ISL Conference Proxy 3.5.5 with modules for Windows and Linux (2013-12-13)


General Information

On 13th of December the following was released: :

  • ISL Conference Proxy 3.5.5 for Windows 32bit (Platform=win32, Revision=31275, release_date=2013-11-21, os_version=0x5020000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 3.5.5 for Windows 64bit (Platform=win64, Revision=31275, release_date=2013-11-21, os_version=0x5020000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 3.5.5 for Linux 32bit (Platform=linux, Revision=31275, release_date=2013-11-21)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 3.5.5 for Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=31275, release_date=2013-11-21)


  • ISL AlwaysOn 2.1.4 (release_date=2013-11-21, revision=31317)
  • ISL Light 3.5.4 (release_date=2013-11-21, revision=31317)
  • ISL Groop 3.0.0 (release_date=2013-11-21,revision=31401)
  • PostgreSQL 9.3.010101 (release_date=2013-11-21, revision=31041)


  • isl_conference_proxy_20131121_20131213_110545
  • isl_alwayson_20131121_20131213_110545
  • isl_groop_20131121_20131213_110545
  • isl_light_20131121_20131213_110545
  • isl_pronto_20131121_20131213_110545

All updates have release date set to 2013-11-21. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


New features

ISL Alwayson

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - port files webapi to webapi2  [ISLALWAYSON-199] More


ISL AlwaysOn WebAPI is now supporting files functionality. With new API calls users can upload, download or update files on an ISL ALwaysOn computer.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Add support for connect on webapi2   [ISLALWAYSON-217] More


ISL AlwaysOn WebAPI is now supporting sending session code to ISL AlwaysOn computer. This options is available using the following call:


ISL AlwaysOn - Module - add email template to webapi2  [ISLALWAYSON-223] More


ISL AlwaysOn has a new WebAPI call. When using the following call : islalwayson/user/email/1, the reply will generate a grant access invitation email or file access email.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - detect possible DB error during register   [ISLALWAYSON-224] More


In some cases ISL AlwaysOn computer failed to register. Such events are now detected and an email is sent informing of the failed registration.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - custom time range does not work [ISLALWAYSON-226] More


Using custom search range in WebAPI call islalwayson/computer/history/1 did not work. The reply was empty. Custom time range is now properly parsed and should not give empty results.

Custom search range is now also supporting ISO datetime format.

Example: "session_after":"2014-01-05T00:00:00", "session_before":"2014-01-06T00:00:00"

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - add support for reading/writing connect_options through webapi2  [ISLALWAYSON-227] More


ISL AlwaysOn webapi call islalwayson/computer/connect/2 is now also supporting connect options.

ISL Light

ISL Light - module - custom time range does not work  [ISLLIGHT-611] More


Using custom search range in WebAPI call isllight/computer/history/1 did not work. The reply was empty. Custom time range is now properly parsed and should not give empty results.

Custom search range is now also supporting ISO datetime format.

Example: "session_after":"2014-01-05T00:00:00", "session_before":"2014-01-06T00:00:00"

ISL Groop

ISL Groop - Module - End of Session Poll webapi [ISLGROOP-231] More


ISL Groop module now supports end of session poll.

The data from the poll can be be inserted into users info using the following API call:


Data can be retrieved using the following API call:


To set the open URL on session close users would need to use the following API call:

islgroop/sessions/update/single/1 and set the parameter "on_close_url".

ISL Groop - Module - Add join info to sessions/get/single webapi2 call [ISLGROOP-255] More


ISL Groop WebAPI call sessions/get/single/1 now also includes join_info parameter in the reply. The join_info parameter displays basic session information.

ISL Groop - Module - webapi2 files [ISLGROOP-257] More


ISL Groop webapi calls now also include files functionality.

To get the upload link to upload a file to the session:


To update already uploaded file:


To delete a file from the session


To get the list of files in session users can use the following call:


ISL Groop - Module - create webUI v2 [ISLGROOP-261] More


New web user interface for ISL Groop module has been created.

ISL Groop - Module - UDP support  [ISLGROOP-263] More


Added UDP support to ISL Groop module. The setting for UDP port can be found under Configuration -> General:

UDP ports:

ISL Groop - Module - setting for file size limit  [ISLGROOP-276] More


ISL Groop module now uses new setting with which users can control the file size limit for uploading a file to an ISL Groop session. The setting can be found under Configuration -> ISL Groop:

Maximum size of file uploaded to file box (in MB):

ISL Groop - Module - webUI v2 setting in configuration  [ISLGROOP-277] More


ISL Groop module has a new settings:

Which version of ISL Groop web interface to show

Based on the setting the user can either display the new interface or use the old one.

ISL Conference Proxy

ISL Conference Proxy - add websockets tunnel support [ISLCONFPROXY-198] More


Support for websockets tunnel was added to ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Conference Proxy - UDP service support [ISLCONFPROXY-199] More


Support for UDP service was added to ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Conference Proxy - replace old dummy SSL cert with MD5/RSA to something newer  [ISLCONFPROXY-201] More


Old SSL certificates were using MD5/RSA encryption. The newly generated SSL certificates are using 2048 bit key and SHA-1 signature encryption.

ISL Conference Proxy - allow bulk storage upload of files with unknown file size [ISLCONFPROXY-210] More


Added support for multiple files upload to ISL Conference Proxy without known file sizes.

ISL Conference Proxy - support custom version in isldb::translate api call  [ISLCONFPROXY-218] More


Added support for different versions of translations being applied to template.

ISL Conference Proxy - add support for ISO date time in custom search [ISLCONFPROXY-221] More


Support for ISO datetime was added to ISL Conference Proxy

ISL Conference Proxy - rename Connection Tester to ISL Tester  [ISLCONFPROXY-222] More


ISL Connection Tester was renamed to ISL Tester.


ISL Conference Proxy - PostgreSQL module - DT switcher [ISLCONFPROXY-203] More


Added a user friendly database format switcher in PostgreSQL - Installation page

ISL Conference Proxy - PostgreSQL 9.3.1 support [ISLCONFPROXY-204] More


Added support for PostgreSQL 9.3 to ISL Conference Proxy.

Defect fixes

ISL Light

ISL Light - Module - optimising session statistics writes into db [ISLLIGHT-484] More


In Grid environment we can have only as many writes as slowest server allows. Currently ISL Light sessions statistics is written every 30s (connection times and bytes). We should have setting for the interval - to define how many times database is written. Example - if there is 3000 sessions live - each second every ISL Light serever will need to do 100 writes into DB.

ISL Light - Module - sessions not shown in active list [ISLLIGHT-486] More


Users may have experienced paused session not being visible in active session list. If a session was paused and started on a different server the session was not displayed in the active session list. Paused sessions are now displayed correctly in the active session list.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - Automatic active session list refresh shows an untranslated string [ISLLIGHT-625] More


Users may have come across with untranslated string for any running ISL Light session on the ISL Light module session list. Clicking more on a running session would open a menu in which the last item was untranslated. The text would say "Resume session" no matter which language was selected. The string was missing a translation tag, which was added and it is now correctly translated.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy

ISL Conference Proxy - bug in JSON "fals" [ISLCONFPROXY-200] More


WebAPI boolean value was returned incorrectly. If the value was False it was reported as Fals and JSON parser failed to parse. Function was redesigned so boolean values return correct value for False.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - language list ptbr innosetup bug  [ISLCONFPROXY-206] More


Users may have experienced some of the text not being translated to Portuguese-Brazilian when using installer to install ISL Online products. In case Portuguese-Brazilian is detected on a clients computer it will force that language. Users should not see any texts being untranslated.

The defect was fixed.

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