support was added to DNS server:

ISL Conference Proxy - DNS - whatismyip client DNS debugging record (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2867 More


New setting "Enable client DNS debugging records (whatismydns, whatismyip) [insecure, disable as soon as possible]" was registered in Advanced DNS Zone settings. This setting is mainly used for debugging purposes and having it enabled for longer periods is discouraged. When enabled, whatismyip and whatismyip-* are added to the zone which return client's IP address as seen by load balancer. myip and EDNS Client Subnet is supported. To test if current internet connection DNS server supports EDNS Client Subnet, run:

  • "ping", or:
  • "nslookup"

Note that if myip was not provided and EDNS Client Subnet is not supported, no record will be returned. Load balancer will fallback to client DNS server IP address in this case, which can be queried with "".

ISL Light - Module - Mark sessions with guest operator (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2904 More


New webapi version isllight/session/info/5 was added that marks sessions with guest operator in response, setting "guestOperator" field to "true". Webapi is used on session list to disable "Invite operator" option for sessions that are not owned by the current user or are used by guest operator.

ISL Conference Proxy - GeoIP - Add setting to show/hide location information from GeoIP database (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2909 More


New setting "Show GeoIP location" was added to /conf -> General settings.
When this setting is set to "Automatic", the location (country, city) will be shown to the users when a custom GeoIP database is being used. When set to "Yes" or "No", the location information will always or never be shown respectively. If the location information is shown to the user, the appropriate license for the GeoIP database used must be acquired. For more details, please refer to the manual.

ISL Light - Module - Add intermediate web page for session invites (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2924 More


Session invites are now using constant link (with invite ID) that opens intermediate web page with some basic info and starts appropriate executable download.
Constant link is used in invite link and in invite email body.
Web page also shows warning in case of unsupported platform (mobile) or used/revoked invite.

Support for "{{ attach_url_js}}" and "{{ resume_url_js}}" was removed from mail template.

ISL Light - Module - Adjust session dropdown actions based on session state (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2932 More


Session actions are now adjusted based on state of ISL Light session (options that will never be available are removed).
Quick actions in table row are now also based on current session state.
State -> Quick action mapping:

  • user is owner and session is active -> Open
  • user is owner and session is paused -> Resume
  • user is not owner and session is active -> Takeover
  • user is not owner and session is paused -> Resume
  • waiting for client -> Invite
  • waiting for operator -> Invite

Sessions are now also updated when one of the sessions in tree is updated (changed name or email), before only selected one was updated.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Certificate panel in web administration (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2934 More


Certificate panel was added to web administration (/conf -> Activity Monitor -> Certificates) with information about validity period and certificate details. Additionally, certificates used by HTTPS-POST-CERTPIN method in external authentication will be shown in Certificate panel and checked for expiry. These certificates will be registered when used for login and kept in memory for 7 days unless the certificate files get deleted in the mean time. The source data for the certificate is available in the details:

  • source-file: file with the cert
  • source-setting: system setting which contains the cert
  • source-license-field: field in license file which contains the cert
  • source-builtin-default: "yes" if it comes with a predefined built-in default

ISL Conference Proxy - Integrator - Add integrator/domain/user/list/filter/membership/1 (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2935 More


Registered new internal webapi "internal/domain/user/list/filter/membership/1" which lists users (per requested domain) with a list of ISL Pronto filters they belong to. The call supports filtering and ordering.
Registered new webapi "integrator/domain/user/list/filter/membership/1", which checks "list_user_filter_membership" rights and then uses above described webapi.

ISL Conference Proxy - Administration - Expose "Show user information" setting in Administration module (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2942 More


Following setting was released and can now be set by Domain Admins in Administration pages (/users/administration). Settings from "/conf" pages (Old name) were renamed (New name) and now use same layout (Page, Section, Subsection) as Administration settings.

Old Name: Show user information
New Name: Show operator's information to remote user
New Desc: This setting exposes the operator's information to the remote side while joining a session. The following values can be set: "username", "fullname", "email" or "none" (to display none).
Page: ISL Light
Section: ISL Light
Subsection: Basic

ISL Conference Proxy - SysInfo - Update styling of network_status page (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2981 More


Smaller design changes were introduced to network status page (/users/main/network_status.html). Borders and alignment were updated, which should result in better readability of page.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Add controls for deferred ping flush (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2990 More


ISL AlwaysOn module delays storing computer disconnect times (ping) to db for 1h after a computer disconnects. This delay is now reduced to 30min.
ISL Conference Proxy pages were updated to show current deferred ping count (in /conf -> Debug -> ISL AlwaysOn Computer Deferred Ping) and button to move deferred pings to cache was added in /conf -> Sessions -> Active -> ISL AlwaysOn -> This Server Commands -> Move deferred pings to cache.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Gjrpc function support (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2993 More


New protocol for exposing internal functions to modules was implemented. GJRPC handler is now available on (hport = WebAPI high privilege port). Header "Isl-Gjrpc-Secret" must match runtime secret key. Test web page is available on Values for GJRPC URL and Runtime secret key can be obtained in /conf > Debug > Moduleapp XML.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Register "internal/utils/counters/query/1" (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-2996 More


New internal webapi "internal/utils/counters/query/1" was registered to return current values of counters.
New counter "LIBPQ:execute_nonsilent_error" was added.

