ISL Light Desk 4.4.1823.8 and ISL Light Client 4.4.1823.8 with Desktop plugin 4.4.1823.8 for Windows (2018-06-15)


General Information

On 15th of June the following was released :

  • ISL Light Desk 4.4.1823.8 for Windows (release_date=2018-06-12, build=b81431386cae94ae50dde724fb749a94793dcb92, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.1823.8 for Windows (release_date=2018-06-12, build=b81431386cae94ae50dde724fb749a94793dcb92, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)
  • Desktop Control plugin 4.4.1823.8 for Windows (release_date=2018-06-12, build=b81431386cae94ae50dde724fb749a94793dcb92, platform=win32)

All updates have release date set to 2018-06-12. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Support file:// for custom PAC (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5042] More


In previous versions ISL LIght only allowed to specify path to web proxy PAC file via http or https protocol. ISL Light now allows users to specify web proxy PAC file via path on local drive (file:// )

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Add support for automatic key upgrade RSA 2048 (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-5035] More


In these release, flag for enabling custom RSA keys is enabled. Flags that are enabled are:

  • 2017-03-16 LIB-746 automatic key upgrade
  • 2017-03-22 LIB-746 disallow cert v1 downgrade
  • 2017-03-22 LIB-746 disallow invalid certs

So ISL Light will automatically use stronger key, it will prevent key downgrade (for instance, from 2048bit RSA key to 1024bit RSA key), and it will not allow invalid certs

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Set topmost flag on whiteboard window (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5048] More


In some cases users were unable to draw over ISL Light application and over Windows start menu. The issue was that topmost flag was set only once ( when whiteboard overlay was created ). The flag is now set on each whiteboard change so users should be now able to draw over ISL Light application and over Windows start menu.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Using hint should only help with resolving server address (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5040] More


IP address hint was provided when starting session on ISL AlwaysOn computer (download client option). This caused issues with users that use web proxy when connecting. Due to IP hint being provided instead of DNS, the web proxy blocked the connection. Providing IP hint was redesigned, hint will now be only provided on transports that do not use proxy.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Autotransport accepts 200 OK text/html by http proxy as success should reject (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-5039] More


The autotransport library which is used for creating connections accepted 200 OK text/html response ( which may include captcha, challanges, ... ) returned by the web-proxy even though it should not. The library now checks not just the status code but also the content and rejects the tunnel creation if the content is not HTML tunnel content-type.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Retry set clipboard operation (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4951] More


In some cases Windows clipboard open functionality can fail when multiple application try to open the clipboard at the same time. ISL Light now retries a few times to open the Windows clipboard, in previous versions it only tried once.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Internal feature changes (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-5053] More


The following code changes are now enabled by default:

  • 2017-04-18 LIB-765 add output to translation unique id
  • 2017-10-18 LIB-826 enable range ip matcher
  • 2017-10-23 LIB-832 fix parser order
  • 2017-12-04 LIB-846 reject remote ipc clients
  • 2017-12-28 LIB-852 expand custom_filter syntax
  • 2018-03-26 LIB-891 limit lock directory retries
  • 2018-03-26 LIB-891 check tar setup folder exists
  • 2018-05-17 LIB-914 crc32 queue files

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