ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 with modules for Windows and Linux (2015-06-04)


General Information

On 4th of June the following was released: :

  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 for Windows 32bit (Platform=win32, Revision=40768 , release_date=2015-04-28, os_version=0x5020000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 for Windows 64bit (Platform=win64, Revision=40768 , release_date=2015-04-28, os_version=0x5020000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 for Linux 32bit (Platform=linux, Revision=40768 , release_date=2015-04-28)
  • ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 for Linux 64bit (Platform=linux64, Revision=40768 , release_date=2015-04-28)


  • ISL Light 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • ISL AlwaysOn 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40816 )
  • ISL Pronto  4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40665  )
  • ISL Groop 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • DNS Server 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • GeoIP 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40737)
  • Locale 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • Network Time 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40744 )
  • PostgreSQL 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • Reports 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • Storage 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )
  • System monitor 4.2.0 (release_date=2015-04-28, revision=40653 )


  • isl_alwayson_20150428_20150604_122734.translation
  • isl_conference_proxy_20150428_20150604_122734.translation
  • isl_groop_20150428_20150604_122734.translation
  • isl_light_20150428_20150604_122734.translation
  • isl_pronto_20150428_20150604_122734.translation
  • reports_20150428_20150604_122734.translation

Update availability

All updates have release date set to 2015-04-28. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 uses Libs4

Upgrading to new version

This are server side updates so hosted service users do not need to do anything.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License


ISL Conference Proxy upgrade from version 4.1.x to 4.2.0 can take long time on large database (multiple hours for big ICP installations ~30GB). ICP 4.2.0 will create 2 new indexes on all tables for improved speed.

ISL Conference Proxy upgrade will check permissions of files and force permissions for islcp user.  We detected that change of permissions on Windows can take long time on large number of files.

We recommend that you try upgrading first on test server with production database (copy production ISL Conference Proxy folder to new machine and run new ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 installer).

ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 with revision 40724  was replaced with ISL Conference Proxy 4.2.0 with revision 40816 due to:

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Osslsigncode fails on Windows 2003 (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-738] More


If ISL Conference Proxy was installed on Windows 2003, downloading programs resulted in webpage error 500. The issue was that Osslsigncode tool was not compliant with Windows 2003 which is needed for signing the executable thus resulting in webpage error. Osslsingcode tool was redesigned and is now compliant with Windows 2003.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn 4.2.0 module  with revision 40715  was replaced with ISL AlwaysOn  4.2.0 module with revision 40768 due to:

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Searching for shared computer returns 0 computers (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-786] More


Users were unable to view computers that were shared with them using the domain sharing option. The issue was in the connection sharing function, which did not resolve domains only users. The function was redesigned and it now works correctly also when sharing computers with whole domain.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - cannot automatically share connection during granting access (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-784] More


Users who wrote grant action setting on both user and domain level and there was no new line character in user grant setting the computer was not shared as defined. The issue was that both user and domain grant settings are joined and if there was a new line character missing,that setting will not get resolved correctly. The setting was redesigned, if it missing a new line character then this character is added.

The defect was fixed.


ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add login Brute Force Protection aka Gremwell 2.2.5 (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-587] More


Support for brute force log in protection was added to ISL Conference Proxy. All attempts to log in are now logged and counted on ISL Conference Proxy. If the number of log in attempts exceeds the limit, account will be disabled for the time defined in security settings.

Users can find settings for brute force protection under Security on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page. Settings are the following:

- Maximum failed logins for user: (default 5) - maximum number of failed attempts to log in as specific user

- Maximum failed logins for address: (default 5) - maximum number of failed attempts to log in from a specific IP address

- Maximum failed logins period in seconds: (default 60) - time period defined in seconds for limiting the above two rules

- GRID-wide maximum failed logins: (default YES) - option to define whether settings are defined on whole GRID network

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - improve performance of packet generator for volatile files (authenticode stage) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-550] More


Packet generator cache was redesigned, it now calculates all dependencies for volatile files and keeps them in cache for future packet generations thus improving performance.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - make packet generator parallel (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-551] More


In previous versions program packet generation process was done sequentially. The process was optimized, program packet generation is now done in parallel thus improving performance

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Login password change regularly and automatically (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-558] More


Added settings for increasing user security:

- Password expiration interval (1w 2d 3h 4m 5s):

This setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration - General.

- User must change password - true|false

- Last password change - timestamp

Those two settings can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under User management -> Selecting a  user -> General.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - implement SSL s2c crypto in netmt_isldb_socket::tcp_connect (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-559] More


Added support for creating  TCP SSL connection from ISL Conference Proxy to ISL AlwaysOn client program.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module Storage - add initial API  (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-562] More


Added storage module to ISL Conference Proxy which is used for server side session recording.

