ISL Light Desktop plugin for Mac 1.3.3 (2013-08-26)


General Information

On 26th of August we have released Macintosh OS version of :

  • ISL Desktop plugin 1.3.3 for Macintosh OS (revision=29624, release_date=2013-08-23, platform=mac)

All updates have release date set to 2013-08-23. Your ESS will need to be same or higher to be able to update your server. This release is available to all countries except Japan.

Upgrading to new version

Hosted service users please check Upgrading Hosted Service.

Server license users please check Upgrading Server License.


New features

ISL Light - Desktop Mac - add support for session events [ISLLIGHT-445] More


Added support for end session events. When the command line parameters are set to stop session after stopping remote desktop, the ISL Light program will automatically close. Follow the bellow example:

desk: --on-connect "desktop?view&control=disable&events=stream_stop_close" --auto-close

client: --on-connect "desktop?show&control=disable&events=stream_stop_close" --auto-close

ISL Light - Desktop Mac - view updates [ISLLIGHT-446] More


Users are now able to scroll remote content when connecting to Windows machine. They can scroll remote content using the mouse wheel. Shortcut for entering full screen mode has also been added ( CONTROL + ESC ).

Users are also able to use fit to screen option when entering full screen mode, previously it was just the option to use 1:1 ratio.

Defect fixes

ISL Light - Desktop Mac - add support for leave background [ISLLIGHT-447] More


When connecting to a Macintosh computer, marking the check box "Leave background on remote desktop" in the options of ISL AlwaysOn connect did not work. The background was removed even with the option enabled. Procedure for leaving background on Macintosh computers has been added to the application.

The defect was fixed.

ISL Light - Desktop Mac - remote display is not visible  [ISLLIGHT-448] More


Users who connected to a Macintosh computer through ISL AlwaysOn and its display was in sleep mode could not correctly see the remote desktop. The procedure for waking up display on Macintosh has been redesigned, users should now normally see remote desktop.

The defect was fixed.

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