ISL Light 4.4.2116.71 for Desktop and ISL Light Client 4.4.2116.7 for Mac and Linux (2021-10-19)


General Information

On the 19th of October the following was released :

  • ISL Light 4.4.2116.71 for Windows  (release_date=2021-10-18, build=35d27dd184d643b2e80ea625625a1c893eecbf26, platform=win32,os_version=0x06010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Light 4.4.2116.71 for Mac (release_date=2021-10-18, build=35d27dd184d643b2e80ea625625a1c893eecbf26, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0d00-0x1bffff)
  • ISL Light 4.4.2116.71 for Linux (release_date=2021-10-18, build=35d27dd184d643b2e80ea625625a1c893eecbf26, platform=linux64, os_version=0x030a000000021100-0xffffffffffffffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.2116.7 for Mac (release_date=2021-10-18, build=35d27dd184d643b2e80ea625625a1c893eecbf26, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0d00-0x1bffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.2116.7 for Linux (release_date=2021-10-18, build=35d27dd184d643b2e80ea625625a1c893eecbf26, platform=linux64, os_version=0x030a000000021100-0xffffffffffffffff)

Important: Minimum macOS version was raised from macOS 10.8 to macOS 10.13!

All updates have release date set to 2021-10-18. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Raise QT version (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-5613] More


Internal QT library was updated to version 5.15.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Implement custom GC on session windows (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-5854] More


Users experienced an issue where ISL Light windows would blink when closing them on macOS operating system. A custom garbage collector was implemented which reduces the blinking of the next window that is focused after the current window is closed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Raise minimal requirement on macOS to 10.13 (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-5879] More


ISL Light and ISL Light Client minimal operating system requirement on macOS were raised to macOS 10.13.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to Info.plist (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5540] More


Add permission to allow use of Camera and Microphone on macOS. The permission for camera and microphone is requested upon making a video or voice call inside ISL Light application.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Clean qml and qml_lib folders during install on macOS (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5648] More


During installation and updating of ISL Light application, the install process will now remove qml and qml_lib folders before performing the install of new resources.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Use native menus (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5681] More


ISL Light now uses native menus on Windows operating system.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - View should follow the AON connect option in focus (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5737] More


Using keyboard to navigate through connect options will now follow the focused element in the scrollable view.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Make "Global Password" option being set by default (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5777] More


In the change password window, the global password is now the default choice. The password options were also renamed. Global password was renamed to Main access password and Password for this connection was renamed to Connection access password.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Show topic link in the u2f authentication error message (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5816] More


Added support for displaying links in the 2FA error messages on the login screen.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Request access to camera resource using AVFoundation framework (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5828] More


Request for camera use is now performed via the AVFoundation framework.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Implement API using AVFoundation framework to access video resources for osx 10.14+ and iOS 7.0+ platforms (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5829] More


ISL Light now uses AVFoundation framework API in order to access video resources on macOS 10.14 or newer.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Implement AVFoundation device enumerator for updating devices and listen to add device/remove device events (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5830] More


ISL Light for macOS now uses AVFoundation framework for obtaining audio/video device enumeration. ISL Light will detect if a device ( video or audio ) was added or removed from the computer.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add additional time options to recording filename template (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5838] More


Additional options were added to the recording filename template: - $[TIME_LOCAL] - local time and date at the start of the recording - $[TIME_UTC] - current date and time in UTC at the start of the recording - $[TIMESTAMP] - unix timestamp of the current date and time at the start of the recording

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Customize schema handler program name on Windows (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5853] More


Added support for customizing the name that is displayed in the Open application dialog when ISL Light is started via URL schema.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add "NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance" to Info.plist (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5544] More


Fixed an issue where ISL Light would be set to dark theme on MacOS machines even though dark theme was not supported, resulting in incorrect colors. This issue was fixed, ISL Light will no longer be set to dark theme.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Use QT im interpreter when viewing remote desktop (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5624] More