ISL Confence Proxy - Core - Record log files with process id (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-563] More


Log file of ISL Conference Proxy now includes process id of confproxy_server process.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - use server load balancer for find_best_server_for_grid_call_service (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-569] More


In a grid environment with 3 servers, where 2 servers have the required module installed and one does not have it, If a request comes to the server without the installed module, that server will automatically redirect the request to the server with the lowest load.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Reporting of errors (remove_directory) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-595] More


Support for reporting file operation errors was added to ISL Conference Proxy log file.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - improve performance of packet generator for bulk files (customization images) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-596] More


Program packet generator now caches bulk files so it reduces queries to internal database thus improving performance.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - improve packet generation by creating executable tree only once (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-622] More


When packet generation process occurs it will create executable tree and then reuse it with next packet generation if the calculated hash value is correct. This improves performance of package generation process.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Win32 service log timestamps in UTC (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-623] More


Previous version used local time in log of ISL Conference Proxy service. Local time was replaced with UTC time.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add double signing support (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-627] More


ISL Conference Proxy now uses two authenticode certificates when signing programs. By default both certificates are imported from license, however users are also able to define their own two certificates. Settings can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Security section:

- Authenticode tool:

- Use authenticode from license:

- Authenticode enabled

- Authenticode hash function

- Authenticode publisher certificate file (PKCS#7)

- Authenticode private key file (PEM)

- Authenticode private key passphrase

- Authenticode enabled [compat]

- Authenticode hash function [compat]

- Authenticode publisher certificate file [compat] (PKCS#7)

- Authenticode private key file [compat] (PEM)

- Authenticode private key passphrase [compat]

Programs are signed using SHA-1 hash function ( compat cerftificate ) and SHA-2 hash function.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Implement groups (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-649] More


Added back-end support for groups.

The following webapi2 calls are now available:

utils/groups/create/1 - Create a group. User, as owner of group, will be allowed to delete or change returned group. User can add users, domains or other groups to this group.

Input arguments:

- name  - name of the group to create

- tags - tags of the group


- id - id of the group

- type - group

utils/groups/delete/1 - Delete group. User needs to be the owner of the group or have all permissions on group. All references to this group in other groups will be also deleted. In order to complete the delete opeartion the group must be empty - must not have members other than owner

Input arguments:

- id - id of group


- OK -

utils/groups/query/1 - Query groups that user is direct member of.

Input arguments:

- id - id of the group to query

- name - name of the group to filter

- skip_members - setting this parameter will omit members field

- skip_rights - setting this parameter will omit right fields

- tags - include only groups that cointain all tags specified


- id

- members array

- name

- rights array

- stat_computer_count

- tags array

- type

utils/groups/info/1 - Query group info.

input arguments:

- id - get info for group with this id

- skip_members - setting this parameter will omit members field

- skip_right - setting this parameter will omit right field


- name

- members

- rights

- tags

- stat_computer_count

utils/groups/update/1 - Update group.

Input arguments:

- add - add new members to group

- del - delete existing members from group

- id - update group with this id

- name - update group name

- set - array of new members of group to replace old value

- tags - set array of new tags on group


- members

utils/groups/security/1 - Change group security.

Input arguments:

- id - update security for group with this id

- rights - set of rights in form of {"permission":["user",...],...}

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - multi-priority code detection (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-653] More


Improved support when using ISL Light short codes. Session code is firstly checked against ISL Light session code and then passed to other detectors.

ISL Conference Proxy - Module PostgreSQL - monitor realtime stats panel (index bloat, index usage, table size, ...) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-655] More


Added support for realtime monitoring of PostgreSQL stats ( index bloat, index usage, table size, ...). Stats can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under PostgreSQL -> Tables, Indexes, Bloat

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - optimize bulk write into DT while doing grid sync (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-657] More


Optimized writing bulk records into local database when performing database synchronization with other servers. Previous version wrote records to database one by one, the new version writes 5 MB of records whenever possible and switches to one by one record write when that is no longer possible. This improves database synchronization by factor 2.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - DB hook/event performance (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-658] More


New internal event API which reduces the traffic between ISL Conference Proxy and internal PostgreSQL database. This change improves performance of ISL Conference Proxy. New event API also adds entries in ISL Conference Proxy server log if it detect slow performance from modules. Setting for defining the limit on when the slow performance triggers warning can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> Advanced -> Performance:

Callback event warning report threshold in ms: ( default value is set to 10000).

