ISL Groop 2.3.1 for Windows, Mac & Linux (2011-08-30)


General Information

On 30th of August 2011 we have released:

  • ISL Groop 2.3.1 for Windows2000+ (Release date=2011-08-23, Revision=21106, Platform=win32, OS_Version=0x5000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Groop 2.3.1 for MacOSX 10.5+ (Release date=2011-08-23, Revision=21106, Platform=mac, OS_Version=0xa0500-0xaffff)
  • ISL Groop 2.3.1 for Linux (Release date=2011-08-23, Revision=21106, Platform=linux)
  • ISL Groop 2.3.1 for Linux64 (Release date=2011-08-23, Revision=21106, Platform=linux64)

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


Major improvements

  • Desktop Sharing support for MacOSX 10.7 Lion added
  • Hide ribbon support added
  • Customization support

New features

ISL Groop - Client Mac - Add support for desktop sharing on Mac OSX Lion (10.7) [ISLGROOP-95] More


New release from Apple - Mac OSX 10.7 Lion made some changes to API and desktop sharing in ISL Groop produced black screen. ISL Groop now supports also Lion relase - desktop sharing was reimplemented using different API.

ISL Groop - Client - Add option to fold (hide) ribbon [ISLGROOP-94] More


A new fold option was added to enable hide of the ribbon. You can use this feature to maximize space availabe for slide size in presentation layout or talking heads in conference layout.

ISL Groop - Client - Add support for customizations [ISLGROOP-86] More


ISL Groop now supports customizations through ini files and customization on ISL Conference Proxy. Following customizations are available:


  window_title=title  (can include{session_code}, {session_name})



[Presentation Layout] or [Conference Layout]















ISL Groop - Client - Add button into slide toolbar to show and hide overlay for sharing new content [ISLGROOP-88] More


When user entered new session, he got overlay in slide view to create new content. User could click on empty part of overlay and overlay hide. Overlay behavior was changed so that it will be present all the time in slide view when you do not have any content shared.

ISL Groop - Client - Change behaviour of new content overlay in case there are no slides - do not allow to hide it [ISLGROOP-89] More


When user entered new session, he got overlay in slide view to create new content. User could click on empty part of overlay and overlay hide. Overlay behavior was changed so that it will be present all the time in slide view when you do not have any content shared.

ISL Groop - Client - Remember current layout modifications [ISLGROOP-59] More


ISL Groop did not remember changes to current layout made by user. For example if user changed the layout by folding the chat, podium, participant list, talking heads container or any other change ISL Groop will restore default configuration when you switch to fullscreen and back, or to conference layout and back.

In new version ISL Groop remembers changes made to layout and restores the same layout as it ws before user changed to full screen or conference layout.

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