

The following options are available:

  • GRID enabled on server (use this option to enable or disable GRID for a specific server)
  • GRID address (view 0) on server (use this option to set the IP address for a specific server)
  • GRID view numeric ID to address mapping (ID=ADDR&...) on server
  • GRID internal address on server
  • GRID server AutoTransport address template on server 
  • GRID server datacenter
  • GRID server tags (Specify tags for each server. These tags are then used when checking for number of servers and services per tag. Server can have multiple tags (format: $TAG1$,$TAG2$))
  • GRID port (use this option to set the GRID port - default value is 7616)
  • GRID SSL certificate (use this option to specify the GRID SSL certificate)
  • GRID SSL certificate subject (use this option to specify the GRID SSL certificate subject)
  • GRID SSL certificate validity (days) (use this option to specify the GRID SSL certificate validity)
  • GRID SSL key (use this option to specify the GRID SSL key)
  • GRID SSL key bits (use this option to specify the GRID SSL key size)
  • GRID SSL protocol (Protocol can be specified using HEXCODE or HEXCODE-HEXCODE for a range. TLS 1.0 is specified as 0x0301 and TLS 1.2 as 0x0303. Unbounded version is specified as 0x10000. Please check the setting "Security > Default SSL profile" for a simpler alternative.)
  • GRID SSL cipher suite (Cipher suite can be specified using a list of HEXCODE HEXCODE. TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 is specified as 0x1302 and ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 is specified as 0xc02c. Please check the setting "Security > Default SSL profile" for a simpler alternative.)
  • GRID connect timeout (secs) (use this option to set the GRID connect timeout)
  • GRID alive timeout (secs) (use this option to set the GRID alive timeout)
  • GRID MTU limit (bytes) (use this option to set the GRID MTU limit)
  • GRID debugging bandwidth stats (use this option to enable or disable GRID debugging bandwidth stats)
  • GRID debugging bandwidth stats interval (secs) (use this option to set the interval for GRID debugging bandwidth stats)
  • GRID messages log (use this option to enable/disable the GRID messages log)
  • GRID simultaneous receives for memtables 
  • Remote buffer database log size (MB) 
  • Remote buffer database log location cache 
  • Direct tables sync blocks SWAL replay 
  • SWAL receiver is considered backlogged in seconds (What is the max delay between the SWAL and database after which the server is considered backlogged)
  • SWAL receiver backlogged penalty (Set penalty for server which is backlogged. Penalty persists until backlog is cleared)
  • Core dump on send queue size in MB 
  • Core dump on receiver queue size in MB 
  • Delay before first GRID health check (secs) (Specify delay before first GRID health check is performed after restart of server (before this delay any GRID health issues are not detected or exposed through HTTP API))
  • Minimum number of connected servers in GRID (Specify minimum number of connected servers in GRID with enabled load)
  • Minimum number of connected servers per tags (Specify minimum number of connected servers in GRID with enabled load per tag (format: $TAG$=$MIN_SERVERS$))
  • Health Check when down set log severity Critical after (in minutes) (Specify the amount of time that individual check needs to be failing for, until the logs are escalated from "warning" to "critical")

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