ISL Light 4.1.3 for Windows (2017-01-24)


General Information

On 24th of January the following was released:

  • ISL Light Desk 4.1.3 for Windows (release_date=2017-01-23, build=bac82b82bb81c2bf7057db45be422ee3874f5527, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)
  • ISL Light Client 4.1.3 for Windows (release_date=2017-01-23, build=bac82b82bb81c2bf7057db45be422ee3874f5527, platform=win32,os_version=0x6010000-0x7fffffff)

All updates have release date set to 2017-01-23. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


ISL Light - Desktop v3 - Program will crash if session does not exist (DEFECT) [ISLLIGHT-4395] More


In some cases ISL Light Client crashed if user provided incorrect session code. Join session functionality was redesigned, the application should no longer crash.

The defect was fixed.

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