Querying computer list


Information about ISL AlwaysOn Computers can also be obtained through XMLMSG interface - it offers same functionality as default web pages served by ISL AlwaysOn module on Conference Proxy.

Querying ISL AlwaysOn computer list is supported on ISL Conference Proxy 3.2.5 or newer with ISL AlwaysOn module 1.2.1dev1 or newer.

Note: Replace dbsecret in the examples below with the appropriate database secret.

Query user id

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user address="" username="tester" password="123"/>

Note: Replace with requesting client's IP address.

Returned is user information (direct user ID in database and user tags). Returned user ID can be used in subsequent queries. Error is returned if invalid username and/or password is specified. 

Setting valid user tags

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user id="s-1_0_2">

Query latest used computers (equal to first page)

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user username="tester" password="123"/>

Query computers through search (equal to search page)

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user id="s-1_0_2"/>
<prop name="search_form">true</prop>
<prop name="aonlist_count">2</prop>
<prop name="search_desc"></prop>
<prop name="search_tag"></prop>

Search parameters can be obtained by studying URL location of default ISL AlwaysOn search page. Pass relevant search parameters in cgi/prop elements.

Query stored icon for connection

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user id="s-1_0_2"/>
<icon id="1c16f2709fad49767510362e7340a4555038b4aa0012b9729fe58a0997644a34d9a4d083ced0595490e19d65d06de59cc8d9980010d15a6448c0ffe84e0916340181"/>

Query ISL AlwaysOn history (equal to history page)

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user id="s-1_0_2"/>
<prop name="search_computer">*MUX</prop>

To specify range use following fields:

  • session_after_date_year=2009
  • session_after_date_month=3
  • session_after_date_day=22
  • session_after_time_hour=0
  • session_after_time_minute=0
  • session_before_date_year=2009
  • session_before_date_month=3
  • session_before_date_day=23
  • session_before_time_hour=0
  • session_before_time_minute=0

Search parameters can be obtained by studying URL location of default ISL AlwaysOn history page. Pass relevant search parameters in cgi/prop elements. 

Delete ISL AlwaysOn computer

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user id="s-1_0_2"/>
<delete co_id="234523452345234523452345">

To update ISL AlwaysOn computer options

<module secret="dbsecret" name="ISL_ALWAYSON">
<user id="s-1_0_2"/>
<options co_id="234523452345234523452345">
<description>test computer</description>

Element icon must be base64 encoded content of PNG  file that will be displayed in web page.

Show a list of offline ISL AlwaysOn computers

This example includes a perl script that shows a list of offline computers for a specific user - the output looks like this: Work Home

(the first column represents the IP address, the second column represents the computer description) 


Having fulfilled those prerequisites, please follow these steps:

  1. Download example_aon_offline.zip and extract aon_offline.pl to the desired location.

Note: To view the source of aon_offline.pl, click here.

  1. Change the parameters in the script with the correct values for your case (i.e. $dbsecret, $user, $pwd, $server).
  2. Go to the directory where you extracted aon_offline.pl, open the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux), then run the script by typing perl aon_offline.pl and it will show a list of offline computers.

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