ISL AlwaysOn 2.2.8 for Windows and Mac (2016-05-13)


General Information

On 13th of May the following was released:

  • ISL AlwaysOn 2.2.8 for Windows (release_date=2016-05-13, revision=46614, platform=win32,os_version=0x5010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL AlwaysOn 2.2.8 for Macintosh (release_date=2016-05-13, revision=46614, platform=mac,os_version=0x0a0600-0x0affff)

All updates have release date set to 2016-05-13. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Send installation timestamp to server (FEATURE) [ISLALWAYSON-1075] More


Added support for sending ISL AlwaysOn installation time to server. Once ISL AlwaysOn is installed and first user is added to ISL AlwaysOn, the application will automatically send time of initial user added to ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop - Uninstaller will delete ISL Online registry key (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-924] More


Uninstalling ISL AlwaysOn caused ISL Online registry key removal located in HKCU\Software. Uninstall process was redesigned and will no longer remove ISL Online registry key.

The defect was fixed.

ISL AlwaysOn - Desktop Win - Custom notification messsage does not support unicode characters (DEFECT) [ISLALWAYSON-1076] More


If users used customized notification message when connecting to ISL AlwaysOn machine and the message included unicode characters, the incomming notification did not display the text correctly. Notification system was redesigned and now supports unicode characters in customized notification message.

The defect was fixed.

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