The following log entries will be written if the event exceeds the above defined limit:

- timer warning: starting X ms after being created (events waiting in queue = Y)

- timer warning: completed X ms after being created

When old modules are installed the following entries will also be written into log:

- warning: adding a backward compatible delete data hook, please upgrade the module

- adding backward compatible update hooks on table [X] for Y, please upgrade the module (hooks: Z)

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Prevent empty passwords when using external authentication (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-660] More


Added support for preventing empty password being passed on to external authenticator. Setting for the option can be found on ISL Conference proxy configuration page under Security section:

External authenticator allows empty passwords: (default No )

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Add support for setting the default max concurrent usage per user on domain or server level (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-674] More


Added support for setting default maximum number of concurrent usage per user on domain or server level.

Server level setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under General section:

Max concurrent usage (per user setting):

Domain level setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under User Management and then selecting a domain and clicking on General:

Max concurrent usage (per user setting):

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - option to disable WAL hashing on DT to improve performance (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-676] More


Added support for disabling WAL hashing on postgreSQL internal database to improve performance. When this setting is enabled it removes the WAL hashes column from database table. The setting is located on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Manage software -> Features:

- Store WALHASH in tables ( disabled by default )

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - DT create/drop indexes without CONCURRENTLY (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-682] More


If meta table is missing in ISL Conference Proxy internal postgreSQL database, ISL Conference Proxy will now recreate that meta info table from static information contained in the base or modules.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - webapi2 'utils/webtoken/info/1' (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-683] More


New webAPI2 call was added to ISL Conference Proxy

Webapi2 call utils/webtoken/info/1 will return session id, logged in user string and expiry time ( call does not require any input parameters ).

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - speed up GRID reconnects and web on DT by caching various meta info (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-686] More


Reduced number of requests to internal database when doing GRID reconnect or decoding webtoken ( everytime a ISL Conference Proxy web page is opened ) by keeping meta info in cache. This improves ISL Conference Proxy performance.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - add blob setting for authenticode (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-691] More


Added new setting on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> Security: Use authenticode packed parameters (BASE64). The input expects base64 encoded authenticode license key. This setting overrides other authenticode settings including the setting defined in license.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - report DT notification thread errors, don't just exit silently (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-692] More


Added error reporting in ISL Conference Proxy if internal PostgreSQL database crashes. The error description can be found in log of ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Conference Proxy - add support for google ReCaptcha validation (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-702] More


Added back-end support for Google ReCaptcha validation. New setting was added to ISL Conference Proxy and it's located on configuration page under Configuration -> Advanced -> Web server : Google Re-Captcha secret. Users will have to input the secret defined for validating Google ReCaptcha.

The following webapi2 call was also added:

external/google/recaptcha/validate/1 - validate google recaptcha response


- response - response of google catcha

- domain - optional ( domain for which the secret is configured )


- success: true|false

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - improve 3+ server grid DT sync (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-706] More


When servers started syncing data in some cases 2 or more servers were syncing on the same table which increased the time of syncing. Syncing functionality was redesigned, a server is always syncing only with one server at a time, meaning that server 1 will firstly sync data with server 2 then when finished it will continue to sync data with server 3 and so on.

Syncing between a newly added server to GRID was also improved. The new server firstly syncs completely with one server ( gets to the same state as one of the GRID server ) and then continue to sync with other server.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - add setting to disable adding group hierarchy (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-708] More


New setting was added to ISL Conference Proxy which disables adding group to group ( hierarchy ). The setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> General:

Allow group hierarchy creation [unsupported preview]

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - add cpu and swap usage to counters (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-710] More


CPU usage and swap usage was added to ISL Conference Proxy counters. Counters can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Debug -> Counters:

STAT: cpu - maximum cpu core load

STAT: swap(kb) - maximum swap usage in kb

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - expose return fields in webapi (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-712] More


Help section on webapi2 test webpage now includes return fields for selected function.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - add setting to disable automatic rebuild (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-718] More


Added setting for disabling automatic database rebuild. The setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Configuration -> Advanced -> Performance.

- Automatic database rebuild

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - reconnect GRID servers based on network distance (datacenter id) (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-719] More


ISL Conference Proxy will now connect to GRID servers based on network distance. The network distance is defined as: [local server, <randomized servers with same datacenter>, <servers ordered by geoip distance>, <randomized servers without geoip available>]. When performing database synchronization the server will firstly sync data with servers inside the same datacenter and then proceed to sync with servers based on lowest network distance.

Network distance is exposed:

- web admin servers

- /sysinfo with location=1

- network status on users pages

New setting is introduced:

- GRID server datacenter - user defines the datacenter name

The setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Grid -> Settings.

