ISL Light 3.5.2 with Desktop plugin for Windows (2013-05-23)


General Information

On 23th of May we have released:

  • ISL Light Desk 3.5.2 for Windows (release_date=2013-05-17, revision=28451, platform=win32)
  • ISL Light Client 3.5.2 for Windows (release_date=2013-05-17, revision=28451, platform=win32)
  • Desktop Control plugin 1.4.4 for Windows(release_date=2013-05-17,Revision=28443,platform=win32)

All updates have release date set to 2013-05-17. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

23th of May update Hosted Service roll out: release is available to early adopters (SI,DE,GB)28th of May update Hosted Service roll out: release is available to all countries except Japan 

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


Major improvements

  • New network stack is used in ISL Light - to improve compatibility with filtering software (desktop antivirus and personal firewalls)

New features

ISL Light - Desktop - add command line switch to disable whiteboard [ISLLIGHT-419] More


Added new command line argument switch for disabling whiteboard tools. Both ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client need to have this parameter included in the command line in order to disable whiteboard tools.



Defect fixes

ISL Light - Desktop Win - string not translated [ISLLIGHT-400] More


Users may have experienced untranslated string when using black screen feature. The following string was not translated: Dialog will close in n seconds.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - crash in co_* functions during shutdown [ISLLIGHT-417] More


Users may have experienced ISL Light not properly exiting. The problem was that one of the function was blocking the program from correctly closing. Watchdog for the process then terminated the program. Function was redesigned and the program should now correctly exit.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop Windows - during shutdown viewer window can crash [ISLLIGHT-418] More


Users may have experienced ISL Light crashing when they closed either viewing of remote desktop or streaming to remote desktop. The problem was that one of the functions in Desktop plugin was blocking the program from correctly continuing thus watchdog terminating the program. Function was redesigned and the stopping of remote desktop stream or remote desktop view will not longer cause ISL Light to crash.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Dekstop Windows - open external mail has content size limit [ISLLIGHT-420] More


Server license users who changed the default template for session invitation of ISL Light may have experienced failure with opening their default mail client because of the data size limit. Procedure has been redesigned in ISL Light program, more content can now be send to the default mail client installed on the client computer.

The defect was fixed.

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