ISL Light 4.4.2332.100 for Desktop and ISL Light Client 4.4.2332.13 for Mac and Linux (2024-02-29)


General Information

On the 29th of February the following was released:

  • ISL Light 4.4.2332.100 for Windows (release_date=2024-02-19, build=b17d069a5ed0133cfac2efd3502a8b99e5d41a08, platform=win32,os_version=0x06010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Light 4.4.2332.100 for Mac (release_date=2024-02-19, build=b17d069a5ed0133cfac2efd3502a8b99e5d41a08, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0e00-0x1bffff)
  • ISL Light 4.4.2332.100 for Linux (release_date=2024-02-19, build=b17d069a5ed0133cfac2efd3502a8b99e5d41a08, platform=linux64, os_version=0x030a000000021100-0xffffffffffffffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.2332.13 for Mac (release_date=2024-02-19, build=b17d069a5ed0133cfac2efd3502a8b99e5d41a08, platform=mac, os_version=0x0a0e00-0x1bffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.2332.13 for Linux (release_date=2024-02-19, build=b17d069a5ed0133cfac2efd3502a8b99e5d41a08, platform=linux64, os_version=0x030a000000021100-0xffffffffffffffff)

All updates have release date set to 2024-02-19. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Upgrade QT to 5.15.11 (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-6427] More


QT library was updated to version 5.15.11.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add computer history action to computer (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5329] More


Computer History functionality was added to ISL Light. The window is accessible by navigating to Computers tab, clicking the hamburger icon of the desired computer and pressing Computer History. It offers an in-depth view into the activity of the selected computer.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Reimplement safe channel to support multiple connections (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6124] More


ISL safe channel was reimplemented in order to support direct connections functionality.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Refactor receive init channel code (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6138] More


Safe channel was refactored in order to implement support for direct connections functionality.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add reset button to metrics (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6139] More


Clear button was added in the metrics debug panel to clear current metrics.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Enable direct connection (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6152] More


ISL Light now supports direct connections. When session is established a check for ICE candidates is performed. The ICE candidates are as follows: - Host candidates: Directly accessible addresses on the device's local network interface, often the public IP address assigned by the internet service provider (ISP). - Server-reflexive candidates: Obtained with the help of STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NATs) servers. These servers reflect UDP packets back to the device, revealing the external address and port visible to the internet. - Relay candidates: Provided by TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) servers. TURN servers act as intermediaries, relaying data between peers that cannot establish a direct connection due to strict NATs or firewalls. ISL Light will then check quality of MUX transport in comparison to ICE transport. The quality is determined based on ping time. The one with lower ping time will be selected. Once connections are established, the original connection to ISL Conference Proxy is still required ( using MUX type of transport ), which is used for sending meta data to ISL Conference Proxy, the actual data is offloaded to direct connection if available. The status of the connection can be seen while viewing remote desktop ( bottom left of the window ) and users can decide if they want to disable the functionality.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Ping is supported after we receive pong packet (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6159] More


Ping implementation required for both sides to send ping, but ISL Light Client on Windows did not send ping packets only pongs. The implementation was changed, so pings are supported when pong is received.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Implement direct connection with ICE (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6287] More


ISL Light now allows using libdatachannel + libjuice to create direct connection. The lib implements direct connection as is specified by WebRTC Data Channels. It implements ICE (libjuice) direct udp connection and than does reliable DTLS transport on top of that.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Query ice server from ICP (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6294] More


List of ICE servers is now obtained from ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Select connection type based on quality (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6315] More


ISL Light will now check ping times of all possible connection types. The one with the lowest ping will be selected and used.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Handle waiting for email authorize state (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6339] More


Support for connections that are waiting for email authorization was added. When connection is in such state, text "Waiting for email authorization of the connection." is shown.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Deploy, load and use libdatachannel (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6341] More


ISL Light is now deployed with libdatachannel library. The library files are: - On Windows - datachannel.dll - On Linux - - On macOS - libdatachannel.dylib

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Expose direct connection options to settings (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6343] More


Direct connection can now be enabled/disabled from command line. The following command line argument can be used to disable the connection: --on-connect "main?direct_connection=false" Additionally the following environment variable are available: ISL_ISSC.allow_ice_host ISL_ISSC.allow_ice_srflx ISL_ISSC.allow_ice_relay

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add descriptive accessibility names to "shared with users", "computers in group" and "tags" icons in ISL Light (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6355] More


