ISL Light Desk 4.4.2332.30 and ISL Light Client 4.4.2332.30 for Windows (2024-02-29)


General Information

On 29th of February the following was released :

  • ISL Light Desk 4.4.2332.30 for Windows (release_date=2024-02-20, build=9b4764e89912fc7fd93d842fec1108779c919e24, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.4.2332.30 for Windows (release_date=2023-02-20 , build=9b4764e89912fc7fd93d842fec1108779c919e24, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)

All updates have release date set to 2024-02-20 . Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Increase WINVER version (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-6379] More


Internally winver was raised, so ISL Light can use APIs that are present in Windows Vista or newer.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - use new hefa registrer api instead of custom isllight v4 register api (SPECIAL) [ISLLIGHT-6485] More


New implantation of hefa based API was implemented, that is now unified with other products instead of using custom implementation in each product.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Change customization setting description for logo image aka misleading 80x80 (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-3832] More


ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client no longer have customization option written as Logo image (BMP 80x80) instead it was replaced to text without specifying dimension - Logo image (BMP).

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Switch to new hefa crash watch framework (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6371] More


ISL Light Desk and Client now use new implementation of crash framework which is used for detecting the crashes.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Switch to schan (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6385] More


Direct connections are now supported also on ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk for Windows. Direct connections allow connections through ICE servers. New command line argument was introduced which can be used to disable the direct connections functionality: --on-connect "main?direct_connection=false"

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Allow loading of ice settings from environment (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6455] More


The ice connection can now be disabled through the registry or the environment. Following options are available in registry location "HKCU\SOFTWARE\XLAB\XLAB ISL Light": 

  • ice_allow ... set to false to disable all ice connections 
  • ice_allow_host ... set to false to disable host ice connections 
  • relay: ice_allow_relay ... set to false to disable relay ice connections 
  • srflx: ice_allow_srflx ... set to false to disable srflx ice connections 
  • prflx: ice_allow_prflx ... set to false to disable prflx ice connections 
  • ice_server ... define ice server to be used

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Enable metrics (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6478] More


ISL Light Desk also sends metrics data to ISL Conference Proxy during session.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Enable direct connection (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6550] More


ISL Light now supports direct connections. When session is established a check for ICE candidates is performed. The ICE candidates are as follows: 

Host candidates: Directly accessible addresses on the device's local network interface, often the public IP address assigned by the internet service provider (ISP). 
Server-reflexive candidates: Obtained with the help of STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NATs) servers. These servers reflect UDP packets back to the device, revealing the external address and port visible to the internet. 
Relay candidates: Provided by TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) servers. TURN servers act as intermediaries, relaying data between peers that cannot establish a direct connection due to strict NATs or firewalls. 

ISL Light will then check quality of MUX transport in comparison to ICE transport. The quality is determined based on ping time. The one with lower ping time will be selected. 

Once connections are established, the original connection to ISL Conference Proxy is still required ( using MUX type of transport ), which is used for sending meta data to ISL Conference Proxy, the actual data is offloaded to direct connection if available. 

The status of the connection can be seen while viewing remote desktop ( bottom left of the window ) and users can decide if they want to disable the functionality.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Ping is supported after we receive pong packet (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6551] More


Ping implementation required for both sides to send ping, but ISL Light Client on Windows did not send ping packets only pongs. The implementation was changed, so pings are supported when pong is received.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Expose direct connection options to settings (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6552] More


Direct connection can now be enabled/disabled from command line. 

The following command line argument can be used to disable the connection: 

  • --on-connect “main?direct_connection=false” 

Additionally the following environment variable are available: 

  • ISL_ISSC.allow_ice_host 
  • ISL_ISSC.allow_ice_srflx 
  • ISL_ISSC.allow_ice_relay

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Disable direct connection with old clients (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6556] More


Remote status of direct connection is disabled until first status message is received from remote side. So when connecting with old ISL Light Client, the status of Enable direct connection will remain disabled.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Fix ice related connection issues (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6557] More


The direct connection implementation was updated.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Measure time metrics in specific scan type (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6559] More


Time in seconds the session spends with a specific connection type will be now measured and shown in histogram and sent to ISL Conference Proxy.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Manage direct connection ciphers (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6560] More


