ISL Online products send notifications when certain events occur. You can use these events for various purposes, e.g. save certain data to your database, respond to certain events through the XMLMSG interface etc.
ISL Light module on ISL Conference Proxy reports the folowing events through HTTP notifications:
- NEW SESSION (triggered when ISL Light Desk creates a new session - requests a session code)
- CODE (triggered when ISL Light Desk reports the session code back to ISL Conference Proxy)
- GETCODE (same as CODE)
- START (triggered when ISL Light Client connects to ISL Conference Proxy and joins the session)
- STOP (triggered when ISL Light session is finished - both ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk disconnect from the session)
- INVALID (triggered when ISL Light Desk destroys the session using the get code button again before ISL Light Client connects)
- RECONNECT (triggered when ISL Light Client or ISL Light Desk lost connection to ISL Conference Proxy and when ISL Light Client and ISL Light Desk reconnected back to the same session)
- TERMINATED (triggered when ISL Light session was terminated due to server restart)
- MESSAGE (triggered when ISL Light Client or ISL Light Desk close the end of session dialog and send the result to ISL Conference Proxy)
Each HTTP event notification consists of the following parameters:
- TIMESTAMP (event creation timestamp in unix timestamp format)
- MODULE (module name which created event - for ISL Light events it will be ISL_Light)
- EVENT (event name)
- SERVERID (GRID ID number of server who created and sent event)
- DOMAIN_ID (id of ISL domain where event originated)
ISL Light module provides the folowing fields:
- reason (description of the reason for this event, usualy provided with STOP event)
- reasonSoftwareType (what type of application caused it - desk/client)
- reasonAddress (IP address of desk/client)
- SESSIONID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of ISL Light session)
- CPUSER_ID (ISL Conference Proxy database id of user that was used by ISL Light Desk to create a session)
- CPUSER_EID (external id set for the user from ISL Conference Proxy administration or through XMLMSG cals)
- CPUSER (the whole authentication name domain name and user name of user used to authenticate through ISL Light Desk)
- CPUSER_NAME (user name that was used for authentication)
- CPUSER_DOMAIN (domain name that was used for authentication)
- CPUSER_DOMAIN_ID (ISL Confernce Proxy database id of the domain that was used for authentication)
- createdTime (timestamp when ISL Light session was created - ISL Light Desk acquired the code)
- startTime (timestamp when ISL Light session was started - ISL Light Client successfuly connected)
- totalTransferredBytes (number of bytes transferred through ISL Conference Proxy in an ISL Light session)
- totalConnectionTime (total connection time in seconds of ISL Light session)
- lastTransferredPacketTime (timestamp of the last transfer from ISL Light Client to ISL Light Desk or vice versa)
- transportReconnects (represents the number of ISL Light Desk and ISL Light Client reconnects)
- gracefulExit (session end status - did it normaly exit, i.e. both sides agreed, or was the session disconnected)
- deskVersion (version of the ISL Light Desk program)
- deskAddress (IP address of the ISL Light Desk program)
- deskAgent (Desk user agent)
- deskTransport (ISL Light Desk type of transport used to connect to ISL Conference Proxy - direct, HTTP, HTTPS)
- deskLanguage (ISL Light Desk language at connect)
- deskMACAddress (Desk MAC address)
- deskosarch (Desk device OS architecture)
- deskosnice (Desk OS version (text))
- deskosversion (Desk OS version (hex))
- deskNetworkInterfaces (ISL Light Desk network interfaces -;;)
- deskPlatform (ISL Light Desk platform - win32...)
- deskHostname (Desk device hostname)
- deskCode/ textCode (ISL Light session code shown in the ISL Light Desk program)
- clientVersion (version of the ISL Light Client program)
- clientAddress (IP address of the ISL Light Client program)
- clientAgent (Client user agent)
- clientAlias (Client device alias)
- clientHostname (Client device hostname)
- clientTransport (ISL Light Client type of transport used to connect to ISL Conference Proxy - direct, HTTP, HTTPS)
- clientLanguage (ISL Light Client language at connect)
- clientMACAddress (Client MAC address)
- clientOSarch (Client device OS architecture)
- clientOSnice (Client OS version (text))
- clientOSVersion (Client OS version (hex))
- clientNetworkInterfaces (ISL Light Client network interfaces -;;)
- clientPlatform (ISL Light Client platform - win32...)
- domain_name (Session domain name)
- event_count (Count of times event occurs)
- external_id (External session ID)
- multiid (Multisession ID)
- rsess_same_seq (Counter of restarts of session)
- startedfrommodule (Desk module type)