ISL Light 4.4.1907.66 for Android (2020-01-14)


General Information

On 14th of January the following was released:

  • ISL Light 4.4.1907.66 for Android (release_date=2020-01-10, build=49b04c8c317949d675182da538bf8ccca7ed4d1c, platform=Android, os_version=5.0.0-FFF).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android .

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android .

ISL Light 4.4.1907.66 for Android is available in Google Play Store and it has also a corresponding program file (isl_light_4_4_1907_66_android_202001100943_14f3caf9.program) which adds information about customizations to ISL Conference Proxy. Server License users need to use Online update to get the file.


New features

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Implement URI scheme handler for setting server address, ports and session code (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5413]  More


New URI schema allows joining the session in scenarios where ISL Light Android in not present yet on the mobile device. Intent with server address, TCP ports and session code that is served from the ISL Conference Proxy Join page is now passed through the Google Play store and handled by ISL Light Android application.
This feature improves user experience, users are now able to continue ISL Light Android application directly from the Google Play store after installation is finished, setting server address, TCP ports and session code in the process.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Implement dialog to download ISL Online "Add-On" in ISL Light for Android from Google Play store (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5415]  More


In previous version in order to obtain full control on devices that use add-on functionality, users had to manually download the add-on application. This functionality is now handled by ISL Light application. When users starts ISL Light it will check whether the user is using add-on supported device. If it is, then a dialog to download the add-on will be presented to the user. If users decide to decline the download, they can always download the application by going to ISL Light settings and then select Install remote control add-on.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Use android:launchMode="singleTop" flag for IntroActivity (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5418]  More


ISL Light Android IntroActivity is now using singleTop launchMode flag, that allows this activity to have only one instance in the system. Previous implementation caused intents to spawn new IntroActivities each time, which resulted in multiple activities being stacked.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Return to target activity when launching from non-default launcher (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5421]  More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the application would not return to the correct activity when launching from a non-default launcher. This caused an issue where the user was not able to return back to the session. The activity loading functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience these issues.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Do not reset session code text after session disconnects (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5422]  More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the session could would not be filled in when joining a session via an intent link when already connected in a session. This was caused by the disconnect procedure which erased the session code input. The disconnect procedure was redesigned and will no longer erase the session code input field when joining a session via an intent link.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Rearrange order in preferences (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5430]  More


Sections in settings of ISL Light application were rearranged. The Additional section was moved lower.

The defect was fixed.

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