Additional setting is also introduced and it's per-service setting

- Same datacenter static boost - boost factor ( number )

The setting can be found on ISL Conference Proxy configuration page under Grid -> Load balancing -> Service settings.

ISL Conference Proxy - Support http1.0 connection keep-alive (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-724] More


Added support for  'Connection: Keep-Alive' header for HTTP 1.0.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - improve row size estimator in DT async (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-726] More


Previous row size estimator algorithm did not learn from real live data. The row size estimator was improved and at first estimates the average size and use that size when checking new records.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - optimize DT async protocol with block reads (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-730] More


Optimized database asynchronous protocol with block reads. When database between server is syncing it will now firstly check if certain rows are present in local database, if they are not it will synchronize those records by doing block read and then write to local database. If those records are present in local database it will fallback to row by row synchronization. Due to block read the performance of syncing is improved.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - started mail does not have much info (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-731] More


Added entire meta info including loaded modules in started ISL Conference Proxy email. This should improve debugging of incidents.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Enable verbose log in case of critical event (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-732] More


Added support for displaying value of counters in ISL Conference Proxy logs when the process starts to swap.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Missing lock when performing database insert (DEFECT)  [ISLCONFPROXY-340] More


A lock was missing while performing SQL INSERT in heavly parallel writes. This caused a dealock exception. ISL Conference Proxy now internally writes a lock on table while doing inserts. This should eliminate crashing of ISL Conference Proxy.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Database-DT Add columns using NULL as default as performance size and speed optimizations (FEATURE/DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-342] More


If a column was added in the database, the column was added as NOT NULL DEFAULT which caused a performance decrease due to database rewrite. When the column is added now, it will be set as NULL and database rewrite is not needed thus eliminating performance decrease.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Reduce forgot password token timeout to 1800 seconds and invalidate token on page open (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-342] More


Previous version of forgot password token timeout was set to 86400 which might present a security issue. The limit was reduced to 1800 seconds and token is invalidated once the forgot password webpage is open.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - isldb::dt_query crashes when dt is not enabled (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-555] More


If module did not implement direct tables feature checking and API call was made to that module this caused a crash. The API call was redesigned when performing call on disabled direct tables, ISL Conference Proxy will no longer crash instead it will throw an exception.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - crash in protocol detector and reverse proxy (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-572] More


In a GRID environment where servers were behind a reverse proxy and if one of them was misconfigured then in case a request came to the misconfigured server this caused a crash of ISL Conference Proxy. The functionality which catches replies from proxy was redesigned, misconfigured server should no longer cause crashing of ISL Conference Proxy.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Client Download Improper Input Validation (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-578] More


Users could input "%0a character ( new line ) with additional exploit into URL arguments which resulted configuration INI file having those lines. Protection with this kind of injections was added.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - No Re-Authentication for changing contact email (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-581] More


Changing user password did not require writing of current password which can present a security vulnerability. Users will now have to type in current password when changing password.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Packet generator authenticode sometimes fails on windows (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-598] More


ISL Conference Proxy displayed error 500 in some cases when performing packet generation process. The issue was that packet generation process was trying to remove a temporary file which was locked. Locking of files was redesigned, ISL Conference Proxy should display error 500 during packet generation.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - on Linux, might start twice (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-598] More


In some cases on Linux ISL conference Proxy was started twice. Starting of ISL Conference Proxy was redesigned, it now checks if an instance is already running and prevents starting of second ISL Conference Proxy.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Module PostgreSQL - fix PG2PG database migration (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-617] More


ISL Conference Proxy installation page did not offer migration from system PostgreSQL database to internal ISL Conference Proxy PostgreSQL database. This option was added. In case users did a manual migration the migration was faulty due to bulk files not being migrated. The migration process was redesigned, it now migrates also bulk files.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Module PostgreSQL - fails to start on sles 10 / opensuse 10.1, use self-compiled PostgreSQL (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-634] More


Users may have experienced inability to start internal ISL Conference Proxy PostgreSQL database on SLES linux 10 or OpenSUSE 10.1. Internal database was redesigned, it is now self-compiled which runs on both affected Linux machines. Additional support for migrating ISL Conference Proxy from 64-bit Windows to 32-bit Windows and from 64-bit Linux to 32-bit Linux was added.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core -  installation shows unsupported system error on Arch Linux (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-645] More


Installing ISL Conference Proxy on Arch Linux resulted in unsupported system error. Support for installing ISL Conference Proxy on Arch Linux was added.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - CreateRawObject cannot handle hex ids (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-666] More


