ISL Light 4.4.2006.23 for iOS (2020-06-03)


General Information

On 3rd of June the following was released:

  • ISL Light 4.4.2006.23 for iOS (build date=2020-05-26, build=452cc9df2817c30cab6066a40fa94c945a2fdf1e, Platform=iOS).

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service for iOS or Android

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License for iOS or Android

ISL  Light 4.4.2006.23 for iOS is available in App Store and it has also a  corresponding program file  (isl_light_4_4_2006_23_ios_202005260925_b8c86e9c.program) which adds  information about customizations to ISL Conference Proxy. Server License  users need to use Online update to get the file.


ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Add support for parsing command line arguments (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5502] More


Added support for parsing command line arguments which are passed through URL schema.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Add support for automatic login if weblogin parameter is passed (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5505] More


Added support for --web-login command line arguments. When this argument is passed to ISL Light through URL schema, ISL Light will automatically perform login, providing the token is still valid.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Add support for connect parameter (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5506] More


Added support for --connect-uid command line argument. When this parameter is supplied through URL schema ISL Light application will automatically connect to the specified computer.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Add support for supplying aon access password (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5507] More


Added support for --computer-password and --computer-password-MD5 command line argument. When this argument is supplied through URL schema, ISL Light application will automatically fill in the computer password, providing you have also specified --connect-uid command line argument.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Add support for supplying stream options (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5510] More


Added support for --stream-options command line argument. When this argument is supplied through URL schema ISL Light application will automatically apply connection options when connecting to ISL AlwaysOn computer ( --connect-uid must be supplied along with --stream-options).

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Menu is windowed (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5512] More


On small iOS devices such as iPhone and iPod the menu was displayed in windowed mode. Displaying of menu was changed, it's now in full screen mode.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Mobile iOS - Improve app flow when parsing command line arguments (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5522] More


In some cases when invoking URL schema ISL Light application was not performing the flow defined with the command line arguments. Handling of command line arguments was redesigned, the application should now follow the flow defined by the command line arguments.

The defect was fixed.

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