ISL Pronto 2.2.2 for Windows, Mac & Linux (2014-11-27)


General Information

On 27th of November 2014 the following was released:

  • ISL Pronto 2.2.2 for Windows (release_date=2014-10-30, Revision=37659, platform=win32, os_version=0x05000000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Pronto 2.2.2 for Macintosh (release_date=2014-10-30, Revision=37659, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0600-0x0affff)
  • ISL Pronto 2.2.2 for Linux (release_date=2014-10-30, Revision=37659, platform=linux)
  • ISL Pronto 2.2.2 for Linux64 (release_date=2014-10-30, revision=37659, platform=linux64)

All updates have release date set to 2014-10-30. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Pronto - Desktop/Mac - deploy as DMG and style (FEATURE) [ISLPRONTO-292] More


Support for new type of program packages - DMG was added to ISL Pronto. New packaging was developed to support new Apple v2 signatures requirement for trusted developer downloads.

You may also use dmg_as_zip=1 in URL to force old zipapp.

ISL Pronto - Desktop - Transfer chat button does not refresh (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-260] More


Operators were not able to transfer chat to another supporter if the supporter was unavailable when the chat started. The issue was that the program did not refresh the transfer chat button correctly when offline users came online. Transfer chat button will now change correctly when other operators change their status from offline to online.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Desktop - Handle errors of playback device (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-263] More


In some cases sound device caused error during playback which were not correctly handled by the application. With the new version in case an error occurs it will be correctly handled and shown to user.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Desktop - disabling sound effects does not disable sound (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-271] More


When users disabled sound effect in settings the sound library was still running and kept the sound playback devices open which might have interfered with the system. Disabling sound playback devices was redesigned, if the sound is disabled in settings, sound library will not be running.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Desktop - Incorrect automatic status change checkbox state and value (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-275] More


Users may have experienced incorrect values in settings. If user opened settings and disabled Set status to unavailable if inactive option then saved this settings and opened settings again the Set status to unavailable if inactive was automatically set to 1 minute. ISL Pronto settings were redesigned, if user disables the option for setting status, the option will be now set correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Desktop - New connection causes unresponsive buttons on wrong password or username (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-278] More


When ISL Pronto is installed it gives you a dialog to enter username and password. If incorrect username and password was entered with previous version of ISL Pronto a new dialog appeared which was not editable since there was another dialog blocking it. Login functionality was redesigned, in case the user enters invalid credentials status of the connection will show invalid login instead of opening login dialog. Users will no longer have problems changing username or password.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Pronto - Desktop - Unable to change settings if there are no sound devices (DEFECT) [ISLPRONTO-280] More


Users were unable to confirm or cancel ISL Pronto settings dialog if their computer did not have a sound device. Saving settings functionality was redesigned, even if users do not have any sound devices they will be able to save settings or cancel the changes.

The defect was fixed.

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