Direct connection will now force DTLSv1.2 only. Used cipher suite will be displayed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Update direct connection manager for schannel (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6563] More


Direct connection manager was reworked with following: - will be enabled/started by default - specific direct connection implementations (tcp, ice) are now allocated on demand - specific implementation packets are now cached if implementation is not available - added status that remote supports some kind of direct connection (remote_sent_ready) This enables us to enable/disable direct connection at any time. Before direct connection needed to be enable when session was established. Adding state (remote_sent_ready) enable us to distinguish if direct connections are available. Before the menu item was disabled if remote had direct connection disabled.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Recheck direct connection settings on reconnect (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6565] More


Explicit check if direct connection is enabled is now disabled. Direct connection is_allowed check is now performed when connection is established.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Move transfer bytes to another location (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6566] More


At the end of the session the following information is logged: - connected time - received bytes - sent bytes for whole session and for specific connection types (mux, ice host, ice_relay). Similar session information is also sent to ISL Conference Proxy, so session transfer numbers can be updated in ISL Conference Proxy database for the ISL Light session. The numbers are sent every minute. We send only updates (diff) to the session numbers. ISL Conference Proxy then confirms the received numbers.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Mark session seen ICE types (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6567] More


New metrics were added to ISL Light Desk. The following per session connections type metrics were added: - schan.seen.type - schan.selected.type - schan.is_direct This metrics will show if direct connection was used for the session and which transport type of the direct connection was used.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Refactor receive init channel code (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6573] More


Safe channel was refactored in order to implement support for direct connections functionality.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Switch desktop clients to new hefa crash watch framework (FEATURE) [ISLLIGHT-6574] More


In some cases if ISL Light application crashed and users were using Intel graphics card the crash report was not sent to ISL Conference Proxy. Crash handling was changed and now crash reports are sent also when users have Intel graphics card.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Start rptChannel paused (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6481] More


When doing fast reconnects, rptSafeChannel sometimes missed first connection (reconnect) message. After this event the connection is deaf. When it happens, the connection idle (ping) is detected and new connection established in 30s.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Send initial packet on reconnect (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6482] More


The implementation of the session reconnect was improved and now only one version message is sent during the reconnect.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Switch to schan connect procedure (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6553] More


Implementation of schan did not correctly handle the restart of connection and caused ISL Light Client to hang. Handling of reconnect was redesigned, application should no longer hang.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Fix schan crash when transport is abandoned (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6554] More


In some cases application could crash when a certain connection was abandoned. Handling of abandoned connection was redesigned, application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Fix schan crash when transport is abandoned (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6555] More


In some cases application could crash when a certain connection was abandoned. Handling of abandoned connection was redesigned, application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Update schan ping implementation (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6558] More


Switch from mux to new connection is now delayed until mux has ping time. Connection ping handling was moved to connection class. The schan protocol was also expanded to include flag that schan ping is supported.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Schan protection during reconnect (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6561] More


In some cases a connection issue could occur when schan connection checker was executing during autotransport connection function which caused it to reconnect. Starting of direct connection check is now only performed after autotransport is in connected state.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Call check_connections often (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6562] More


Check connections is now called often. The function checks if mux connection is established and if we need to establish it. The function also checks if we can switch to ice connection if quality is better then the currently used.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Force tele flush on session close (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6564] More


When session ends and ISL program (desk and client) sends tele metrics information to ISL Conference Proxy. The metrics are part of session end (chat transcript) message. Before metrics was only sent during live session with pacing.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Fix a crash in ICE direct connection when calling stop function (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6570] More


In some cases ISL Light on Linux crashed when ending session. The issue was in handling of ending of direct connection which was now redesigned. The crash should no longer occur.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Hide all symbols in libdatachannel and expose only exported symbols (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6571] More


From the internally used lidatachannel library all symbols are exported. This was changes, so now only the used symbols are exposed.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop v3 - End session on protocol error in schan (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-6572] More


Session was not correctly stopped if invalid reconnect was detected. Now the session is correctly stopped if it detects either invalid reconnect or protocol error. Additionally a metric was added to show why the session was stopped.

Tags: software update, remote desktop

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