NTP Statistics


This menu entry provides information about last time updates for your servers.

The following columns are available:

  • Select - Checbox to select the server(s) to Force synchronization on them
  • Server - Server ID(s)
  • At - Time of last time sync
  • Sys. time offset (seconds) - Offset between the internal server clock and the underlying system clock
  • Relative change (seconds) - Offset applied each second for the internal server clock to match the time returned by NTP sync (to avoid large time jumps).
  • Synchronization type - "average" or "best effort". If enough NTP servers reply then their average time is taken as a time source. If not enough NTP servers reply, then the server with minimal difference from current clock is taken as time source and "best effort" is displayed.
  • Consecutive failed attempts - How many consecutive failed attempts for NTP sync happened. If "average" sync fails 2 consecutive times then "best effort" sync is performed.

You can select the desired server(s) and click Force synchronization to perform time synchronization using NTP as well as the the Allow large time jumps option, which changes the internal clock to the time obtained from NTP server regardless of how large the time jump is.

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, activity monitor, ntp

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