Users experienced an issue where they were unable to use Spanish accented characters on a remote computer when connected from a Linux machine. The keyboard functionality was redesigned, ISL Light ISSC viewer now uses QT interpretation of characters. Users will no longer experience issue with not being able to use Spanish accented characters.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Use dpi settings on Qt5.15 (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5636] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the scaling of the remote screen in the ISL Light viewer was not correct. The ISL Light viewer was redesigned and will now correctly use the scaling.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix jumping to previous entries on scrolling (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5647] More


In some cases while scrolling inside ISL Light settings, the scrolling caused jumping to previous entries. Scrolling of ISL Light settings was redesigned, it will no longer jump to previous entries.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Switch to styled text type for link activation (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5650] More


In previous version of ISL Light the links did not have to be defined as links in order to receive the link signal. The texts that include a link are were redesigned and are now forced as text with link.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix login screen Qt5.15 warnings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5667] More


Users experienced an issue where certain elements on the login screen were not correctly positioned and aligned. The login screen was redesigned, all elements will now be correctly positioned and aligned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix file manager Qt5.15 warnings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5678] More


Users experienced an issue where the file manager functionality would cause incorrect error messages. The file manager functionality was redesigned and will no longer incorrectly cause error messages.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix session page Qt5.15 warnings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5679] More


Users experienced an issue where some session page elements were not correctly positioned. The session page was redesigned, all elements will now be correctly positioned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix file selecting in File Manager Qt5.15 (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5686] More


Users experienced an issue where they were unable to correctly select files in the file manager functionality. The file manager functionality was redesigned, users will now be able to correctly select files.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix the overflow menu in the session page toolbar Qt5.15 (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5687] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the toolbar items were not correctly displayed. The toolbar functionality was redesigned and will now display the toolbar items correctly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix jumping in settings overview tab when checking or unchecking in Qt5.15 (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5690] More


Users experienced an issue where checking or unchecking settings in the settings tab would make the settings tab scroll unintentionally. The settings tab was redesigned and will no longer unintentionally scroll.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add file hash to finish event in file transfer (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5734] More


File hash was added to every finish event. In case the operator was transferring multiple files only the hash of the last transferred file was added. Now it is added for every transferred file. The issue was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - File Manager - Fix so that files of the transferred folder are saved to the correct location (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5743] More


In case a folder was transferred from local computer to remote computer and on the destination the folder had the same name, the files transferred were not saved to the correct location ( they were saved to the parent folder ). Handling of such cases was redesigned, the files should now be transferred correctly to the destination that was chosen by the operator.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Send Ack Abort when file manager transfer is canceled on receiver (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5744] More


Users experienced an issue where cancelling a transfer of a file/folder which already exists on the other side would leave a residual

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Allow admin mode user with \ and @ characters (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5745] More


Users experienced an issue where they were unable to provide admin credentials correctly if the admin credentials contained \ or @ characters, therefor not being able to elevate administrative mode when the remote computer was connected to an AzureAD domain. The elevation functionality was redesigned, users can now correctly elevate administrative mode with credentials containing @ or \. and will be able to correctly elevate using AzureAD admin credentials.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - File Manager - Fix incorrect drag&drop icon when the remote user is not logged in (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5746] More


When performing a transfer of files in the File manager, the icon is shown when performing drag and drop of files from local to remote side or vice-versa. In case the user was not logged in the icon shown was incorrect ( the icon showed that the transfer will start ). The icon was changed, it will show that operation is not permitted, due to user not being logged in.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - File Manager - Fix visual bug when dragging and pressing mouse buttons (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5748] More


If operator was performing transfer or files using the drag and drop option and while the files were dragged and right click on the mouse was performed, the icon for showing transfer was stuck on the location where right click was performed. Handling of right click in drag and drop operation was redesigned, the icon should not get stuck anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix the deletion of the files with long filenames (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5749] More


Users experienced an issue where they were unable to correctly delete files with long filenames when using the file manager functionality. The delete functionality was redesigned and will now correctly work also with files with long filenames.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - File Manager - Fix automatic refresh when transfer from local to remote is canceled (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5750] More


In case files were being transferred from operator to client and the transfer was cancelled by the operator, the remote panel ( which shows files on remote side ), was not correctly updated and showed files that were partially transferred (