Using createRawObject XMLMSG message that created hexid with object return hexid instead of raw database id. The functionality was redesigned, raw database id is now returned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - DT replace static plans with dynamic plans in plpgsql (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-685] More


Internal ISL Conference Proxy PostgreSQL database used static execution plans which in some cases reduced the performance of the database. Static execution plans were replaced by dynamic execution plans thus eliminating reduced performance.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - error reporting might hang and start consuming disk/ram if time_t is missing in timed_events (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-689] More


If server synchronization was not done correctly, the state of ISL Conference Proxy can be corrupted and it does not send error reports. Due to storing failed attempts of emails the error reports should be resent each minute. In some cases the number of those email can be so great that it can increase consumption of disk usage and RAM usage. Sending of errors was redesigned, ISL Conference Proxy now cannot come to state where it waits for sending of those failed error report email.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Postgresql autovacuum will block starting of ICP as ICP will try to modify schema on start (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-694] More


ISL Conference Proxy can get stuck when starting if it tries to do an operation which requires table lock on internal database, however autovacuum is already running and it requires a lock. Starting of ISL Conference Proxy was redesigned, when it starts the internal database, autovacuum is turned off by default and then enabled once ISL Conference Proxy is running.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core / Linux - Unnecessary crash dumps (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-703] More


In some cases ISL Conference Proxy core crash files were generated if a subprocess failed to exit the process correctly. Handling of subprocess exit was redesigned, core crash files should no longer be generated.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - Email of ICP restart will not send "unclean restart" instead it will send normal "started" (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-705] More


ISL Conference Proxy was in some cases sending incorrect email when started. The text of the email said that ISL Conference Proxy was started instead of unclean restart of ISL Conference Proxy. The handling of error messaging was redesigned, correct email is now sent to client.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - DT async hasher might cause watchdog crash (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-725] More


In some cases watchdog killed ISL Conference Proxy process if PostgreSQL write to database took too long. The watchdog was redesigned, it now checks if there are still writes to database and does not kill ISL Conference Proxy process.

The defect was fixed..

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - DT async index is missing (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-725] More


Index for a column was missing which reduced performance. The index was added.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Conference Proxy - Core - DT delete trigger missing index (DEFECT) [ISLCONFPROXY-733] More


ISL Conference Proxy had incorrect index when checking for obsolete rows to delete them ( this happens after writing to internal database ). The index was added and this improves the performance.

The defect was fixed.

- ISL AlwaysOn

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - add user authentication IP based throttling support (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-613] More


Support for brute force login protection was added to ISL AlwaysOn module.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Add grouping functionality (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-362] More


ISL AlwaysOn module now includes back-end support for grouping of ISL AlwaysOn computers.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Create new web pages based on webapi2 (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-527] More


Web interface of ISL AlwaysOn was redesigned. The new interface now uses Webapi2 calls and has similar behavior as ISL Light 4 program.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Implement OnDemand mode (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-595] More


Back-end support for ISL AlwaysOn On Demand mode was added to ISL AlwaysOn module.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - add new webapi2 calls that migrate connection (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-648] More


ISL AlwaysOn module now includes the following new webAPI2 calls:

islalwayson/computer/update/2 - Updates specified computer if user is the owner of the computer.

Input parameters:

- add - share this computer with user definined in this field ( you can use user, domain, group, user code or group code )

- co_id - unique id for AlwaysOn computer  which we will update

- default_domain - used to return users "relative" to default domain

- del - Delete sharing of this computer with user defined in this field.

- description - assign description for the computer

- include_hwid - returns computer unique id

- set - updates sharing information as defined in this field

- tags - specify array of tags to assign to this computer

islalwayson/computer/migrate/1 - Assign the computer to another owner. Owner can be user of a group. Shared computers cannot be migrated.

input parameters:

- co_id - unique id for AlwaysOn computer which we will migrate

- keep_allow - Set this option to true if you still want to keep the computer connection in allowed list

- owner - provided owner is object with id and type value. Type can be either user or group.

islalwayson/user/grant/2 - returns the link to grant computer connection. The function can also resolve provided grant code for users or groups

Input parameters:

- code - code for user or group to grant access to

- internal ip - force internal ip in returned link

islalwayson/computer/exists/2 - Find ISL AlwaySOn computer using hardware characteristics

Input parameters:

- addr - return computers with address defined in this field

- default_domain - specify default domain to be used for output

- hwid - ISL ALwaySOn computer ID

- include_hwid - include computer hwid in response

- mac - return computer with MAC defined in this field.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - improve DB callback performance (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-652] More


Support for new internal event API was added to ISL AlwaysOn module.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - expose "allowed" array field for revealing needed informations on shared status of computer (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-688] More


