ISL Light 4.4.2147.9 for iOS (2023-03-14)


General Information

On 14h of March the following was released:

  • ISL Light 4.4.2147.9 for iOS (build date=2023-03-09, build=bd2056133fa7c2c0cb111dadd7e0c74facf79647, Platform=iOS).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android

ISL  Light 4.4.2147.9 for iOS is available in App Store and it has also a  corresponding program file  (isl_light_4_4_2147_9_ios_202303091152_4bc146c5.program) which adds  information about customizations to ISL Conference Proxy. Server License  users need to use Online update to get the file.


ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Fix disable computers customization not applied initially (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5738] More


When users had a customization for disabling computers tab, the tab was not disabled when user first logged in. The issue was in timing, that customization was applied after the tab was already displayed. The functionality was redesigned. Computers tab is now disabled also on first user login.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Return to home screen when login dialog is cancelled (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5741] More


Users experienced an issue with inability to log out in case the login dialog was dismissed. This happens when application detects that the token has expired and offers the user to re-login. In case user clicks cancel, the logout button will be hidden. Handling of login dialog cancellation was redesigned, pressing on cancel will now navigate you to login screen.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Check audio availability when joining session (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5834] More


Users experienced a crash of ISL Light application in case they had an active call while joining the session. The issue was in audio handling, since ISL Light was also trying to lock the resource ( microphone ), however it was unable to due to being in use due to an active call. Handling of locking of resource was redesigned, the application now checks if the resource is already in use and in case it is, it shown an error explaining that the audio cannot be currently used.

The defect was fixed.

Tags: ios, isl

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