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - File Manager - Force refresh directory when home button is pressed (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5751] More


In case the operator was switching user's account on remote computer the File Manager dialog showed empty folder on remote desktop ( if home directory was previously selected ), due to inability to view files of other account's desktop. File Manager was redesigned, in case the home button is pressed it will navigate to the currently logged in user's account desktop folder.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix recording consent (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5752] More


Users experienced an issue where they would not be asked for recording consent even when they supplied the command line ask_for_recording_consent=true. The recording consent functionality was redesigned, users will now correctly be prompted for consent.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix inject of nop code (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5759] More


In rare cases, some antivirus programs (for example, McAfee AV) prevented the launch of ISL Light and ISL Light Client. The launch of the ISL Light application has been redesigned and no longer conflicts with antivirus software.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Detect creds_always UAC case (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5768] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the admin elevation would fail when remote computer had group policy set which required to always input admin credentials in the UAC dialogue. When entering admin credentials already in ISL Light dialogue, the elevation would fail in such cases. The admin elevation functionality was redesign, it will now detect if remote requires input of admin credentials in the UAC and elevate admin mode accordingly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix oversized buttons in settings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5770] More


Users experienced an issue where certain elements in the settings tab were oversized. The settings tab was redesigned, all elements will now be the correct size.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Change styling of warning buttons in settings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5771] More


Users experienced an issue where the styling of buttons in the settings tab was not correct. The settings tab was redesigned, buttons in the settings will now use the correct styling.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix the reset button in settings (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5772] More


Users experienced an issue where the reset button would not correctly reset to the default value. The settings tab was redesigned, the reset button will now correctly reset the value.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Do not use anchors inside layouts (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5773] More


Users experienced an issue where certain buttons in ISL Light triggered incorrect log lines. The button functionality was redesigned and will no longer trigger the incorrect log lines.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Remove references to the `icn-copied.png` (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5774] More


Users experienced an issue where clicking Set Unattended Access button in ISL Light would trigger a warning in the log file. The log trigger was adjusted and will no longer be triggered incorrectly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix capitalization in the dropdown menus (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5775] More


Users experienced an issue where certain elements in dropdown menus were not correctly capitalized. The dropdown elements were redesigned and are now correctly capitalized.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Translate "QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION" string to "RTL" or "LTR" to set layoutDirection (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5779] More


Users experienced an issue where ISL Light elements were not correctly positioned when using certain translations such as hebrew. The element positions were adjusted and are now correctly positioned.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix email TextArea not scrollable in unattended access dialog (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5780] More


Users experienced an issue where the email text area in the set unattended access dialog was not scrollable. The set unattended access functionality was redesigned, the email text area is now correctly scrollable.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix selecting dropdown in share group dialog will not select the user (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5781] More


Users experienced an issue where selecting an item from the dropdown menu in the group share dialog would not automatically select that user. The sharing functionality was redesigned and will now correctly also select the user.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix dpi scaling for Qt5.15 (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5785] More


In previous versions of ISL Light, the application did not scale correctly in case the user had non-default DPI set. Application now supports non-default DPI setting set and should scale accordingly.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix logging canceled file sync request to chat (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5790] More


Users experienced an issue where they were incorrectly sent a message about file transfer being cancelled. The file transfer functionality was redesigned and will no longer incorrectly send transfer cancellation messages.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Process data packet only after file is created (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5800] More


Users experienced an issue where transferring the same file twice would cause the second transfer to fail no matter the selected action. The sending functionality was redesigned and will now correctly perform the selected action (overwrite, save, cancel).

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Support for Linux customization (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5803] More


Users experienced an issue where the customization for ISL Light would not work correctly on Linux systems. The customization functionality was redesigned, ISL Light customizations will now work correctly on Linux systems.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Set audit log level to audit object instead of json state (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5804] More


In some cases the permission dialog on client side did not correctly reflect the audit level set on the server. Permission dialog was redesigned and now correctly checks the audit level on the server thus shows the correct text in the permission dialog ( the text depends on the audit level set on server ).

