ISL Groop 2.0.0 for Windows (2010-02-16)


General Information

On 16th February 2010 we have released:

  • ISL Groop 2.0.0 (2010-02-16) win32

Upgrading to new version

Hosted Service

Please visit to host a meeting or join a meeting.

Important: You need to have a valid ISL Online products login to host a meeting using ISL Groop.

Server License

Upgrades are free of charge for ISL Online Server License users with active Extended Support Service. ISL Online Server License users with expired Extended Support Service are welcome to purchase Extended Support Service in order to gain access to the newly released ISL Online Server system. In case you have extended ESS you will need to create new license file and upload it to your ISL Conference Proxy server.

Quick Instructions for users with ISL Conference Proxy 3.1 installed

  1. open web administration of ISL Conference Proxy http://localhost:7615/conf
  2. login using admin account
  3. click Online update link in left navigation
  4. click Apply changes if you have automatic install


  • Webinar type session makes it easier to create webinars fast with support for user registration.
  • Participant role has been dropped, only 3 roles remain now, these are host, presenter and guest.
  • New Office 2007-like GUI with ribbon bar and logo menu.
  • Audio has been improved with an auto-fix system that tries to identify your audio problems and fix them automatically, adjusting your recording device volume or even switching to the correct audio recording device if wrong device is selected.
  • Live screen sharing can be in the form of application sharing or screen sharing where you can adjust the shared screen region manually or maximize to share your entire screen.
  • Screen sharing also features a toolbar on the shared area where you can pause and unpause the stream, enable and disable remote control, and monitor the transfer of updates to other participants.
  • Control over shared screen is now enabled or disabled for all participants and you no longer need to give control to each user separately.
  • Request system has been added, allowing users to make requests to host(s) to promote their role, or to live screen stream owners to enable the remote control, or you can request all participants to change their GUI layout.
  • There are only 2 layouts in the new GUI, one used for presentation of content and the other for conferencing. These can be changed freely by presenters and hosts and are selected automatically for guests through the request layout change feature.
  • Session files are now accessible through a special File Box dialog where you can add, open, edit, or delete session files.
  • Chat now features a tabbed form for public and private chat inside a messages dialog which also contains tabs for the new questions and answers tab and the system messages tab.
  • You can now ask public questions anonymously and they will be added to the Q&A tab in the messages dialog where presenters or hosts can answer them. The answers are also visible publicly.
  • System messages tab receives important messages from the audio, video and screen sharing services.
  • Hosts also receive messages informing them of problems that session participants are having.


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