Load balancing


This menu entry allows you to change the load balancing settings.

Note: Various load factor, load power and boost options can be used to control load balancing - you can perform a test run using the interface at the bottom of the Service settings page.

The following tabs are available on this page:

  • Overview
  • Service settings
  • Geolocation
  • Global IP boost
  • Country boost


You are presented with a list of services and their status, with a column for each of the servers that are connected to your GRID.

Services master switch

You can select on per-server basis if services on that server are enabled.

Note: Health Check API was added to ISL Conference Proxy servers located at [server_address]/health/server/enabled. If the services are enabled on that server (load on) then API will respond with http code 200. If services are disabled for that server (load off) then API will respond with http code 500. If you use ISL Conference Proxy behind a reverse proxy then the reverse proxy can use this API to check if a particular server is available.

Service settings

You can choose the Service type from the list at the top and then you can change the following options for the selected service type:

  • Service is available (enable or disable currently selected service type for the whole GRID or for a specific server through local override)
  • Custom DNS name mappings (use this option to assign custom DNS mappings)
Note: In the settings below you can specify custom factors and boosts for giving priority to certain servers in GRID. Factors are used in Load Balancing calculations to determine the best server to handle the connection.
  • CPU load factor 
  • CPU load power 
  • Custom user load factor 
  • Static boost 
  • Distance (km) penalty factor 
  • Disconnects penalty factor 
  • Same datacenter static boost 
  • Same country static boost 
  • Packet generator time factor 
  • Packet generator time power 
  • IP boost on server -1 (per-server boost (all servers in GRID are listed))
  • Country boost on server -1 (per-server boost (all servers in GRID are listed))
  • Minimum number of servers providing service in GRID (Specify minimum number of connected servers that provide given service in GRID)
  • Minimum number of servers providing service per tags (Specify minimum number of connected servers that provide given service per tag (format: $TAG$=$MIN_SERVERS$) )

You can then perform a test run using the interface at the bottom - enter the IP address and click Run to start it.


You can set the following options:

  • Reconnect client when moves at least (in km) ()
  • Reconnect client when in different country ()
  • Manual geolocation on server -1 (Manually specify location of selected server)

Global IP boost

You are presented with short instructions and an option to change global IP boost.

Country boost

You are presented with short instructions and an option to change global country boost.

Tags: isl conference proxy, settings, configuration, grid

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