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Show "repeat file create" dialog on the remote side (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5805] More


Users experienced an issue where transferring the same file two times would cause an incorrect error message. The transfer functionality was redesigned, transferring the same file twice will now trigger the correct error message.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Make file manager audit level notice text translatable (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5812] More


The permission dialog for browsing files which is presented on client side once operator starts the File Manager functionality was in some cases not translated to the user's selected language. The permission dialog is now translated to the selected language.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix scaling to native pixels (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5815] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the ISL Light session window did not display the remote screen. The session viewing functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience the issue with the remote screen not being displayed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Show transfer as canceled in Diaplay Transfers window (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5817] More


In case a file was sent twice and when conflict dialog was presented and the cancel action was selected then the File Transfer window did not show the second transfer as cancelled instead it was shown as the file was sent. Handling of file transfer conflicts was redesigned, the File Transfer window will now show such transfer as canceled instead of successfully sent.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Trigger refresh when remote changes File Manager permission (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5818] More


In case the client revoked permission for File Manager after it was already granted, the operator did not receive information that client has revoked the permission until another request was made ( move up on directory, initiate a transfer, ... ). Handling of revocation of File Manager permission was redesigned, in case the client revokes the permission the File manager remote panel will reflect this change and show operator that he does no longer have permission to view files.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Make yubcou2fhost use webauthn API (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5821] More


Users experienced an issue where they were unable to use Yubikey keys for their 2FA method. The Yubikey 2FA functionality was redesigned, users will now correctly be able to use Yubikey keys for their 2FA method.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Move closing of the transferred file out of the destructor (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5823] More


If operator started transferring a couple of files and transferred the same files again while the initial transfer was still in progress, and then the operator pressed cancel on the conflict dialog, then those files could not be deleted due to ISL Light still holding a reference to it. Canceling of transfer was redesigned, those files will not be locked anymore after selecting any option in the conflict dialog thus the operator will be able to delete them.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Lock opened files on unix (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5824] More


In case the operator was transferring files to unix system, those files could be deleted during active transfer thus resulting in empty transfer. Locking mechanism was added for the transfers to unix systems. Operator will not be able to delete the files while the transfer is still active.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Escape glob special characters before hefa::find_files_os call on unix (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5825] More


Users experienced an issue where they were unable to transfer folders with certain special characters using the file manager functionality. The transfer functionality was redesigned, users will now be able to correctly transfer folders with special characters in their name.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix setting unattended access before trigger button is pressed (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5826] More


In some cases after opening the "Set unattended access" menu option, the action was immediately triggered before pressing the "Send" button. Opening of the menu was redesigned, the send action will not be sent only after user clicks on it.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Handle device enumeration after xvideo system initializes (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5831] More


Redesigned the device enumeration process, so it is now started after the video system is initialized.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix avfoundation capturedevice destructor memory-retain-cycle causing app to crash (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5832] More


The application did not correctly clean up the use of device which in some cases lead to crash of ISL Light application. The clean-up procedure which is performed after a call has ended was redesigned and the application should not crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix memory retain counts on current active and preferred device when handling video devices (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5833] More


In some cases the application was not correctly handling currently active and preferred audio/device devices which resulted in crash. Handling of active and preferred devices was redesigned. The application should not crash anymore.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Prevent scrolling in ISL Light Share Group window ComboBox component (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5835] More


When scrolling through the users in the Share Group dialog, the permissions values were changing based on the user's scroll. Scrolling of Share Group dialog was redesigned, it will now scroll only through the list of users and not the value of permissions.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Support listing files and folders with slashes in their name (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5836] More


In case the operator was connected to Unix system and browsing remote files, the files with certain characters ( slashes, backslashes, question marks, ... ) in their name were shown incorrectly for the operator. Secondly transferring files with names including certain characters failed. Handling of those filenames was redesigned, all files should be correctly displayed, however the transfer of such files will fail with a warning error in case they are transferred from Unix to Windows.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Use the same spelling for cancelled state in the file transfer context (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5839] More