New webapi2 call was added to ISL AlwaysOn module. Name of the call is : islalwayson/computer/search/2

In addition to version 1 this call will also return the following:

- Allowed ( array ) - returns users ( id, name , type ) who are allowed to connect to that machine  ( if it's displaying logged in user it will also have additional parameter called me with value 1 )

- My - if the logged in user is the creator / owner of the computer connection

Additionally new search parameter is introduced:

search_group - value is id of the group - returns list of computers in that group

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - expand computer dump with computer ping time (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-741] More


Support for retrieving computer ping ( timestamp of the last time that ISL AlwaysOn computer was connected with ISL Conference Proxy ) was added to the following webapi2 calls:

- islalwayson/computer/search/2

- islalwayson/computer/update/2

The parameter is called pingc.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - improve /upload/commit url with new cgi (FEATURE) [ALWAYSON-752] More


Previous version of ISL AlwaysOn module only supported file upload by using http request fields. Now the parameters can also be passed using CGI arguments.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Cannot delete tags when a very long tag is included (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-129] More


If users edited a computer and added a very long tag, the long tag broke the layout when computers were edited for the second time. The web interface was redesigned, if the tag is longer then the input it will be truncated thus preventing broken layout.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - islalwayson/computer/search/1 call returns computer tags in string format instead of array (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-616] More


ISL AlwaysOn webapi2 call islalwayson/computer/search/1 returned list of tags in string format instead of array. Returning tags was redesigned, the tags are now sent in array format. Users will need to use webapi2 call islalwayson/computer/search/2 to get tags in array format.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - Cannot select remote session with ISL Light 4.0.1 (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-635] More


Users may have experienced issues connecting to remote desktop sessions ( using connect option - select session to connect to ). The issue was that the session was not correctly set, thus preventing user to connect to the correct session. Connecting to session was redesigned, users should now be able to connect to the session selected.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - review and spell check webapi help (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-684] More


In some webapi2 calls help section had typos or was not informative enough. Additional information was added to webapi2 calls and typos were removed.

The defect was fixed

ISLAlwayson - Webapi2 - method islalwayson/file/command/1 returns error instead of authenticate (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-724] More


Calling islalwayson/file/command/1 for a file that needs authentication returned Invalid file name or share name instead of authenticate challenge. The function was redesigned, authentication challenge is now returned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Module - webapi "islalwayson/file/command/2" does not work (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-737] More


Users may have experienced issues when using webapi2 call islalwayson/file/command/2. The return value was always : Invalid file name or share name specified. The functionality was redesigned, users should no longer receive the error when using correct parameters.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Webapi - Allow users to view session history of shared computers (DEFECT) [ALWAYSON-776] More


Users who tried to check session history using webapi2 call islalwayson/computer/history/1 for a shared computer received the following error : Invalid computer specified or you don't have right to update the connection. Permission checking for shared computers was redesigned, users can now check session history also for shared computers.

The defect was fixed.

- ISL Light

ISL Light - Module - add user authentication IP based throttling support (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-2152] More


Support for brute force login protection was added to ISL Light module.

ISL Light - Module - Use new file override framework (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-1535] More


Removed custom implementation of overrides for user pages in ISL Light module. Previous version of the module supported separate overriding functionality of user pages, the new module supports only the standard override method which is also used by other modules.

Example of new implementation usage:

objects/web_content_[_subtemplate_SUBTEMPLATE_]FILEBASE_VERSION.FILEENDING (objects/web_content_usersxyzbubu_1.html)

ISL Light - Module - Implement server side session recording (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-2077] More


ISL Light module now supports server side session recording. When starting a session ISL Light program ( which requests session code - operator ) must have support for server side recording otherwise it will show error ( Your program does not support session recording ). Currently only ISL Light 4.0.1 or newer version supports session side recording.

Procedure to enable server side session recording:

1. Navigate to ISL Conference Proxy configuration page

2. Select Storage -> Areas

3. Create new storage area

4. Define name and path on local drive ( check that ISL Conference Proxy will have write permissions for that folder )

5. Save

6. Select ISL Light under Configuration

7. Uncheck Recording session template

8. Define the template ( example - storage://light/ISLLight-timestamp.isr )

9. Save

ISL Light - Module - add extra fields to reporting API (FEATURE)  [ISLLIGHT-2187] More


ISL Light now exposes additional parameters for reporting API. The additional fields are the following:

- Platform

- Program version

- IP Address

- Language

- Country code

- Country

- City

- Network interfaces

- Capabilities

- OS version

- OS architecture

- Agent

ISL Light - Module - improve DB callback performance (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-2334] More


Support for new internal event API was added to ISL Light module.