Each computer in the list also holds a list of icons for easy access to current computer group, users, user groups and domains this computer is shared with, tags and sessions. Previously, these icons were missing Accessibility names and only a number was displayed instead. Descriptive Accessibility names have been added to all aforementioned icons and icons for Computer Groups, which allow quick access to number of computers in group and users, user groups and domains this computer group is shared with.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Expose metrics api to plugins (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6363] More


Plugins (file transfer, desktop, talk, ...) now use main applications metrics API. The metric are now also visible to main application.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Switch to new hefa crash watch framework (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6368] More


ISL Light now uses new implementation of crash framework which is used for detecting the crashes.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add keyboard is/is not captured feedback to status bar (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6381] More


Feedback for keyboard being captured was added to the main window while viewing remote desktop. The feedback can be seen on the bottom right of the viewer. Right control button can be used to switch focus between viewing remote desktop and controlling the toolbar.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Show who terminated session and remove ConfProxy from strings (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6387] More


Session messages and titles on ISL Light are now more generic (without mentioning Conference Proxy).

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Disable direct connection with old clients (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6389] More


Remote status of direct connection is disabled until first status message is received from remote side. So when connecting with old ISL Light Client, the status of Enable direct connection will remain disabled.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Switch to issc daemon v2 (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6390] More


ISL Light now also uses the issc daemon v2 infrastructure. This improves internal interfaces.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Send login dialog no expand flag (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6396] More


Added support for per-domain SAML organization login to the login page.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix ice related connection issues (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6399] More


The direct connection implementation was updated:

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Measure time metrics in specific scan type (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6412] More


Time in seconds the session spends with a specific connection type will be now measured and shown in histogram and sent to ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Upgrade libdatachannel (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6420] More


We have updated libdatachannel to latest version 0.19.3. New dynamic link library is present in ISL Light.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add options to control ice by registry and environment (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6422] More


The ice connection can now be disabled through the registry or the environment. Following options are available: - ice_allow ... set to false to disable all ice connections - ice_allow_host ... set to false to disable host ice connections - relay: ice_allow_relay ... set to false to disable relay ice connections - srflx: ice_allow_srflx ... set to false to disable srflx ice connections - prflx: ice_allow_prflx ... set to false to disable prflx ice connections - ice_server ... define ice server to be used

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Manage direct connection ciphers (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6426] More


Direct connection will now force DTLSv1.2 only. Used cipher suite will be displayed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Update direct connection manager for schannel (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6436] More


Direct connection manager was reworked with following: - will be enabled/started by default - specific direct connection implementations (tcp, ice) are now allocated on demand - specific implementation packets are now cached if implementation is not available - added status that remote supports some kind of direct connection (remote_sent_ready) This enables us to enable/disable direct connection at any time. Before direct connection needed to be enable when session was established. Adding state (remote_sent_ready) enable us to distinguish if direct connections are available. Before the menu item was disabled if remote had direct connection disabled.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Recheck direct connection settings on reconnect (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6456] More


Explicit check if direct connection is enabled is now disabled. Direct connection is_allowed check is now performed when connection is established.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Move transfer bytes to another location (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6458] More


At the end of the session the following information is logged: - connected time - received bytes - sent bytes for whole session and for specific connection types (mux, ice host, ice_relay). Similar session information is also sent to ISL Conference Proxy, so session transfer numbers can be updated in ISL Conference Proxy database for the ISL Light session. The numbers are sent every minute. We send only updates (diff) to the session numbers. ISL Conference Proxy then confirms the received numbers.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Update implementation of ISSC Daemon and raise to version 3 (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6503] More


The ISSC Daemon implementation was updated and is now v3. This has fixed a number of issues: - Console monitor is now called when session message is received - Daemon will start the agent with system token when no other options are specified - Control interface is now always created - also for run_cb interface The ISSC Daemon will be reinstalled to upgrade to version 3.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Share metrics in shared memory (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6515] More


Metrics are now shared via shared memory. The metrics handle is reported via cmdline "-ipc-metrics".

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Mark ICE prflex as host connection (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6520] More


Detection of prflx ICE type of connection was added. Additional also metrics for unknown ICE type: ice.unknown were added. Other metrics were also updated, so prflx type is visible.

