This menu entry includes the following options:
JWT Webhook
- Webhook URL (JWT requests will be sent to this URL, for example: POSTed request are in the following JSON format: {"jwt": ""})
- JWT private key (PEM file) (File name of the private key which will be used to sign the JWT request. The file must be uploaded to "Private" storage just like the https certificate. Symmetric algorithms or unsecured requests are not supported, so this field is mandatory)
- JWT Claims (JSON of JWT claims which will be included in each request, for example {"iss":"some_iss", "rid":"456"}. This field is not mandatory)
Webhook Events
- User Create (If this setting is set to yes, a webhook will be enabled upon a user create event)
- User Delete (If this setting is set to yes, a webhook will be enabled upon a user delete event)
- Domain Delete (If this setting is set to yes, a webhook will be enabled upon a domain delete event)
- User Undelete (If this setting is set to yes, a webhook will be enabled upon a user undelete event)
- Per-domain HTTP events (Use this option to enable or disable per-domain HTTP events - this allows you to execute different scripts for different domains.)
- Per-domain HTTP events strict error checking (Use this option to enable or disable per-domain strict error checking for HTTP events.)
- Global HTTP events (Use this option to enable or disable global HTTP events.)
- Global HTTP events server (Specify the server address where the script that handles global HTTP events resides, e.g. localhost:8080)
- Global HTTP events path (Specify the path to the script that handles global HTTP events, e.g. /isl-cp-example-events-to-sql.aspx)
- Global HTTP events strict error checking (Use this option to enable or disable strict error checking for global HTTP events)
- Global HTTP events Authorization Bearer token (When set, the Authorization header is added to HTTP event sender with value Bearer VAL, where VAL is the set setting value)
Save HTTP events into session objects (Save HTTP events into session object, set to No by default to reduce database load)
External WebAPI call timeout in seconds (Set timeout for an external WebAPI call)
- External WebAPI URL for service account/1
- Use external WebAPI for sign up (account/1)
- Use external WebAPI for notification (account/1)
- External WebAPI notification parameters ("userName": {{name}}, "userDomain": {{domain}})
- Use external WebAPI for forgot password (account/1)
Note: For more information on integration, please refer to the Integration chapter.