

There are multiple settings available to you while using ISL Groop. All of them can be accessed by pressing the "Menu" button in the top row of the application.


Before you log in with your ISL Online account, you have the following options available:

  • Nickname - Name displayed to other participants next to your picture
  • Remember login - Do you want the application to remember your login credentials for faster login in the future
  • ISL Server - Server name / address used to handle ISL Groop connection, default value is Change this to your server name / address if you are using ISL Conference proxy.
  • Port - port used to establish connection, default port is 7615
  • Language - Set language used in the user interface of ISL Groop 
  • Flags - Flags allow to turn different features on and off. New features are deployed in this manner so that a feature can be turned off if a problem is encountered while ISL Groop continues to work normally. Do not change any of the flags unless instructed otherwise by our supporter. Any changes might cause security issues or loss of functionality.

Once you are logged in you can only access Nickname and Language options trough the "Menu" button as the connection to the server has already been established. To change the servers settings, you will need to log out first, by pressing the "Menu" button and selecting the Log Out option.



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