ISL Light - Module - implement " isllight/session/list/info/1" webapi2 call (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-2367] More


The following webapi2 call was added to ISL Light module:

isllight/session/list/info/1 -  Users are now able to list user sessions based on session status.

Input parameters:

- status  - enter status for session such as any, active, ...

- limit ( max 100, default 10 )

- from ( return sessions from this index )

ISL Light - Module - implement isllight/session/list/2 that uses permissions (FEATURE)  [ISLLIGHT-2627] More


Version 1 of webapi2 call isllight/session/list shows sessions only of the currently logged in user. Version 2 now shows all sessions ( also from other users ), providing the user has permission to view other users sessions.

ISL Light - Module - Untranslated strings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-2114] More


Users may have found some untranslated text in ISL Light web interface. The untranslated text was recorded and translated.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Module - ISLCP code_to_service fails for ISL Light session - short codes (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-2339] More


Users who use ISL Light short session codes may have experienced an error when using such code ( Session does not exist ). In some cases ISL Light session code collided with ISL AlwaysOn session code. Checking session code was redesigned, it is now firstly checked against ISL Light session code and then passed on to other products if match is not found. Users should no longer receive session does not exist error.

The defect was fixed

- ISL Groop

ISL Groop - Module - add user authentication IP based throttling support (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-552] More


Support for brute force login protection was added to ISL Groop module.

ISL Groop - Module - improve DB callback performance (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-569] More


Support for new internal event API was added to ISL Groop module.

- ISL Pronto

ISL Pronto - Module - add user authentication IP based throttling support (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-393] More


Support for brute force login protection was added to ISL Pronto module.

ISL Pronto - Module -  Live dashboard (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-236] More


ISL Pronto web interface now shows live dashboard.

Live dashboard is divided into two groups. The overview and the operators group.

Overview will show the following information:

- Operators ( status, number of active chats, maximum chats, last response, number of chats, total chat time and average chat time )

- Number of active chats

- Prediction for number of chats in the future

- Number of successful chats

- Number of unsuccessful chats

- Graph by the hour of today's chats

Operators group will show the following information:

- Number of operators

- Number of currently active chats

- Number of total chats

- Operator's statistics

- Graph for number of operators.

ISL Pronto - Module - Store user with the message in chat (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-354] More


In previous version of module, chat lines which were stored in database only included nickname of the user who wrote the chat ( which in some cases cannot be unique). The new version stores unique values for a user along with the typed chat message.

ISL Pronto - Module - improve DB callback performance (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-515] More


Support for new internal event API was added to ISL Pronto module.

ISL Pronto - Module - Implement inpage chat (FEATURE) [ISLGROOP-569] More


ISL Pronto now supports new option of web integration for live chat. The new feature is called in page chat. The chat no longer opens a new window, it's incorporated into the website ( appear on the bottom right corner ). Clients can now navigate between pages and still have an active chat with the operator.

NOTICE: In page chat is currently only supported on single servers.

Basic JS snippet to use when integrating into web page:


   var ISLProntoServerUrl = '';

   var ISLProntoObject = ISLProntoObject || [];



           language : 'en',

           serverUrl : ISLProntoServerUrl,

           domain : 'enilnolsi'


   (function() {

       var isl = document.createElement('script'); isl.type = 'text/javascript'; isl.async = true;

       isl.src = ISLProntoServerUrl + '/live/islpronto/inpage/chat.js';

       var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(isl, s);



ISLProntoObject.push executes commands. Each command is an array with 2 fields (command name, command params).

For chat widget use:

 command name: chatWidget

 params: object of settings

Settings supported for chatWidget command:

 autoClose - boolean - if set to true, it will not ask user for chat close confirmation; this works in corespondence with closeChat setting (default: false)

 closeChat - boolean - allow user to close the chat; this setting enables close chat (X in top right corner of widget); for this to work, a setting on ICP must be set to true (ISL Pronto -> End chat automatically when client closes chat: Yes) (default: false)

 cssUrl - string (url address) - external CSS to be used with the widget; it is not needed to define all CSS classes, just those that requires changed (default: '')

 customFields - array of objects - array of objects, where each object defines a single custom field; objects must have 3 non-empty fields defined: name - field name (no spaces), title - field friendly name, value - field value; example: [{name:'company',title:'Company Name',value:'ISL Online'}]

 defaultClientNick        - string - if user does not specify any nickname, this string will be used; default value is Client (default: Client)

 defaultSupporterImgUrl- string (url address) - if supporter has no image specified in ISL Pronto settings, this image will be used

