ISL Light 4.4.1825.8 for Android (2018-07-03)


General Information

On 3rd of July the following was released:

  • ISL Light 4.4.1825.8 for Android (release_date=2018-05-30, build=9abeb82960bfcc3665f76d1562cdd427cf4cccb7, platform=Android, os_version=4.0.3-FFF).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android .

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android .

ISL Light 4.4.1825.8 for Android is available in Google Play Store and it has also a corresponding program file (isl_light_4_4_1825_8_android_201806220738_dc9f2168.program) which adds information about customizations to ISL Conference Proxy. Server License users need to use Online update to get the file.


New features

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Implement new starting screen for Join session workflow (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5030]  More


Start screen of ISL Light for Android has been changed to Join session screen, replacing Login screen as entry point of application. Login screen and Signup are accessible by clicking on "Login as Operator" link on the Join session screen. Introduction video has been moved to the main Menu.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Add support for unique application ID of custom APK (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5033]  More


Procedure for predefining default customization files has been extended with support for changing application ID. Both complete application ID override and flavor changing (custom last segment of application ID) variants are supported, which treats custom ISL Light for Android apps as the different applications. This allows coexistence of custom ISL Light for Android apps on the same device or publishing custom APK on Google Play store*.

*with the consent and prior arrangement with ISL Online.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Reset automatic start of session flag, if previous session ends with error (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5063]  More


Flag for automatic start of session is now correctly reset, if previous session ended with error (e.g. invalid credentials, invalid session number). This reset no longer displays the error toast from previous session, when switching the ISL server.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Alter navigation management of activities (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5064]  More


Navigation management of activities did not dismiss them, when switching between the screens using the in-app back navigation button. This caused activities to stack up, while using back navigation button moved over those stacked activities. Management of screen activities has been altered in a way, which now navigates through the screens correctly using both in-app back button and device navigation back button.

The defect was fixed.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Implement new Signup screen and unify it with "Join session" workflow (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5054]  More


Signup workflow has been altered and unified with the new "Join session" workflow. Entry point for signup goes through the Login screen (Login as Operator). The look and feel of signup entry point has been unified with the rest of new Join session workflow elements.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Improve styling for login dialog element "text" and style "link" (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5050]  More


Hyperlinks on Login and Join session screen have been unified. New hyperlinks use bigger font size and are no longer underlined.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Add app version and language information in Watch video r301 link (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5046]  More


URL link for Watch video now uses correct application version and currently set language parameters, to retrieve correct video resource.

The defect has been fixed.

Flags for this ticket are enabled by default.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Implement LEANBACK_LAUNCHER support for Android TV and provide app icon (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5022]  More


Added support for Android TV Leanback launcher, which enables ISL Light for Android to be listed in the Android TV applications menu.

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