

This section will provide a few examples to give you some usage ideas and get you started. It assumes that you use the Command Prompt method; for other methods please modify the commands accordingly as described in the topic: How to use them


Start ISL Light, automatically obtain a session code using username demo and password demo:

ISL_Light.exe --get-code --username demo --password demo

Start ISL Light, automatically obtain a session code using username demo and password demo. When client connects to the session automatically request to view their screen and switch the stream into high quality mode :

ISL_Light.exe --get-code --username demo --password demo --on-connect "desktop?view&color=64k"


Start ISL Light and log in using username demo and password demo. Remove the sessions tab from ISL Light. Then search for all the available computers in the Computers tab, for the ones that contain "tom" in their name, group or tag. If only one result is returned, try to connect to that computer using the access password: pass123:

ISL_Light.exe --username demo --password demo --on-load "customization?disable_sessions=true" --connect-search tom --computer-password pass123

Start ISL Light and use it as a client to connect to session with the session code: 12345678. When you connect to the session automatically start the video call with the operator:

ISL_Light.exe --connect 12345678 --on-connect "video?stream"

For the full list of options please refer to the following two topics:

Tags: customization, advanced customization, command line arguments, cmd, arguments, examples

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