ISL Light - Module - Optimize schedule check at the start of session (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-3000 More


The process of checking time limit on ISL Light sessions at start of session was redesigned to reduce number of DB reads.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Require user interaction to start reset password procedure (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-3007 More


Reset password token is no longer invalidated on page load (email link can be opened multiple times). Token is no longer deleted from "forgot_password_email_token" table when invalidated but now field "used" is set to "true
New webapi version utils/password/forgot/change/2 was added that invalidates token on successful use.
Old version utils/password/forgot/change/1 is removed.
Recaptcha is now required for utils/password/forgot/change/2 and utils/password/forgot/cancel/1.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - OpenSSL 1.1.1t (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-3009 More


OpenSSL was upgraded to 1.1.1t.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Unify computer field naming with ISL Light (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-3016 More


Naming of computer fields (description/alias) was unified on computer list page and now matches naming in ISL Light program.
Computer name = actual name of physical computer
Alias = name of connection that is set by the user

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Upgrade moment.js library to latest (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-3019 More


Javascript library "moment.js" and "moment-timezone.js" were upgraded. New versions used: moment.js 2.29.4 and moment-timezone.js - 0.5.40.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core Login - Appweblogin local port redirect support (FEATURE) ISLCONFPROXY-3022 More


Application web login (used by Single Sign On) was redesigned and login grant success will be reported using a redirect back argument in local port URL, providing compatibility support for Chrome 113, which is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure websites as part of the Private Network Access specification (please see for details).

ISL Light - Module - Register and use nice_os api (FEATURE) ISLLIGHT-5335 More


ISL Light will now use new API for getting nice_os version.

ISL Light - Module - Check that user is the creator of session invite when manipulating with it (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-2895 More


In previous versions every user with full rights could create session invite. This was now redesigned and only session owners are allowed to create session invites.
In previous versions when counting invites all open invites were counted. This was now redesigned and open invites for active sessions are counted.

The defects were fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Lower severity of guest invitation error (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-2900 More


In previous versions when anonymous user tried to use ISL Light invitation code, but the invitation did not allow anonymous attach, the webapi returned implementation error. This was now redesigned and user error is returned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Reports - Usage graph automatically changes end date after adjusting datepicker start date (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-2992 More


In previous versions, when opening Reports page and changing start date, end date automatically changed in usage graph. This was now redesigned and changing start date should not affect end date.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Reports - Limit modal window size (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3008 More


In previous versions modal windows were not scrollable, which resulted that user could not see whole content of chat transcripts in Reports pages. This was now redesigned and modals are now scrollable when to large to display.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Do not send email "stopped remote desktop session" when session moves from one server to the other (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3010 More


In previous versions, when session was moved between servers, email was sent on each transfer of session. This was now redesigned and before sending "remote desktop session stopped email" check is performed that session is not active on grid (on some other server) and issue should not happen anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Administration - Change searching options to be more grammatically correct (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3013 More


Texts for filter options were updated to be more grammatically correct:

  • Not Starts With -> Does Not Start With
  • Include -> Includes
  • Not Include -> Does Not Include
  • Equal -> Equal to
  • Not Equal -> Not Equal to

In previous version some of the tooltips did not show on certain browsers. This was now redesigned and following tooltips should be correctly displayed:

  • Password cannot be changed for external users.
  • System user modification is forbidden.
  • This group is external and can not be deleted.
  • Insufficient permissions. (Delete group)
  • This group cannot be deleted because it still has members. Please remove them before deleting the group.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Administration - Runtime logger is not set in db layer (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3015 More


In previous versions runtime logger was not set in db layer, which could result in runtime errors in some cases. This was now redesigned and runtime logger is now added to dblayer.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Limit brand icon size in navbar (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3025 More


In previous version, when custom logo was used it was not resized and could break the layout. This was now redesigned, icon size is limited to navbar size and issue should not happen anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Administration - Inplace input with dropdown does not refresh on value change (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3030 More


In previous version search for setting Computer Group owner did not work. This was now redesigned and inplace inputs were fixed to detect change of input value and search should now show correct values.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - on_not_found query arguments do not get cleared when used (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3036 More


In previous versions fallback download program query params "on_not_found_" were not cleared after they were used. This was now redesigned and query params are now cleared.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Do not check timezone when schedule is not set (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3039 More


In previous version client timezone was resolved from IP address even when it was not needed. This was now redesigned and timezone should be resolved only when schedule is set. Also handling of exceptions while resolving timezone was redesigned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Locale - System timezone is not detected correctly on Linux (DEFECT) ISLCONFPROXY-3040 More


In previous versions system timezone was sometimes not detected correctly on Linux operating system. This was now redesigned and Locale module now uses icu4c library to detect system/host timezone. This is used as default when resolving IP to timezone.

The defect was fixed.

Tags: windows linux, proxy 4.4

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