ISL Light - operator - Mark session seen ICE types (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6521] More


New metrics were added to ISL Light on operator side. The following per session connections type metrics were added: - schan.seen.type - schan.selected.type - schan.is_direct This metrics will show if direct connection was used for the session and which transport type of the direct connection was used.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Use hefa crash functions for intentionally crashing the application (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6523] More


ISL Light now uses hefa functions to generate different types of crashes. The program also supports starting crash with following cmd line: ISLLight.exe --isl-crash-test

ISL Light - Desktop v4 -Move crash tests to hefa and implement watchdog function (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6533] More


A new watchdog function was implemented, that will issue reset counter on specific executor to prevent an app being killed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Add common crash dump dialog class (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6534] More


Crash options for intentionally crashing the application was extended. The list now offers most common crash options.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Switch desktop clients to new hefa crash watch framework (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6535] More


In some cases if ISL Light application crashed and users were using Intel graphics card the crash report was not sent to ISL Conference Proxy. Crash handling was changed and now crash reports are sent also when users have Intel graphics card.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix executable discovery on unix (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6537] More


Improved the ISSC Daemon functionality which improved and fixed the executable discovery on unix systems.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Rename httpt port usage in autotransport (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6542] More


The HTTP/HTTPS ports setting was renamed to 'Don't use direct connection' in ISL Light settings.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Update scalar, enum and persistent metrics (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6543] More


Macro UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUM_SAMPLE_EX now allows specifying the number of events to add. UMA_HISTOGRAM_SCALAR was also updated to have one bucket.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix cancelling of a call from the call recipient's side (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5992] More


When operators initiated a call and then ended it the call was still ringing on the client side. Handling of hang up was redesigned, when operator stops calling, the client should no longer ring.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Hidden columns in computers tab do not persist after logout and login (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6336] More


If users hid the status column in list of computers, this column reappeared after logout and login. Hiding of column was redesigned, the column is now hidden also after logout and login procedure.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Optimize resolution called too many times (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6352] More


Users could see a lot of log lines regarding querying of remote monitor resolution in ISL Light log. Querying for remote monitor resolutions was redesigned, so there should be a lot fewer log lines.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Setting for automatic change of remote resolution does not work (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6354] More


Setting for Optimize resolution based on first local monitor found in ISL Light settings under Remote desktop section did not work when connecting to a remote computer. The issue was in parsing of monitor data received from the remote side. Parsing was redesigned, the remote monitor's resolutions will now be automatically changed to the resolution of first local monitor.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - ISL Light is missing confirmation dialog when transferring files (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6367] More


When transferring files from operator side to client side a confirmation dialog was missing when remote side is using macOS or Linux. The file transfer confirmation dialog was added.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Switch to schan connect procedure (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6383] More


Implementation of schan did not correctly handle the restart of connection and caused ISL Light Client to hang. Handling of reconnect was redesigned, application should no longer hang.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix schan crash when transport is abandoned (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6386] More


In some cases application could crash when a certain connection was abandoned. Handling of abandoned connection was redesigned, application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Restart connection when direct connection setting change (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6388] More


In case direct connection setting was changed the connection was not restarted thus still using direct connection. Handling of direct connection settings was redesigned, the connection will be now restarted and use the appropriate connection type.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Update schan ping implementation (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6408] More


Switch from mux to new connection is now delayed until mux has ping time. Connection ping handling was moved to connection class. The schan protocol was also expanded to include flag that schan ping is supported.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Schan protection during reconnect (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6430] More


In some cases a connection issue could occur when schan connection checker was executing during autotransport connection function which caused it to reconnect. Starting of direct connection check is now only performed after autotransport is in connected state.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Call check_connections often (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6435] More


Check connections is now called often. The function checks if mux connection is established and if we need to establish it. The function also checks if we can switch to ice connection if quality is better then the currently used.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Force tele flush on session close (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6439] More


When session ends and ISL program (desk and client) sends tele metrics information to ISL Conference Proxy. The metrics are part of session end (chat transcript) message. Before metrics was only sent during live session with pacing.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix wrong escaping in organization login (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6449] More


When using organizational login, the organization description was not correctly escaped. This caused HTML injections to be possible. Organization description is now correctly escaped.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix invalid references that were detected by metrics reporting (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6450] More


There were some qml warning/errors that were detected by the metrics system. Issues were addressed and warning should no longer appear.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Disable repeated switch grid signal (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6466] More


Sometimes login procedure could be restarted after previous login was already completed. The issue than resulted in error message on login screen. Login procedure was redesigned, error should no longer appear.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Start rptChannel paused (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6480] More


