ISL Light 2.1.1 for Android (2014-10-13)


General Information

On 13th of October the following was released:

  • ISL Light  2.1.1 (release_date=2014-10-10, revision=36606, platform=Android, os_version=2.2-FFF) for Android.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android .

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android .


New features

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Activate Samsung license on app start [ISLLIGHT-1447] More


With previous version of ISL Light, activating Samsung license was done when user joined a session for the first time. Activation of Samsung license was moved. Users will be prompted to accept the license when the application is launched for the first time. Once the license is accepted, users will be able to stream Samsung android device screen to a connected supporter.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - move UserWebApi to hefa::webapi2 client [ISLLIGHT-1514] More


ISL Light used native Android HTTP client for user registration, forgot password procedure, file access however login procedure was done using webapi2 client. All procedures were unified, using webapi2 client. Some servers may not support file browsing using webapi2, in that case ISL Light application will fallback to using native Android HTTP client.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Handle certificate errors  [ISLLIGHT-1520] More


When SSL connection is not trusted (due to hostname mismatch, invalid certificate, etc), the application now shows a system message, notifying the user that there is a connection problem. The user has an option to ignore the error (dismiss the popup) or add an exception (trust that hostname anyway). The exception is valid for current application launch only (so when the app is killed (not just put to background), this popup will present itself again.

IMPORTANT: a new permission (android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW) is required for this to work and users updating the app will need to agree to a new permission.

This features resolves the CVE-2014-5647.

Defect fixes

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Webapi not initialized crash when sending invitation email without Internet connection [ISLLIGHT-1392] More


ISL Light application crashed if users tried to send session invitation email while the device had no internet connection. Sending invitation email functionality was redesigned, the application will not longer crash if the internet connection is not available, it will notify the user that it was unable to send the email.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Application crashed after pressing Back button in file listing screen [ISLLIGHT-1437] More


ISL Light application crashed in rare circumstance if user pressed back button while viewing file shares. Viewing file share functionality was redesigned, the application should no longer crash when pressing back button.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Failed automatic MITM (man in the middle) test  [ISLLIGHT-1456] More


Previously ISL Light used unsafe https client configuration due to requirements for customers with own servers and invalid certificates. The app was redesigned so that invalid SSL certificates will not be accepted by default. Instead, a dialog will be presented and the user will be able to allow such connections for the current session.

This defect fix resolves the CVE-2014-5647.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Application crashed on file browsing  [ISLLIGHT-1475] More


ISL Light application crashed if user left the application right after switching to viewing remote computer files. The issue only happens rarely. The functionality was redesigned, the application should no longer crash when switching to viewing files and leaving the application.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - implement fix for SecureRandom implementation [ISLLIGHT-1490] More


SecureRandom implementation in previous versions of the Android OS had a weakness that would not return cryptographically strong values. SecureRandom is used in SSL connections and other cryptography-related operations. Application was updated to fix SecureRandom bug.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - NPE in ReconfigureTask [ISLLIGHT-1537] More


Users who opened ISL Light application using reconfigure intent ( changing server address and port ) may have experienced crash of ISL Light application. Opening ISL Light via intents was redesgined, the application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - When one-time password for ISL AlwaysOn access password is set , users are unable to connect [ISLLIGHT-1545] More


Users were unable to connect to remote computer if the remote computer had one-time password set for ISL AlwaysOn access password. When connecting to such machine the application got stuck in connecting phase and then timed out. The support for one-time password was added to the application, users will now normally connect to such computers.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - Crashed when downloading a file and closing the application  [ISLLIGHT-1553] More


ISL Light application sometimes crashed if user closed the application while downloading a file. The dialog that notifies user of file download completion was unable to dismiss itself while the application was not running. File download dialog dismissal was redesigned, the application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile Android - If user leaves the app during remote connection, it will be stuck with progress dialog [ISLLIGHT-1571] More


ISL Light application crashed if user started a connection to remote desktop and left the application before computer access password dialog appeared. The issue was that the dialog was unable to show itself since the application was already closed. The computer access dialog will not be displayed if the user has already left the application.

The defect was fixed.

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