

This menu entry provides information about estimated file count, both local statistics and GRID statistics. If your local server is not connected in GRID, GRID statistics are the same as local statistics.

If your local server is connected in GRID, the GRID synchronized files table contains the total count of inconsistent files that were synchronized between servers.

Additionally this menu provides an Optimization option for Groups - clicking on Groups will open the Optimize Groups DB page. The functionality optimizes the group structure in DB and tries to fix missing information in legacy groups if possible. It will usually suffice to run it once to fix groups and improve performance.

Clicking Search Groups will perform a search of groups based on the provided criteria - you specify the domain id and optionally user id. If you only provide the domain id, it will search for users in that domain first, then search for groups for each of the domain users. If you provide both the domain id and the user id, it will search for groups for that user.

Clicking Check Groups will perform a check of the groups that match the provided criteria and show if it detected any issues due to a missing domain_id.

Clicking Update Groups will perform an update of the groups that match the provided criteria, adding the missing domain_id where needed.

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, activity monitor, database

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