When doing fast reconnects, rptSafeChannel sometimes missed first connection (reconnect) message. After this event the connection is deaf. When it happens, the connection idle (ping) is detected and new connection established in 30s.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Send initial packet on reconnect (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6483] More


The implementation of the session reconnect was improved and now only one version message is sent during the reconnect.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Prevent crash when session is ended while recording device is being tested (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6487] More


ISL Light application could crash if there was a session established and users opened Settings and went to capture device testing. If at that point someone took over that session the initial user got application in unexpected state. If after that a new window was opened, this caused the application to crash. Handling of ending/taking over session was redesigned, all windows are now closed before terminating the session.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - End session on protocol error in schan (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6495] More


Session was not correctly stopped if invalid reconnect was detected. Now the session is correctly stopped if it detects either invalid reconnect or protocol error. Additionally a metric was added to show why the session was stopped.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Call old uninstaller during upgrade (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6501] More


During upgrade of ISL AlwaysOn in some cases issc_daemon was not correctly updated. Procedure for upgrade was redesigned, if old version of issc_daemon is detected, the old service is firstly removed through uninstall command and then installed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Cannot transfer a file to AON machine using drag and drop into the viewer (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6502] More


Users sometimes experienced an issue where they were not able to transfer a file to remote computer via ISL AlwaysOn session using drag and drop functionality. The functionality was redesigned and the issue is no longer reproducible.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Unix function for get_this_dll_path on executable will not return full path (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6504] More


The hefa function get_this_ddl_path would return relative path when called from library and not DLL on UNIX systems. Now, it correctly returns the absolute path.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Show the request for control message box as a topmost window on all platforms (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6507] More


When requesting remote desktop control on Linux the dialog could appear behind some window. Behavior for displaying the message box was redesigned, the topmost property, which puts the message box in front of all windows is now set on all platforms.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Handle missing email authorization timeout (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6508] More


When showing dialog for waiting for email authorization in some cases countdown timer was shown and in some cases it was not. Behavior of displaying timer was unified, timeout timer will now be always displayed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Prevent crash in Change Screen Resolution window (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6509] More


In some cases when connecting to ISL AlwaysOn computer and opening Change remote resolution dialog resulted in crash of ISL Light application. Opening of Change remote resolution dialog was redesigned, application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Prevent the Screen Resolution menu being disabled when session is established (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6516] More


In certain ceases when connected to remote ISL AlwaysOn computer the remote resolution menu was disabled. The condition for showing the menu entry was redesigned and should now correctly show the remote resolution menu. Additionally when streaming is not present the menu is also disabled.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Call flush stats on session end (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6529] More


When session ended the statistics might not be delivered to ISL Conference Proxy because the connection was broken too early. Now an additional call to ISL Conference Proxy is performed to ensure data is sent to ISL Conference Proxy prior to destroying the connection.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix the msg box text not being visible after Qt upgrade on macOS (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6532] More


Dialog for asking users if they would like to update ISL Light was not displayed correctly on macOS. The button was missing blue color and due to white font color the button couldn't be read. Repaint of button is performed, so button is colored blue which is now readable.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Remove unused issc_desktop executable (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6538] More


The unused issc_desktop executable file was removed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Delete ISSC daemon service binary before copying them (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6539] More


On some macOS systems ISSC Daemon failed to be installed. The issue was that macOS launch daemon caches files, but ISL Light only rewrites the content of the target binary files. The change in content was not detected by macOS thus installation did not complete correctly. Installation of ISSC Daemon was redesigned, it no longer rewrites the content, instead the file is deleted and then the binary is copied resulting in successful installation of ISSC Daemon.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Join mode handles desktop control request asynchronically (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6540] More


When operator requested control the dialog that was shown blocked network thread thus operator could receive inactive desktop streaming. Handling of request was changed, it will no longer block network thread.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix a crash in ICE direct connection when calling stop function (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6544] More


In some cases ISL Light on Linux crashed when ending session. The issue was in handling of ending of direct connection which was now redesigned. The crash should no longer occur.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Hide all symbols in libdatachannel and expose only exported symbols (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6545] More


From the internally used lidatachannel library all symbols are exported. This was changes, so now only the used symbols are exposed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v4 - Fix crash in QT when switching between computers and sessions tab (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6548] More


ISL Light application could crash when performing switch between Sessions and Computers tab. The issue was fixed by adding additional QT patches. Application should not crash anymore when performing switches between the mentioned tabs.

The defect was fixed.

Tags: remote access, remote software

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