 domain        - string - which domain to ring when chat is started (mandatory)

 eyeCatcherUrl - string (url address) - url address of image displayed as an eye catcher (image above start chat button)

 filter - object - should be object of key value pairs id : label; example: { 'f:' : 'ISL Online International', 'f:hq' : 'ISL Online HeadQuarters' }; the selection dropdown menu will be displayed at welcome screen when user eneters their name and email address

 language - string(2) - two letter lower-cased code defining the language of widget (mandatory) (default: en)

 lam - boolean - Leave a Message setting defines the workflow for the user; if this is set to false, the workflow will be the same as with previous version of online chat, if set to true, a chat window will be opened as soon as client enters their name (default: true)

 logo - boolean - display logo on the right side of supporters information in chat window (default: true)

 logoUrl - string (url address) - url address of image displayed as logo on the right side of supporter information in chat window

 registration - boolean - defines if registration is required to start the chat; if this is set to false, start chat button will not ask for name and email address, but start the chat with defaultClientNick value as client's nickname (default: true)

 serverUrl - string (url address) - ICP server address hosting ISL Pronto module (mandatory) (default: //

 translations - object - this gives the integrator the chance to override default translations provided by the widget; the basis structure is: context : { string : { language_code : translation } }; example: { chatButton : { 'Chat with Us' : { 'en' : 'Talk to us', 'sl' : 'Tukaj smo' } }

 translationsUrl - string (url address) - you can decide to host translations on a different server and load them from there; this gives user the ability to completly rewrite the translations strings; when/if doing this, be sure not to change the left side of translations string, only the values

Settings domain, language and serverUrl are mandatory!

ISL Pronto - Module - Browser becomes very laggy if dashboard is opened for a long time (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-262] More


Users who had ISL Pronto dashboard opened for a long time, may have experienced browser becoming laggy. The issue was in table sorting library which used a lot of resources and was replaced with a different table sorting library.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Private chats will have multiple join events (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-272] More


Users experienced multiple client leave and join events. This messages are no longer shown.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - problematic %= escaping (DEFECT)  [ISLPRONTO-277] More


Certain ISL Pronto webpages did not correctly escape the text which would enable users to execute XSS HTML inject. Pages are now correctly escaped, disabling the option for XSS HTML injection.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - clients keep comming to servers that have LB off (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-391] More


If load balance was set to off on a server and if that server is handling any user domain, ISL Pronto clients of that domain were still redirected to that server. Module was redesigned, clients will no longer connect to the server that has load balanced set to off.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Active sessions page shows incorrect info in the chats table (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-513] More


Users who have GRID setup may have experienced incorrect number of active chats on ISL Conference Proxy active session page. Functionality for checking how many active chats are on each server was redesigned, active session page will now show correct number for chats.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - servers keep joining and dropping domains (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-517] More


Users may have experienced multiple client leave and join events in private chats. One of the issues was synchronization of chat objects between the servers in GRID environment. Synchronization was redesigned, users should no longer experience multiple client leave/join events.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - error reported for wrong stringspec (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-526] More


If users joined a chat with incorrect URL parameters ( e.g. incorrect domain ), this caused load balance penatly and an error in ISL Conference Proxy configuration interface. The handler for URL parameters was redesigned, if incorrect parameters are written it will now only cause soft error ( not giving penalty in load balance ) and the error will be only visible in ISL Conference Proxy log.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - Unable to join a chat through an invitation link (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-530] More


Users may have experienced problems when joining chat using invitation link provided by supporter. When joining the chat the chat was stuck in please wait phase instead of actually joining chat. Joining chats using invitation link was redesigned, users should be now able to join the chat normally.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Module - First view of the dashboard always displays data of default domain (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-546] More


When ISL Pronto dashboard webpage was opened it did not gather the correct data. It always gathered data from default domain instead of the chat data of the domain that user is member of. Webpage was redesigned, correct data is now shown.

The defect was fixed.

- GeoIP

ISL Conference Proxy - Module GeoIP - update to db 20150602 (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-735] More


We have updated GeoIP database to latest MaxMind database "GEO-533LITE 20150602".

- Network Time

ISL Conference Proxy - Module NTP - Add "DNS Resolver timeout" setting to prevent NTP sync deadlock causing ICP crash by watchdog (FEATURE) [ISLCONFPROXY-734] More


We added option to limit DNS resolving timeout in NTP module. If resolving would not work and would wait for more than 5 minutes, watchdog would kill ICP.

New setting ISL Conference Proxy Administratio -> Configuration -> Network Time -> NTP Client -> DNS resolver timeout in ms. Default is 30000ms.

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