In case the file transfer was cancelled, users could see different spelling for cancelled in File Manager window and File Transfer window ( canceled vs cancelled ). The text was changed so it will now show cancelled in both windows.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Improve checking filename validty for File Manager commands (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5842] More


In case the files had certain characters in it's filename, those files could not be removed and renamed by the operator using File Manager. Handling of those files was redesigned, a check was added which checks whether the specified file path is valid on the current system and thus permits the user to rename/remove the files.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - AVFoundation implement support for device rotation on iOS (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5844] More


Implemented support for device rotation using AVFoundation framework.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix retain/release counts on capture session object (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5845] More



ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Talk plugin fix camera switch does not work (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5846] More


When connected from desktop to iOS device, if the user on iOS devices performed camera switch ( between front camera and back camera and vice-versa ) while in active call, the video on desktop got stuck. Handling of camera switch was redesigned, the video should not get stuck even if camera is switched on iOS device.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Unmute microphone when call ends (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5847] More


In case the user muted the microphone in the initial call, the state of the mute button was incorrect in the next call ( the button was shown as not muted even though the microphone was muted ). The application will now unmute the microphone after the call has ended thus resulting the correct state for the microphone being shown on the next call.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Incorrect count of users/groups that the computer group is shared with (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5848] More


Users experienced an issue where the count of users/groups the computer group is shared with was wrong. The sharing functionality was redesigned and will now display the correct count.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Unable to record strings for computer/group share type (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5849] More


Users experienced an issue where certain elements in the computer/group share window were not correctly translated. The computer/group share windows were redesigned, all elements are now correctly translated.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Chat window vanishes in ISL Light beta session (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5850] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where the chat window would disappear when using the beta version of ISL Light. The chat window functionality was redesigned, the chat window will no longer disappear.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - ISL is not defined is shown in log (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5851] More


Users experienced an issue where in some cases a warning saying ISL is not defined was shown in the log files. The log trigger was redesigned and will no longer be incorrectly displayed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Incorrect display of permission in computer group share dialog (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5852] More


Users experienced an issue where the permissions were not correctly displayed in the computer or group share dialog. The permission display functionality was redesigned and will now correctly display the permissions.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Count is incorrect when a computer group is being shared with a domain and separator is displayed incorrectly (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5855] More


Users experienced an issue where the count showing how many users a group is shared with was incorrect after any change. Additionally, item types in that menu (user, group, user group) were not separated correctly. The count functionality was redesigned and will now be correctly displayed. The different item types will also be correctly seperated.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Post code as last parameter in session_params (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5856] More


The session_param.code was incorrect not set as last parameter. The order of session_param parameters was redesigned, the code parameter is now correctly set as last so that other important parameters are already set before it.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix position of opened modal windows (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5857] More


Users experienced an issue where in some cases the modal windows were opened on a position which is not visible. The modal opening functionality was redesigned, modals will now detect if they cannot be opened in the defined position and will instead be displayed at the center of the screen.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Do not set Qt::AA_Use96Dpi QML attribute (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5861] More


Users experienced an issue where the text in ISL Light was too big on macOS systems. The text display functionality was redesigned, text will now be the correct size on macOS systems.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix executable discovery on unix (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5873] More


When ISL Light admin mode is started ISSC daemon is installed. During installation the executable flag was not set, thus restart and resume functionality was not working correctly. Executable did not start after reboot of the operating system. Installation of ISSC daemon was redesigned, executable flag is added to the executable files, thus restart and resume functionality is working.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Menu items disabled when modal is shown (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5876] More


Users experienced an issue where the items in a dropdown menu were disabled when opening that dropdown menu. The dropdown menu functionality was redesigned, items in the menu will no longer be disabled.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Disconnect signals on destructor (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5880] More


Users experienced an issue where the ISL Light Client would crash when operator switched streaming direction multiple times. The streaming functionality was redesigned, users will no longer experience a crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Close file transfer dialogs when session goes out (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5881] More


Users experienced an issue where file transfer dialogs would not close correctly when session ended. File transfer dialogs were redesigned, users will no longer encounter incorrectly closed dialogs.

The defect was fixed.

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